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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7136705 No.7136705 [Reply] [Original]

Even the wojacks are gone
Am I going to see the headline
"500 000 neets around the world committed suicide"
All that's left here are a few marines and an endless sea of teenagers and pajeets
Is /biz/ dead?

>> No.7136793

Of course not, we just need something else to spark the market and then they'll come rushing back, like they always do.
The question you should be asking is, what is going to spark it?

>> No.7136835

chinkys coming back in

>> No.7136855

The only people left are Pajeets and shillers pretending the market is going to recover.

>BTC below 10k RIGHT NOW and everyone is pretending things are fine

Never forget that when the crash comes listening to /biz/ will throw you under a bus and stamp out anyone telling the truth.

>> No.7136895


>> No.7136896

Don‘t forget the comfy people in the discord group, smiling about /biz/es poorfags.
https://discord gg/PpD28R4

>> No.7136971

>500,000 ironhanded holders became mutimillionairs this year after wading through the January blood bath.

>> No.7137043

there's no money in it anymore. it's just faggots selling to other faggots while whales daytrade with their massive influence and everyone else comes out worse.

it's over mate. cash out, fill out a tax form and leave it behind with your old skateboard and guitar you never learned to play.