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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 2000x1000, raiblocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7134227 No.7134227 [Reply] [Original]

Just thinking about how many reddit fags lost money in BitGrail's exit scam makes me jizz

>> No.7134261

Just bought 20k BZC, who cares, maybe it'll get to the normies.

>> No.7134264

hahaahah redditors lost money

jesus your life must be sad anon. Get out from the basement.

>> No.7134288

LOL you must have lost money too. Thats what you get for holding /theircoin/. Kys.

>> No.7134297

>4Chan vs Reddit guys.

You're cancer to crypto. Fuck you.

>> No.7134303


>> No.7134318

Ooohh railblocks is so fast the transactions are instant anon...... LMAO if its so fucking fast why cant you withdraw?

>> No.7134423

Dear Plebbit niggers,
You need to go back, now

Your sincerely,

>> No.7134447

Raijeets got gox'd
Silly poos when will they learn

>> No.7134590

They are holding my XRB hostage unless I sell it. Fucking hell this must be illegal

>> No.7134723

Hey man if you had only invested your XRB into doge you wouldn't be in this situation

>> No.7134747

Now, Bitgrail is a dedicated XRB exchange & the vast majority of the assets on Bitgrail are in Raiblocks. According to the exchange wallet he has around 6 million XRB, with over half of that likely being from non-EU users, there is not even close to enough BTC on the exchange to pay for all the XRB at market price.

So this begs the question, why wouldn't he just allow people to withdraw in XRB? It would be by far the easiest option. The only explanations are:

1) He's forcing BTC withdraws so he can sell his BTC for a massive premium & buy up tons of XRB cheap right before the Binance listing. Making millions. (by far the most likely explanation.)

2) He wants to force one last trade to make money on trade fees & BTC withdrawal fees (XRB withdrawal is free).

3) He wants to skim BTC off of people who had their accounts forcefully liquidated into BTC (since he can choose whatever price he wants for your XRB).

tldr; bomber knows XRB will moon so he wants to get as much as of it as possible.

>> No.7134776

Yes goy keep buying up the things 3rd world pajeets solved captchas for at a high premium you fucking idiot

>> No.7134866

Only thing is he's allowing it, the whole thing exploded badly cause he can't fkin write in English.

>> No.7134910

he's got a serious victim complex. Also, he's not allowing shit.

I'm stuck in a verification limbo and all the people I've heard that got verified are COINCIDENTALLY the ones who sold their XRB for BTC.

>> No.7135131
File: 43 KB, 562x676, laugh at the retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup I knew XRB was a scam from the beginning. It went 100x and people thought that was legit? They deserve it. Gives me a hard on

>> No.7135160

several early BTC exchanges were scams, did not mean BTC was a scam coin
also Bomber is not a scammer, just bad at both business and English

>> No.7135327

Go off yourself autistic niglet and learn to fucking read