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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7133811 No.7133811 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck my life. I bought in big time yesterday expecting a HUGE bounce, but now it looks like it'll continue to fall even more...

Should I just cut my losses now or wait it out?

>> No.7133820

sell it all

>> No.7133827

no one knows

>> No.7133851


>> No.7133852

Please cut your loss and leave, you will never make it in this game, it will eat you alive

>> No.7134174

If you buy in expecting to make a "big bounce" in a day, you're gambling. Go to a casino. At least they have cheap/free drinks for you to down when you lose your money.

>> No.7135105

Don't sell, buy more and more

>> No.7135142

wait a few months

>> No.7135150
File: 61 KB, 640x413, DD43BBF7-A4F8-4189-8B42-E33CE185937D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy CND. Wait five days.

>> No.7135188
File: 215 KB, 314x367, Fed up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying in on the downward slope of a dip
You retard, just keep watching till it turns around and starts going up again then buy before it has a chance to get too high

>> No.7135206

my ETH bags seems fine

>> No.7135214


>> No.7135247

Cut it. You were wrong.
Don’t wait out for a reversal that may or may not happen. The trend is moving adverse to your position.

>> No.7135304

This. no one knows otherwise would be risk free

>> No.7135472

What’s big time to you OP?

>> No.7135505

This is punishment for being terrible at trading.. Now sit in crypto jail and wait for it the turn positive

>> No.7135681

That's nothing.

I made thousands of dollars last year, sold and reentered the market in the end of december like a retard, lost a shitton of money panicselling and rebuying in january. Now if the market crashes i will not be able to pay taxes in may. I am also disabled and unable to get a job and get money that way. Your stress is nothing compared to mine.

>> No.7135769

Cut ur losse anon, get dat money back as long as you can

>> No.7135857

If it hits 10,400 next stop could briefly be 10,800. Keep an eye on the chart

>> No.7135908

newfag detected.

cut your losses, drive the price down for another dip!

>> No.7136260

Sell and then average in instead of going all in

>> No.7136291

There is absolutely no way BTC won't reach, at least, 15k again.

>> No.7136345

nog i bought in $80k worth at BTC 16k. everyday gets closer to sudoku.

>> No.7136491
File: 155 KB, 796x641, 6852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty busy on gaydax

>> No.7136503


>> No.7136519


>There is absolutely no way BTC won't reach, at least, 15k again.

in two or three years from now - sure, why not.

>> No.7136527


> muh disabled meme

Are you living off betabux?

>> No.7136528
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>> No.7136694

>depending on crypto

>> No.7136763


>> No.7136851

This. It's all about risk management. In the crypto game, dont forget to bring your balls

>> No.7136921

Used to live on savings, now on crypto, soon on nothing and i'll die.

>> No.7137367

gg wp

>> No.7137394

Not true...my Uncle Hyman knows but he aint telling us

>> No.7137416

Sell everything, crypto's dead I'm glad for all the friends I met but it's time to move on and abandon it.

>> No.7137463

Fucking burgers with their fatty weak hands. The only thing they can fucking hold onto is tubs of lard.

>> No.7137498
File: 47 KB, 1800x1800, toto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude buy into iExec, big announcements today + the entire of next week tomorrow. Looking at x 4 gains minimum and an easy x 10000 coin for 2018