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7132236 No.7132236 [Reply] [Original]

/Biz related.

Just want all your pajeet opinions on this.

To excel in business, is watching porn and jerking off a habit you should kick? Do you guys watch porn and jerk off? How hot is your gf or wife? 0-10 (0 being non existent How much do you make a month on average? (Discounting crypto)

I stopped jerking off and watching all throughout last year and it was my most effective year. I started to watch porn and jerk off starting december last year because my and so far the two month has been quite lacklustre (work, sex, general motivation).

Im 26, make 9k a month (I live in NY), my gf is a 8/10 (met her 4 months into the no porn phase)

Serious answers please.

>> No.7132556

Doesnt your own experience speak for itself?

>> No.7132572

Short answer: Yes
Long answer: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

>> No.7132583

Just want to know what /biz/ thinks of this

>> No.7132598

Sometimes you gotta sate the urge to nut so you can get back to being productive.

>> No.7132615

Any rationale as to why this is? I‘m jerking off daily for years, so I‘m biased as fuck, but why would it affect my everyday life?

>> No.7132620

>my gf is a 8/10
doesn't work like that.
post pics of gf and let /biz/ come to a consensus

>> No.7132628

Ofcourse it's bad for you, worse again is a cam whore addiction.
Get out while you can anon
t.porn addict

>> No.7132629


I dunno what it's like for you, but I feel like porn is bad for me.

I'm single, 25 and trying to kick it

>> No.7132631

The urge to watch porn dissipates after a couple weeks. Like, 0 interest in doing so.

>> No.7132634

yes dumbass. Spend your time watching the graphs and trends. Its much more orgasmic desu

>> No.7132652

Now that I'm back in it however, I have this overwhelming urge to do so everyday

>> No.7132687

You don't need porn to nut. The urges ultimately depend on your libido which is genetically conferred.

>> No.7132692

Exactly. Sex and porn are like drugs. Which means everything in MODERATION. People who cuck themselves of simply masturbating and pathetic faggots that jerk off 50 times everyday are both retarded.

>> No.7132705


i stopped 4 days, feel kinda good

>> No.7132917

I never watch porn when I jerk off like once a week and I feel pretty good. Porn is a shitty addiction.

>> No.7132933

Yes, it's bad for you, and that's why it is free and readily available. Sexuality has been exploitable by humans since we've existed.

>> No.7133026

I wonder if it'd help. Only thing I can think of is it's one less stimulating thing to distract us for what we can or otherwise should be doing.

I find I can approach women differently when porning it up versus not.

>> No.7133106

You are young and horny. Its ok to jerk off, some of us have tons of libido especially at your age. Masturbation increases perfusion in your genitals. My current woman is 7/10, my ex was 8/10 but I was also jerking off sometimes. Everything in moderation is fine. Its also ok to have a fetish.

PhD, 35 y old, 22 years experience in jerking off.

>> No.7133144

I'm 37 y-o and have had sex with well over 500 women, ama

>> No.7133195

I'm 26 and I've probably had sex with over 50. Casual hook ups gets quite stale though. I'm not a fan of it anymore. Call me a bitch, but I feel sex becomes better as you know each other. Her vagina even changes to suit your dick. Although it helps if the chemistry is there from day 1

>> No.7133209

how the fuck do you guys get past square 1? when you meet a girl what do you do?

>> No.7133230

How old are you? and what is "square 1"?

>> No.7133256

Well.. I'm addicted mostly to.. everything. no jokes. if i do something i go full retard. right now im doing psychotherapy 1on1 from like a 6 months now. making decent progress.

I've quit drinking 6 years ago (and just after ive done it my ex-whore left me, so i went on erasmus program (still not drinking) and later on ive traveled the world all around for a 1,5). still not drinking since 2012.

Ive quit smoking weed and any drugz as i got serious fear/anxiety attack - was thinking about jumping from o building that fucked up it was. drinking alcohol only made it x2-3 worse. not smoking since 2011

Last struggle i have is porn and coffee. coffee is like amphetamine to me. i drink 4-5 coffees a day.

I find porn most destructive one.. and the hardest to quit. yet since 01.01.2018 i've been doing well. didnt watch a single shot of porn. thanks to a girl ive recently met. she is fuckin awsome and i totaly have no ned to fap. but she went back to australia and im not sure how it will work out. we were thinking about going to NZ together, grab some money and travel around the world and come back to Poland.. we will see.

>> No.7133269

also quit smoking.

>> No.7133304

Lol, no. You need leverage over skanks so that they can't take advantage of you. If you have no interest in fucking them because of porn women can't be used to influence your decision making.

>> No.7133310

What I learned throughout college was that you can't play a nice guy that plays coy all the time. You have to let the girl know that you are into her no matter what. Whether you let her know in a subtle manner or otherwise, every guy has their own way of "getting past square 1". I'm quite subtle about it, but usually a 1-on-1 meal or drinks conveys this enough. Alcohol helps greatly.

>> No.7133339

This sounds alot like what a /theredpill neck beard would say, but there is ALOT of truth in this. I've been calling out my gf alot more on bullshit since I've started jerking off to porn again. I'm not exactly sure if this is actually a good thing though. Ignorance is bliss no?

>> No.7133341

1. make her laugh. srsly. during my travels ive met a girl who basicly made me smilling fuckin a lot. she was in love with entire humanity. i know how much gay it sounds to /biz/ but ive always been an open person but she made me smile to fuckin everyone and it helps a lot.

also go to gym. athletic posture is truly a fuckin haxxx. ive been training since 4 months and my confidence is smoothly going to the moon. helps a lot with porn addiction once u find antoher source of pleasure

>> No.7133352

cigs and weed are my major addictions.

Used to be a 3/4 pack a day smoker and now I've got it down to 1-2 a day before bed. Been stuck like that for the past 2 years though. Weed I can quit easily but I always come back to it. Porn is the same

>> No.7133372

working out was the number one help for me to kick porn out of my life last year. It also built up ALOT of good habits on top of it. Go lift anon. The ice cream work out is a fantastic start.

>> No.7133375
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Females distract from gains

>> No.7133408

go read Allen carr - easy way to quit smoking. not only for smoking problem. this guy truly solved addiction issue. it changed my life. im not LARPing with this all around the world travel. it was my fuckin biggest dream and it came true just after ive changed my mindset and quit drinking.
Allen carr logically explain basics of addiction: how it works, why u started, why u continue, why u cant stop and how to stop. no religious faggotry, clean logic.

>> No.7133467

drinking is one thing I will never stop doing no matter what haha. It's the greatest social lubricant out there, life is kind of stale without it. Of course you can find other means of socializing and having fun, but that one drunk night dancing around a bonfire on a beach in hawaii hitting it off with a fellow traveler are the nights you really won't forget. though a bit cliche

>> No.7133473

Interesting. I'll have to give it a look anon. Cheers for the advice

>> No.7133488

also would recommend as a second book to read after carr: https://www.amazon.com/Willpower-Instinct-Self-Control-Works-Matters/dp/1583335080

>> No.7133508

cheers for the book reco. too though. Just ordered it.

>> No.7133540

Alcohol has to be my least favorite substance. If its social energy that I'm after, there is no better drug than MDMA. The only downside is I have to wait 1-3 months before having another night on it. More than that and my brain is too chemically imbalanced to function for weeks.

>> No.7133592

Don't live in a frat house anymore so have 0 constant access to illegal narcotics anymore lol. Did some moon rocks last year and it was amazing.

>> No.7133612

Alcohol has a HUGE benefit of being socially acceptable. Even MDMA becomes legalized this year, it would probably take another 5+ years to kick the social stigma.

>> No.7133625

well i totally understand ur point of view yet.. u've never been on the other side of the force ;)
U say dancing within the moon on Hawaiian beaches full of sexy women's.. I did it on Kho-phi-phi island in Thailand. and the very next day i woke up early in the morning and walked and scuba dived all the island around while u hangovers where throwing out in the bathroom ;))
imho there is nothing more liberating than sober dancing. When i was drinking i had to drink couple of beers to fell free to dance.
Now, once i hear the good music (love to rage to prodigy, RATM, good drumnbase..) i go full retard and i dont give a fuck about anything else.
also now flirting with girls is different. 1. u avoid ugly bitches. once u r sober ur bitch-radar is always on and u avoid fuckin fat rats. 2. when u know u want it u enjoy every second of the flirt to the very first kiss which once u r sober tastes like a god's ambrosia

>> No.7133663
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Yes, porn is bad for you, there are scientific studies that prove the harmful effects of porn addiction. This is not up for debate, just mass denial going on:

>> No.7133700

true story. helped me a lot

>> No.7133733

Honestly, I love MDMA, but there is no way I can see it being used by the masses in a legal and safe way. Doing it once a weekend for 6 months would be enough to drain the average person of all their serotonin making them morbidly depressed and utterly cooked.

It feels great but its effects are way too heavy for a legal status.

>> No.7133763
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>To excel in business, is watching porn and jerking off a habit you should kick? Do you guys watch porn and jerk off?
I have been porn-free for about 3-4 years now. This is doable, but rebooting takes time, patience, and discipline, and you only need to do it once if you reboot successfully. You can do it, no excuse. However you need to be realistic in that simply quitting porn addiction won't make you a superman by default. Do you think an alcoholic becoming sober automatically gives him superhuman abilities? No, but it simply opens up the potential.

>my gf is a 8/10 (met her 4 months into the no porn phase)
I struggled with getting a girlfriend literally all my life. After I was porn/masturbation-free I managed to snag a girlfriend. I don't think this is coincidence. I think about the lost opportunities I had when I was younger all my young adult life, but what can you do except move on. Like we all could've gone into Bitcoins when it was $1.

>> No.7133786

Harmful is subjective, not very objective for a science study.

>> No.7133832
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Whether porn addiction is harmful or not according to your definition is up to you, but men have a right to know the realities of porn addiction and make an informative decision for themselves.

>> No.7133865

Just want to chime in that as an ugly guy (ie not a Chad) it doesn't matter if you jerk off 10 times a day or torture yourself with nofap for years, girls will never want you

>> No.7133907

I'll assume you're the average biztard with no experience;

To start off with, make sure the girls you talk to know you have a dick. Drop innuendo here and there, etc.

Also, don't change your strategy completely if it doesn't work. Humans are smart creatures, we (should) catch social cues relatively quick. If you do something and it ellicits bad reactions from multiple women, you should probably stop doing that with those types of women.

Also, unlike what retards think, not all women are the same. In fact, women are generally more unique than men.

>> No.7133920
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>> No.7133927
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The objective of quitting porn is to not get a girlfriend, it's simply to quit porn addiction and open up the opportunity to improve your life. Porn addiction cuts across the spectrum, for example, I knew of an athlete swimmer who admitted he could've gone into the Olympics had it not been for his porn and masturbation addiction.

>> No.7133929

KYS. 100% untrue. I know uglier guys that have fucked triple digits.

>> No.7133968

>In fact, women are generally more unique than men.

Scientifically wrong. Why do you think the IQ distribution for men is so big (we have both retards and geniuses while women are usually more in the middle)
Women literally have to do nothing but carry the baby. There's much less selection pressure on their genes

>> No.7134009

Nice blog

>> No.7134020

>IQ distribution for men is so big
>IQ distribution
>more unique

KEK. You must be quite unliked by many.

>> No.7134049

Statistics don't affect your life personally. Treating every woman the same does.

You will see from experience that women react very differently based on how they perceive society, and how they were raised. For example, the simple act of moving a girl a meter away to be out of sight from her friends when making out may make the difference in whether you end up smashing her or not.

If you want to get good with women, you have to know or learn this. Some girls will think it's extremely alpha to make out with them in front of their friends and some will feel embarrassed.

Super tired. Hope you understand the point I'm making.

>> No.7134057

yeah everyone has these anecdotes that ugly guys can slay yet they're near virgins themselves and are hoping crypto will save them

>> No.7134078

>porn addiction
What does that even mean? To spend 5 minutes a day on fapping is not "addiction".

>> No.7134088

Wrong. I lost my virginity about a year ago and I'm lower-mid double digits now.

Got into crypto just a few months ago. I don't even talk to women about money. They usually only find out I'm "wealthy" after I've already fucked them.

>> No.7134093


i tried to bang this girl on nofap, nearly a week in.

couldn't get my dick up. i've been anxious lately but nofap ruined what would've been an awesome relationship bro.

i'm fuckign done with it. idk. im confused rn. i wanna fap but i dont. i want to be able to fuck like a normal person and not go through ups and downs

>> No.7134101

Lol, do people need a scientific study to know if it harmful or not? Just stop watching porn and see if your life is better. It wasn't for me, it was worse. Other people can do what they want, tho, idc.

>> No.7134111

bro havent youu seen wolf of wall street haha lmao

>> No.7134159

"Porn addiction" is an oxymoron, just like "nose-picking addiction" or "farting addiction"

>> No.7134173

these minor logistical things will increase your kill count but it won't make you more attractive, and women are attracted to literally the same good looking tall chad every time. Any personality differences they will rationalize later

Your PUA 1.0 stuff is even less relative now that literally everything is done through tinder and girls just swipe the hot guys and meet to fuck, no autistic tactics or gaming required

>> No.7134238
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This guy fucks.

>> No.7134253

If you're speaking in terms of success, no, countless successful people were later found out to have massive porn collections after their deaths. If not spanking the monkey makes your a more productive person, however, then more power to you.

>> No.7134279

Ok you're a lost cause.
Calling it PUA tactics when it's literally simply understanding the way women think.

And by the way, thinking you can undo 200,000 years of history with a phone app is fucking retarded. Tinder is full of losers on both sides. Many stunning girls I've slept with have shown me their Tinders after we fucked and its an absolute cringefest. Chad's have no game whatsoever. I've been on dates where girls told me "you know what I didn't expect to like you at first but there's something really attractive about you"

While you are right, women do rationalize things, its simply wrong to tell people not to go out and have fun filled life. "Oh that's only for Chad's" absolutely untrue.

You must be from Canada.

>> No.7134381

yes 200k years of evolution. What do you think that means? Genes. Like you like pretty girls because they have good genes. You're the one saying you can fool evolution by learning this one weird trick blah blah.
And since women have 1 womb and not millions of sperm they have to be picky. So they're gonna pick Chad (whereas Chad can and will fuck fatties and uglies if he's horny). Look up hypergamy. It's also another falacy that good looking guys will have worse game or experience considering the practice they've had and the fact that when you're good looking, everything you do and say is awesome

>> No.7134393


>eating breakfast is an addiction

ok m8 whatever u say

>> No.7134407

I suspect that Americans with their jewified dicks feel more guilt when masturbating than normal people because they actually have to apply some kind of lubricant (which is not needed for normal people)

>> No.7134458

There is no "one weird trick"—networking and being able to expand socially has always been more important than good looks. Intelligence is by far a better genetic trait than good looks.

Why do you think the Chief of the tribe fucked all the women in the tribe? Because he had good genetics? Hell no.

And yes I do like pretty girls. But girls I choose to stick my dick in Vs girls I want to have many children with are two different things.

I see where you are coming from. You seem fairly open minded so I'll recommend two books to you:
- Sperm Wars
- Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters

>> No.7134462


>implying chads live long enough to raise that child with those sluts

lol u live in a sad hole thats 0.001% of reality

>> No.7134486

I see people write this all of the time, but I doubt you could stop for a whole year

>> No.7134520

Maybe, but what's the point? What's the benefit? It's like a biological need anyway. You're still not "addicted" as long as you don't spend hours watching porn films.

>> No.7134593

you're just proving my point
sexy son hypothesis = women want good looking guys because if they have a son he will be good looking and pass his genes on. Whereas it literally doesn't matter what women look like cause someone will always fuck them

>> No.7134733

I'm definitely not proving your point, in fact you've taken it and reversed it.

The sexy son hypothesis is just that: a hypothesis. There are actual studies done (which you can find if you read the books) that suggest left brained couples are much more likely to produce boys and traditionally good looking couples are much more likely to produce girls.

It's been a good talk. I'm going to sleep now. I enjoy talking to, dancing with, kissing, fucking women and have no reason to stop because I'm "not a Chad". Other anons should pursue this as well. We're here to help each other.

You can't help your genetics, but everything else is actionable. Remember, you only live once.

>> No.7134848

yeah of course yolo. Unfortunately getting turned down and embarrassed over and over leads to suicide. Why do you think normies have to get shitfaced to even think about hitting on strange girls and even then they pussy out and talk to their bros the whole night or act like retards on the dance floor

>> No.7134858

Basically this.

>> No.7135127

stop posting this retarded picture on /biz/ constantly, idiot.
this picture doesnt show shit, simply because its comparing different things: the first one is a scan of your brain with no activity (basically you staring at a wall), the second one is your brain on heroin (who couldve guessed that stimulants fucking stimulate your brain?) and the third one is your brain while watching porn. it simply shows that your brain is being stimulated, you would get basically the same picture if you would show fucking dora the explorer.

>> No.7135252

But bro the dopamines n shit, it’s worse than meth!!!

>> No.7135295



>> No.7135314

i get that youre not serious, but this retard is. youll get a shot of dopamines by taking a fucking cold shower, or after a good workout. i guess im addicted to cold showers, thats why my shitfolio is down 50% from ath.

>> No.7135349

>cam whore addiction.
What is this. How is this possible

>> No.7135428

Its normal because monkeys do it.