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7127749 No.7127749 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else still holding this like an idiot baby in denial?

I am!

>> No.7128541


Went all in at 1.00 hold me /biz/

>> No.7128597

I just keep buying. How to fall out of love with the memes?

>> No.7128871


>> No.7129285


I have a buddy who bought about 8,000 NEO under $2 (he has yet to sell BTW). This dude taught me the ropes about holding with iron hands. Honestly, I don't even care about the current prices of anything in my port. I don't bother trying to swing trade or move my positions around. I've seen first hand a crypto millionaire be made in front of my eyes. I told this motherfucker he was nuts for not selling NEO just under $5, again at $10. When NEO hit $30 I thought for sure he had dumped everything he had by then... he didn't.

He's smart to have been holding NEO for the GAS too and I know comparing LINK to NEO is apples and oranges. However, every coin I bought last year, I sold too early or panic sold at a loss. LINK has been the one coin I've held onto through a bull run and to be honest, I respect my iron hands more than ever. I only have 20k LINK but i'm not fucking selling for a long time.

>> No.7129337

Only got 1k atm picking up another 1k later today.

>> No.7129389

i`m all in to the end

>> No.7129422

I think I will buy 10k in a few days, hope it doesn‘t go up atm. Everybody who is not thinking link will be 5$ with Mainnet and 10$ is just an idiot

>> No.7129446

10$ eoy

>> No.7129459

Why are dumb fucks buying into Chainlink?

Everything is down 10-20% today, yet you felt compelled to create a LINK-specific thread.

Either this is pure FUD and you don't own any LINK or you're just a retard that doesn't understand what kind of project hd bought into.

>> No.7129536

Double Dups confirm

>> No.7129729

bought another 2k today. about halfway to my goal of 15k. feeling comfy desu

>> No.7129822

I'm unironically considering putting 5k on this shitcoin because of biz-induced classical conditioning.

Is something wrong with me?

>> No.7130039

bought 1200 just now for the memes. check on you guys end of Feb

>> No.7130609

70k in. it either succeeds or it fails totally. no middle ground

>> No.7131026

link will be finee
jump off for a bit though
it won't moon anytime soon
get some ary and then credits

>> No.7131051

5k links here. If I had only waited for 2 weeks before buying I would have 10k now.

>> No.7131078

It was 3usd yesterday so I don't know what you are talking about, also no one is selling their link, there's literally no sell orders on Binance.

>> No.7131118
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I'm proud
You are going to make it anon

>> No.7131163

Fuck man, I also sold NEO too early. Not gonna make that mistake again.

>> No.7131164

ian balina dumped his bags. the smart money is going to tron buddy..

>> No.7131625

LINK is the only pajeet coin that is not considered a pajeet coin by biz. They breached our lines with this one

>> No.7132244

Good on you my man. I'm in the same boat.

>> No.7132789

That's not true.

Adoption by the bank industry would be nice of course, but in the long run smart contracts could even render the banks largely obsolete.
So even if not a single bank adopts it, it can still grow from the ground up and change the world as we know it.
That's because smart contracts are essentially peer-to-peer contract systems that cut out middlemen like notaries, attorneys, government institutions, and eventually banks, insurance companies, ...

>> No.7132923

>only $10 EOY
Try $500

>> No.7133137

I unironically market dumped my stack of LINK yesterday and put it all into Mobius. I'm sorry but the lack of updates, developments, communication and quite frankly the tasteless overshilling of LINK around these parts has ruined my enthusiasm for it. I don't really think Sergey has his heart in Chainlink anymore. Something changed along the way, I can feel his enthusiasm for it waning similarly to how he just up and left NXT like a thief in the night. He probably had a great time raising millions of dollars with the ICO and being a famous celebrity on biz, and I'm happy for him, I really am, but he lost his hunger for success along the way and it got replaced by hunger for Big Macs. The Bitcoin superconference will likely be a total shitshow. I've no doubt the price will dump within minutes of Sergey staggering off stage after another boring regurgitated speech where he doesn't even mention Chainlink. I really enjoyed holding LINK, it was a pretty cool bag to carry for a while, but Mobius is definitely the new wave of oracle tech and has all the momentum now. I can't let it pass me by.

>> No.7133150

>smart money

>> No.7133157
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