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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7126587 No.7126587 [Reply] [Original]

This isn't a dip. It's your grave.

>> No.7126604

Then I'll die having FUN

>> No.7126637
File: 20 KB, 600x370, pajeetedf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least it was FUN??

>> No.7126641

Give it a week.

>> No.7126670

This is a dip, my friend. The ETH blockchain isn't going anywhere. Neither are the problems in the online gambling industry that FUN is intended to solve. My hands are so dense that they are black holes for this coin.

>> No.7126735

it doesn't solve any problems for online gambling you dumb fuck. the online casinos use bitcoin and ethereum because normies can actually cash them in. no one fucking cares if an algorithm no one understands says its fair

>> No.7126844
File: 27 KB, 399x385, l04he[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to see it again at 200 sats when they're not gonna get the license.

>> No.7126885

>no one understands
>implying everyone is as stupid as yourself

>> No.7127032

Actually he's right. Just because you understand it doesn't mean jack shit.

>> No.7127050

that would be devastating

>> No.7127186

Why would anyone think this is a good idea.

A heavily regulated industry relying on various layers of state, local, and federal oversight and inlay of restrictive practices
>A fucking crypto based around gambling
Adding into more layers of goddamn regulation of a supposedly decentralized coin which will end up in centralization and more regulation of a already heavily regulated field.

Did you tards not understand what it takes to fucking legally gamble in the US? Jesus.

That said, I'll help you out:

You'll be set for 2018. HODL your NEO and don't sell for shit.

>> No.7127214
File: 376 KB, 808x805, 1505899919607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't fucking say that why the fuck would you say that
no no no no

>> No.7127409

>doubting the influence and brilliance of Jez San.

Xlm is a good choice, along with ETH. But if you can't understand that Funfair is not a casino but software distributors, then your loss.

>> No.7127432

Okay dummy lol

>> No.7127507
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Comfy present being delivered at $1.5 by EOY. Pre-order yours today.

>> No.7127511

>literally a week until ICE we've talked about for over a month
>suddenly FUD after FUD thread to get people drop their bags right before the free money
Holy fuck I love /biz/. Even if you're already locked in and not buying more tokens, you do your best to make everyone else cry because they missed out

>> No.7127524
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>> No.7127539


It enables SMALL players to start casinos (think iPhone games, ya dummy), so why the hell would you even care about the big players?

That's all of the future that I'm telling you. You can search for the rest.