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7125377 No.7125377 [Reply] [Original]

been researching - is this too good to be true?

s s seriously considering selling everything and going all in.

is this the next big thing? life savings at stake don't fuck with me.

>> No.7125404

fucking piece of shit

>> No.7125409

Why is this piece of shit not dipping?

>> No.7125427

do it op

>> No.7125438

Based on my expert TA, it might go up, but it also might go down.

>> No.7125448

the most legit coin in crypto no bullshit, and maybe one of the only ones that will be used within multi billion dollar industry guaranteed by already existing long-term partnerships

>> No.7125457

>selling everything

Not a financial advisor, bud, but imma say that's not advisable

>> No.7125459


>> No.7125475
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Only coin in my favorites list that's green right now. Even icx is still down.

>> No.7125533
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Did you not hear about all the shady stuff the CEO does? Scammy coin. They tried to pass off their partnership with an ice cream company as big news. Smart investors are staying far away from this one.

>> No.7125549

haha jerk only long term projects for me this one seems impossible when I read the list of partners, I get the shakes like I may have found the bulletproof crypto early

>> No.7125553

btw if crypto markets crashed and burned to shit, this would be one of the only ones standing due to its established real world case use

>> No.7125568

Isn't it? It has everything going for it now.
Just hope everything that has been promised lives up to its expectations.

>> No.7125584

is it too late?

>> No.7125589

Just avoid it. It's a hype coin.

>> No.7125624

that caught my eye how has this not crashed like TRON, I got killed on TRON and don't laugh Doge. researching this feels like it's too good to be true or I am just right place right time

>> No.7125633

Anything under $11 will be considered a steal in 6 days

>> No.7125653

delete this, i only got 8k. poor for a node.

>> No.7125656

are you balls deep?

>> No.7125670

FYI they have a major rebranding occuring near the end of feb. , getting in before mid feb would be ideal

>> No.7125689

tell me what you know about crazy list of partners, appreciate your input

>> No.7125716

No, but it is a significant portion of my portfolio. Very tempted to bring in more cash at the risk of overextending myself.

>> No.7125755


>> No.7125797

First of all this is a shill post. Op is already holding VEN.

Also can someone please link the white paper for me, thanks

>> No.7125812

are the partners for real how is it so cheap still that's what freaks me out

>> No.7125841

Hello sir

Can you please link me white paper sir

I have poo’d in my favorite loo and it is now time to wipe my ass

>> No.7125845

please have you read it

>> No.7125852

yes you should already be in ven. if you're not by the end of today just kys.
you deserve to be poor

>> No.7125868

>is this too good to be true?
here we go again......

>> No.7125931

I'm all in, as in all my Crypto gains are in, as in I can afford to lose, although it would be extremely painful. Be careful OP, don't be greedy

>> No.7126050

Yeah I just mean what I can grind out for a year working, this literally feels like Google of blockchains

>> No.7126088


Go all in with all your savings/investment money desu but don't take loans or mortgage your house or some stupid shit like that. This is the investment opportunity of a lifetime anon

>> No.7126091

I would really like some criticism tell me what you don't like about partners they seem way too good to be true, like I am not this lucky : this is a big deal to me, I never get the brakes

>> No.7126112

I’m all in because VeChain will build the infrastructure we use to vaporize prisoners in the future.

>> No.7126136

I feel really good about it! Its possible google could be an understatement, but a lot of things are possible Good luck man, if you do it I'll be ridin with you!

>> No.7126162

Everybodies in for something, I'm assuming your in for SkyNet

>> No.7126189

Dude, don't bad juju us

>> No.7126242

Guys I heard a rumor that VEN is going to be DELISTED from binance.

Get out while you can I REPEAT get out while you can.

Also my uncle(works at Samsung) just came back from a business trip in china and he ran into sunny! Well he saw him at least.

So my uncle and about 9 Chinese business men were waiting on an elevator to take them up to a conference room. As soon as the door opened my uncle told me he saw sunny with his hand in another man's pocket GRABBING HIS FUCKING PENIS.
At first I didn't believe my uncle but Sunny has always seemed pretty shady.

Well today I finally pulled the trigger and sold ALL my VEN (23.7)
You guys should sell yours too

>> No.7126243

$1000 in 5 years or less

cucks will try to fud this or say its not possible, just remember, theyre cucks.

>> No.7126251
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You Virgins can't handle the Chad No Whitepaper.

>> No.7126254

can I ask what desu means

>> No.7126271


>> No.7126282

man why did you go for it

you seem so confident

>> No.7126312

I don't understand

>> No.7126349

fuck off

>> No.7126368

Yes go all in I am. Anyone that researches this coin goes heavy unless your a brainlet.

>> No.7126369

It's Japanese for f a m

>> No.7126405

It's a solid long term hold. Maybe it will dip, but it will recover and achieve a very high valuation eventually.

If you researched Vechain and want something with more upside go for CPChain. There's rumors of deep partnership with Vechain that I can't go into detail. Emphasis on "deep", CPC will be essential to Vechain's success.

>> No.7126471

why can't you go into details? same partners as Vechain sounds great

>> No.7126501

Holy kik that's rich

>> No.7126503

I'm so sure about ven I would be 100% ven but to hedge my bet I'm also 10%icx and 10%xrb if ven hits like I expect it to I'm rich if not then either icx or xrb will give me a chance to roll the dice again

>> No.7126504

seems like good time to buy

>> No.7126547

I got fukd on railblocks but icx seems pretty good

>> No.7126608

This is my exact portfolio wtf

>> No.7126634

Xrb going through some shit rn but don't worry . Ven icx xrb are long term I could care less about bumps along the way I'm looking at them 1 year from now. I'll take some moon shots with some play money between now and then but those 3 I believe in

>> No.7126688

What is this thing about Sunny grabbing someone in the elevator?? Is that real? Wtf

>> No.7126692

Dead honest, was my biggest hold, had NEO, ICX, OMG, REQ, lots of great coins.
Late night conversation on 4Chan with a person claiming, and who I came to believe, was a VeChain insider as well as a successful investor. Was heading this way, had just enough with a bit left over for a node, went for it. I've been researching for months and with some advice and a little push, I went in. 2am conversation in 4Chan, no shit.

>> No.7126775

Because I want to keep my edge and I don't want to divulge insider info at the wrong time. On the other hand I don't want it to dip too much because I already filled my bags, so I figure a little tease can support the price and make a few high-risk tolerance anons happy in the future.

>> No.7126793

Bought XRB under 3, sold at 20, bought VEN, still holding a bit of ICX, feels pretty fucking good!

>> No.7126850

Bought a couple grand worth at 2.40, then pretty much sealed the deal and dropped everything I had after watching the DNV GL stream. Dyor OP but things are looking very good for Vechain.

>> No.7126923

its not that cheap marketcap is not low

>> No.7126934

This. My only fear is that this is too good to be true and good things never happen to me.

>> No.7127013

my only fear is that through some kind of shock doctrine and by setting up the bar so high, new announcements will do nothing for VEN and it will just tank like every other coin that has ever risen this quickly.

>> No.7127018

All of those are fucking great holds but ya I would trade them in a min for a node , congrats dude you fucking made it .

>> No.7127052

Look at todays BTC marketcap, pure speculation. Now consider total Crypto marketcap in the next few years. Now consider yiu have a value creating product. Now do your math.

>> No.7127064

who are raiblocks partners seems like maybe not bad in a couoke years but have you seen Vechain partners ack I get it people in xrb are cool and it's fast but being fast isn't really Enuff in crypto ?

>> No.7127069
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lel, this shittoken doesnt even have a website
dump it as its not rebounding
else be left holding the bag
just another chinese scam

>> No.7127085

Fingers crossed man, thanks!

>> No.7127086
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>> No.7127096

neo seems riding ethereum of china too much but they are just based in china. Can you tell me about req seems promising

>> No.7127133

so it's the same as investing in Vechain partners? I feel safe investing in PWC and China and Renault etc

>> No.7127153

You think you are finding this coin early? It already has a multi trillion marketcap. You are late to the party.

>> No.7127185

wow nice man

>> No.7127220

Multi Trillion? Wow, must have gone up!

>> No.7127223

ada was top 10 and went 20x in a month no

>> No.7127226

VEN just started pumping, one of the few green sights on the board right now

>> No.7127301

feels too good to be true are crypto investors this dumb or slow - I kinda realize yes coz I am one? Maybe that's my edge?

>> No.7127330

I want long term

>> No.7127351

wow, got the link???!

>> No.7127406

ya man, I have worked 10 years and getting nowhere, feel locked into my fate.. then I make a little in crypto then lose a lot now feels like.. pot of gold here? wtf

>> No.7127430

what was the dnv stream should I google

>> No.7127440

I took a lot more risks initially because it was play money, it turned into real money, I've learned for me holding products I feel good about is the best strategy. VEN appears to me to be the best long term hold, thats what comes down to.

>> No.7127598

It seems like you need to do alot of research but yes this is one of the only projects with massive partnerships and real world use . Price has been manipulated for a while , it does seem to good to be true almost only time will tell but unless you know more than Jim breyer , PwC and dvn GL than god speed . You will see alot of autists fudding on ven but just do some research and decide yourself

>> No.7127667

pretty much everything about it is hype or fluff
the partnerships are all faked
they don't even have a block chain
their CEO is a convicted child rapist with a track record like you wouldn't believe
price is dropping like a rock
>too good to be true
haha nice one

>> No.7127706

that's pretty low desu but I agree with the sentiment

>> No.7127720

>pretty much everything about it is hype or fluff
>the partnerships are all faked
>they don't even have a block chain
>their CEO is a convicted child rapist with a track record like you wouldn't believe
>price is dropping like a rock
>>too good to be true
>haha nice one
Point in case

>> No.7127947
File: 13 KB, 1140x266, p1jrtrwbn9d01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Price dropping like a rock

Here's the top 20 over the month of January

>> No.7127954

I am trying to research more thanks for input it's hard not to get excited.

>> No.7127981

can somebody tell me what desu is

>> No.7127984
File: 225 KB, 2960x1440, Screenshot_20180130-221427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7128020

i have 15k vechain
will i make it

>> No.7128081

Dude shut the fuck up, if you really do then you already know the answer is yes

>> No.7128105

anime meme, autocorrect for t b h

>> No.7128155

nice im worried with this whole bear market thing

>> No.7128162

I have around 450.

Assuming I can enter a strength node contract for those sweet gains, I'll make 100 thor a year. At that amount, if thor goes to $120 I'll make 1000 dollars every month.

How likely is this in 3-5 years anons? is thor more likely going to be around $10?

>> No.7128163

vechain to get listed on bitflyer next, lisk x2 right after, i think we about to moon

>> No.7128264

thx dawg hard to get a straight answer here I have found

>> No.7128281

holy shit is that real

>> No.7128342

i highly doubt thor will ever be $120 dollars honestly but that is just based on the info i have now. we will have to see when vechain sets all that shit in stone

>> No.7128387

why do people think thor is going to be worth a lot? if only 500mil of VET is staked, then over 210,000 thor is produced DAILY. Thats insane inflation, much higher than neo/gas. With that much thor being created daily, surely the price wouldn't reack more than a dollar or two? Unless theres a crazy amount of usage and the burn rate evens it out. Still... seems doubtful.

>> No.7128388

No man you made it

>> No.7128466

If you only have 450 your a long way off a node, and anyone telling you what Thor will be worth is full of shit cause nobody knows

>> No.7128494

Well 70% of thor used in transactions is burned

>> No.7128517

re-read, I'm talking about pooling my Ven with other small investors with a contract, something Sunny encouraged

>> No.7128614

this is what I wanna do. I will have 2200 THOR selling everything. Just seems like safe easy mode. Do you want to pool?

>> No.7128626

Sorry I'm pretty drunk rn , ya he did say that could be something that would be easy to set up. But again speculating on price of Thor right now is a little silly but ya that sounds real nice I just like to keep my expectations conservative then anything more is gravy

>> No.7128794

Rename this coin to wallchain piece of shit

>> No.7128816

Yeah dude I'd definitely pool, it would just be a matter of finding a way that ensures security. I don't know how that would be done but I'm sure it will eventually

>> No.7128843

It already went 90x

>> No.7128867

I agree it's silly I just wanted to gauge what people would think is an outlandish guess. My 1000 dollar benchmark is a crazy goal I agree, I set it because that would pay for rent in a good apartment for the rest of my life and I want to move to Cali

>> No.7129035

buy TRTL or BZC those have 1000x potential

>> No.7129358

you won't regret it. best quality of life. I miss it.

>> No.7129387

I don't want to invest hard earned money on shitcoins, I want lasting power

>> No.7129421

I've never been I just want to make movies haha

>> No.7129697

Go to dnv gl's facebook page the full video should be uploaded by now. Ceo of dnv gl assurance ( logistics and supply chain managment) said they're moving all their operations into Vechains blockchain which means they'll be using Ven/Thor.

Some fudcuck from the audience tried to get them to say they'll be using a private blockchain under Vechain guidance but based Ronato/Christiano made it quite fucking clear that they're running every on Vechains blockchain.

>> No.7129723

Look as it stands now, nobody can really deny any of this.

>> No.7129750

i have 45k ven coins am i going to make it?

>> No.7129789


why is no one talking about this?

>> No.7129802

holy shite. I am watching now I have never heard of a massive company shilling a blockchain, I want to throw up from adrenaline

getting bored tho damn sucks no attention span already sold

>> No.7129933

links to wallets? or they just trying to get cozy with big names

>> No.7129967


>> No.7129980


>> No.7130005


oh shit. that was probably my biggest concern with VEN was the private blockchain. didn't know that question was answered already. gotta watch tht vid tomorrow i guess


man whoever is running this twitter profile is a fuckin shillmaster. dude must have 10k ven or something. microsoft partnership? VEN wallet? does that mean THOR production time?

>> No.7130012

inb4 IOTA microsoft partnership

>> No.7130052


I quit I can't handle .. so they spilling beans before MS and VEN??? Why? Selfish?

>> No.7130053

idk but Kevin Feng retweeted it

>> No.7130067

just listing the generic places you can store erc20 tokens like mew etc. nothing new

>> No.7130114

Samsung partnership confirmed

>> No.7130141

lies, source?

>> No.7130170

I'm I gotta buy now and ya may get a loan this is unreal never seen anything like this be

>> No.7130275

Fair enough. In my opinion if I don't have a node which I don't I don't care about the thor cause as soon as we hit $100 I'll sell 50% move it to other things let the other 50 sit see where it goes. If I had a strenghtnode to myself tho I would not touch that shit. And it's my own fault I don't cause I watched it at a price I could have afforded a node and put it off then I priced myself out so only myself to blame but I did get enough that I could set myself up nicely. We'll see what happens but I'm in no rush and I'm already up substantially so these "dips" don't phase me and I'm in for long haul

>> No.7130281

What is Skynet

>> No.7130309

can u swing trade for node or share

>> No.7130373
File: 286 KB, 1089x612, destinationmoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you put any credence into MACD indicators, whenever the lines cross paths it indicates a trend reversal. If you go back and look at the history of the VEN graph, it correlates EVERY TIME.

And they are literally hours away from crossing. Things are looking very bullish indeed the coming days, and VEN is one of the best investments long term as well. Don't let the ironic FUD deter you.

>> No.7130412

That's the smart way to do it. But I would keep 5 or 10 % for moon mission cause who knows. But those ones dude suggested I wouldn't recommend only cause I know nothing about them except they been shilled hard on biz and that's enough to make me skeptical

>> No.7130477

There is stuff I would swing with but ven is not one of them. Handful of times I've tried Swinning more often than not I fucked myself but admittedly that is not my thing so I won't risk a single one trying .

>> No.7130500

I lost a lot just buying hype lost all my gains hen some, it's easy to make a project look good with bells and whistles and hype that's why I can't believe ven is this perfect

>> No.7130526

what do u like for 5%

>> No.7130531

The Renault announcement months ago was by the "French Microsoft Channel".

I'm willing to bet whatever intern just tweeted that assumed they were partnered with Microsoft as well.

Also, I hold 873,378,637 VEN. Am I going to make it?

>> No.7130576

marry me

>> No.7130592

I think you're already there.

>> No.7130605

I'll tell you this, I bought most of mine at sub $2 . More at 2.80 , then 3.50 and at 4.50 . It dipped few days ago into $3 range I bought more. Honestly I think anything sub $10 is good deal and in a year you will thank yourself for doing it. But again I'm just some dude on the internet so do you what you think is best for you

>> No.7130639

how in the hell is ven going up rn

>> No.7130695

My 5% rn is bnty but I don't think it's doing to hot shit right now might move it but I honestly haven't looked at where it's at . But amb looks really promising it's sub $1 last i looked

>> No.7130720

amb sounded like an American wabi?

>> No.7130777

>0 developers
Enjoy your bags OP

>> No.7130831

private network I heard?

>> No.7130870

Kek we will be enjoying the bags all the way to $50 before rebrand in Feb. Fuck off with your FUD faggot

>> No.7131138
File: 75 KB, 462x356, ED7F8B48-E377-48E2-9D3D-706D3A5FE385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jim Breyer recognized the potential in Facebook back when it was 7 college kids, I doubt anyone can come up with a failed investment by him either. PwC is the 2nd biggest auditor in the world. DNV GL is the world leader in classification. They verify and see through bullshit for a living. If VeChain is some worthless vaporware scam, I doubt they would be in business with these entities. They have a partnership with the government of China, they execute people for white collar crime there. VeChain is legit, and if you sold anytime in the last month you’re a fucking idiot. The dips might slow it down but they won’t stop it from becoming one of the biggest forces in blockchain.

>> No.7131223

>see thru bukkshit for a living

never thot of that. profound

>> No.7131465

Unironically bullish

>> No.7132266

>I doubt they would be in business with these entities

Understatement of the century. If you think they haven't vetted VeChain better than some virgin autist jerking they dick eating tenidies in mommy's basement then you deserve to be poor.

>> No.7132323

i've done it, now you op

>> No.7132762


>> No.7133523

Honestly they're made. When you get billion dollar companies shilling for you, making professional ads and forcing it onto 80k businesses, you don't need to do anything anymore. Sunny could literally fire the entire team and rape the ceo's baby daughter, and dnvgl would still never let it die off.

>> No.7134095
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Ven stole the logo of NAV coin. I can never buy a coin that can't even make an original logo.
In saying that I'm balls deep in NAV, and having read the cryptonote / xmr papers I know its inferior privacy tech to zk and ringcts but its superior to dash and pivx,
and as a dev team its superior to all the xmr / pivx forks and cloak coin and its mobile wallets and upgrades are generating adoption and the privacy tech is based on best practice,
scalability and is getting improved all the time , but its dapp use case is weaker than competitors. Then we have the threat of DAGs to the value exchange coins.
DESU I don't know how to feel, the more whitepapers I read the more this whole market seems to suck. But then I think about the bond market fiat model and realise crypto is the future but we have so much to work out, and 99% of these projects will be usurped by tech break throughs getting funded by blackop budgets
to get around transparency and sanctions.
The whole market is a nightmare to sort