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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 210x221, Sulley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71242 No.71242 [Reply] [Original]

Is there seriously finally a finance board on 4chan? I can't believe it. I didn't even see it in the listed update by moot, I came across a link to it in a thread on /pol/. I can't believe it. I've been waiting for this for so long. When exactly was it implemented?

Sorry for the shitposting but I'm seriously debating on whether or not I want to masturbate to this.

ITT: Show your appreciation for this new board addition.

>> No.71260

around 5 days ago I think, mostly because of the cryptocurrency spam on /g/.

>> No.71295
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>Yfw /biz/

>> No.71324
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learned more on here in 5 days than on the rest of this site in 5 years

>> No.71398

God tier:

Good tier:

Okay tier:
/r9k/ (mostly to laugh)

Shit tier:
Everything else.

>> No.71421

/k/ here.

We don't want no fucking /pol/.

/g/ is pretty shitty too.

>> No.71434

Welcome OP

My kik is miiitchhhkik and I'm scanning the boards trying to find people who

>support the free market
>like to discuss ideas

hit me up if you aren't a statist shill like most here

>> No.71443

>from /pol/
>thinks consumer electronics /g/eneral is god tier

sounds about right

>> No.71456
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>God tier

>> No.71457

At least now at /diy/ we can tell the how to make money fags where they belong.

>> No.71467

>Implying I'm not a FOSS tin foil hat and that's why I like /g/.

>> No.71484
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>/pol/ in god tier
>no /fit/ in god tier
>no /sp/ in god tier

>> No.71477
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/k/ is based when you can get a good general threads going like /syria/, /combatvids/, /ww2tanks/, etc.

just too many "lel look at muh mosin i just got" threads for my taste

>> No.71524

/fit/ doesn't know anything about nutrition or any of what it talks about.
/sp/ is for sports which are for plebs.

>> No.71533

top tier

Everything else shit.

>> No.71550
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>/fit/ doesn't know anything about nutrition or any of what it talks about.

>> No.71573

>no /lit/
lel i guess you can't into books.

>> No.71622

I had wanting to get into finance for a while. Read a book profiling different jobs in the industry and I've been watching documentaries and reading on it every day, then this godsend of a board comes out of nowhere. I got in like 13 hours in from /sci/, and this is now my main board

>> No.71655

Deregulation is what economic depressions are made out of
Your view is limited

>> No.71761
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Mark my words, threads that will be the downfall of /biz/ in a year or so time:

>Floods of stormfags and merchant maymays
>/v/irins posting console war threads
>Should I invest in X completely irrelevant subject
>How do I make money?
>NEET generals
>Capitalism/Communism bait thread #934234
>Coinfaggotry to the point it takes up half the board

>> No.71799

Why would stormfags attempt to invade a board that openly takes pride in being as Jewish as possible?
Jews should be our board mascot.

>> No.71863


>whining about coinfaggotry
>when /biz/ was created primarily for it

This is is like the new faggots on /d/ that whine about too much futanari there.

>> No.71909
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Because you and futa fags are one and the same no one wants you here.

>> No.71922

Regardless of what the significance of coinfag shit posting in other boards was on the creation of /biz/... I can't wait till that shit fades away. It's just a bunch of neckbeards having a go at their very own pump and dump.

I swear the coin threads pop up faster than I can hide them.

>> No.71958

This. That coinshit is so annoying. Each week there's some new coin "OMG SHOULD I INVEST MY MILK MONEY IN DOGECOIN?"
"OMG HOW ABOUT BITCOIN?" "How can I buy dogecoin with no money?"

>> No.71961

>knowing anything about Chinese cartoons

>> No.72282

Seriously, this is the best idea moot has had in ages.

When was the last time he added a good board, especially one that wasn't just containment or traffic control for a big one like /v/?

>> No.72329

God tier:
/int/ (when /pol/ isn't raiding it)

Shit tier:

Dear god what the fuck am I reading tier:

>> No.72346


>> No.72370

god tier:

shit tier


>> No.72379

Confirmed for maximum patrician.

With you all the way m8

>> No.72433

see, I would actually put /pol/ in god tier if it was always the way it is at 2am. That's when old disgruntled communists and OPSEC folks crawl out of the woodworks, and the nazis get tucked into bed. but honestly, that's just too rare on /pol/ to really count. It truly is a shithole.

>> No.72547
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/pol are doing a goo job exposing the Israel 9/11 connection. they've uncovered a lot. and unlinke other 'happenin' threads, these have documented and testimonial evidence. it's blown up in a few other boards

honestly hink /pol will be the place where this scandal breaks first. it's a triple win for /pol because it will destroy zionism, israel and bankers

>> No.72668

>this guy

>> No.72842
File: 116 KB, 495x350, stat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fox News - The Israeli 9/11 Connection

War By Deception 2013
RT News and Press TVs Ryan Dawson with BBCs Alan Hart and FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds

>> No.72869

Noone want's your bullshit on /biz/rael.

>> No.72883

It was the Saudis if anything, shitstain.

>> No.72912

inb4 /biz/ is overrun with JIDF who take the /biz/rael thing to an extreme

>> No.72915

what will the fall of Israel have on the market?
will there be a backlash against american jews? the neocon traitors?
what if they are removed form all ownership and uppermanagement positions?

very relevant

yes, Israel mossad funneled money through saudi arabia and a few other nations to attack the USA.

the media and forum shills are also pushing this saudi angle
desperation really

>> No.72935

>yes, Israel mossad funneled money through saudi arabia and a few other nations to attack the USA.
come back when you have something that isn't
>Fox News
>lunatics on youtube

>> No.72929

>what if they are removed form all ownership and uppermanagement positions?
Enjoy no money pleb.
The Jews know how to run finances.

>> No.72930

Watching. Awesome documentaries
fuking BAMP

>> No.72948

they know how to capitalize on war and poverty, they need these to survive

nepotism, bribery and corruption is what they excell at

>> No.72963

try both doumentaries

Missing Links is also on youtube

is the BBC a good source? how about RT News?

>> No.72980

I'm pretty disappointed by the lack of trading threads, but it's pretty nice here.

>> No.72992

We have several daily trading threads, everyone went to sleep. I'm going to sleep soon as well.

>> No.72984

/asp/ here how do I become this man?

>> No.73001
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Ahh, then it's my folly for coming here at night.

>> No.73005
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Good links

>> No.72995

>try both doumentaries
I said no Fox News or lunatics.

>RT News
Nope, that's Kremlin-owned.

well, where's the BBC documentary linking Israel to 9/11? The only BBC doc I know on that topic is Based Curtis's The Power of Nightmares.

>> No.73021

>Fox News
>First five seconds "there has been no indication of Israeli involvement in 9/11"
>Other one is RT
I'm waiting.

>> No.73036

>The Power of Nightmares.
good documentary
Alan Hart is from the BBC

watch with
Decades of Deception

>> No.73059

>there has been no indication of Israeli involvement in 9/11
a disclaimer

but watch and learn about israel being caught on 9/11 with bomb equipment and fake security passes for the towers.

they also had fake passports, multiple currencies and were phoning in false police reports sending ambulances and police in the wrong direction.

when the israelis were caught they found out that they had also planned to bomb the bridges and tunnels in New York on 9/11. The police saved 1000s by arresting these zionist scum

everyone should watch

>> No.73082
File: 416 KB, 2048x1365, 1390194402217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bully world for most of 20th century
>invade and rape any country it's profitable to bomb
>tell citizens we fight for freedom
>occasionally payback in the form of terrorist attacks happen
>respond to every attack by bullying world twice as hard as before
>wonder why the world hates us

>> No.73084

>In May 2010, Hart stated on various media, including the Kevin Barrett Show, that consultants close to the world’s most prominent construction company assured him that “The twin towers were brought down by a controlled ground explosion, not the planes.”

Sorry dude, this has all the signs of useless garbage. Glad you like Adam Curtis though. Have you seen his most recent doc?

>> No.73104
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>> No.73117
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>>>/pol/ in god tier

>> No.73173

So when will there a Shark Tank thread?

>> No.74033
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>not full retard tier

>> No.74040
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>yfw /mlp/ stays in their containment board but /pol/ doesn't

>> No.74046

yep. say what you will about ponyfuckers but they keep themselves to themselves unlike /pol/acks

>> No.74430

Why not just discuss buisness and finance and see where that gets us?

Seriously, this board is 5 days old and i see people bitching about what it'll become in the future already.

>> No.74439

every board is a containment board, imbecile

>> No.74447

Pretty sure its your own userbase that comes to /pol/ and crosspost

Fuck off.

>> No.74525

God Tier:
/biz/, /sci/, /sp/ (during the superb owl), /fa/, /vr/, /s/

Dogshit Tier:
Every other board

>> No.75214

>/pol/ in god tier
>/fit/ and /tg/ not in god tier
Its like you hate good taste anon

>> No.75227

>Containment boards

>> No.75229

yeah, /adv/

>> No.75234

I'd replace /vg/ with /v/, but other than that
pretty good list.

>> No.75263

Current containment boards.

/mu/ - hipster egoboosting
/mlp/ - containment only possible after any post related gets instantly banned
/pol/ - jewphobes
/vp/ - only relevent when a new pokeman game comes out

>> No.75279

I've been searching for a home board for a while, drift around the boards but leave when I feel it's not worthy to call my own.

After spending 10 minutes on /biz/ I finally feel like I belong somewhere.

>> No.75290
File: 78 KB, 500x375, japense bird cooking pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought I wanted this board, but now I spend 75% of my time here

>> No.75321

the coin trend is going to end up exactly like the dot com bubble in the early 2000s.

>> No.75329

Dios tier
/pol/ sometimes

Shit tier
/int/ (lel ultra downies)
/adv/ "advice"

>> No.75341

/biz/ is also a containment board for /v/-tards ruining the board with console wars

>> No.75361


>I'm this new

4chan as a whole has never been politically correct

>> No.75376

OFFICIAL TIER LIST, ranked by overall board intelligence


/biz/, /trv/, /s4s/, /ck/

all the niche boards like /o/,

/g/, /mu/, /tv/, /fit/, /int/

/pol/, /b/, /a/, /v/, /vg/, /soc/

/jp/, /mlp/

>> No.75374

But it's not like every fifth post should be about jews

>> No.75393

god tier
/b/ now and then, you can't really tell what tier they'll be

okay tier

meh tier

shit tier
every other /v*/

tl;dr tier

>> No.75400

For me
/g/ - Main
/biz/ - Something I have interest in
/vg/ - Only parts of it

>> No.75401


>> No.75399

forgot to put /g/ in meh tier

>> No.75405

>implying it won't take 3 years for the cancer that is coinfags to get out of /g/

>> No.75408

God tier


Good tier


ok tier


shit tier


cancer tier


irrelevant tier

Everything else

>> No.75412

it's [s4s]

>> No.75673

>not shit

>> No.75766

>9/10ths threads are about women who don't have naked pictures
>most of them are/were jailbait
>people pretend it's not a creepy board

>> No.75893



Confirmed for newfag shitposter

>> No.77491

>OFFICIAL TIER LIST, ranked by overall board intelligence
No dude. /lit/ is full of idiots who think reading duh big books will make them patrician. They don't understand anything they talk about.

>> No.77559

Hello fellow /biz/antine. Where are you from?


>> No.77592

Nope, it's 100% shitposting about magic and invisible "currencies" that are only relevant because of temporary hype through the media.

>> No.77610
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I mean


>> No.77612


I'm sorry, but that board doesn't exist.

Did you mean [s4s]?

>> No.77744

Nobody types Robot9000 as "[r9k]"

>> No.78215

>implying it wasn't meant for that
>implying you were supposed to come here
>implying this isn't a containment board for /g/ magic internet money

>> No.80773


>> No.81264
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>> No.81296
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we are moot's favorite board.

>> No.81327


>No /o/

Its like you don't even drive.

>> No.81345

1. Lel

>> No.81553
File: 389 KB, 1304x892, Hide bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like bitcoin but seriously this.

Let's just hope they stay in /g/.

>> No.81888
File: 183 KB, 500x333, youignorantslut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.82523

/lgbt/ pls

>> No.82555
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Fuck year

>> No.82573

Socialism is offtopic and /pol/

>> No.82574

Trips confirm it, Georgian calender is shit.

>> No.82645

>I came across a link to it in a thread on /pol/
Well this board was fucked before it even started.

>> No.82671

get it together faggots. we're better than this.

i didn't choose the /biz/raeli life, the /biz/raeli life chose me.

>> No.82712

>not /tg/

>> No.86961
File: 1.02 MB, 320x240, youknowwhatyoumustdo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some likes /pol/
>dozens of replies

People complaining about /pol/ are biggest meta shitposters.

>> No.87124

Guys, what are you talking about?

I'm glad moot gave it a shot, but /biz/ is a disaster. I mean anyone with an actual business related background will see that nobody on /biz/ knows squat about anything except maybe 1 or 2 people per thread if you're lucky.

>> No.87168

mostly bitcoins, retail forex trading and get rich quick schemes. nobody with any real experience will bother posting here so it will be the blind leading the blind, like it usually is here on 4chan.

>> No.87202

it's more entertaining that anything else...though I hope that most of them are trolling

>> No.88338

>I'm glad moot gave it a shot, but /biz/ is a disaster.
Too early to tell. There have been excellent threads so far, but the /pol/tards and freetards have a chance of killing it.