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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7118709 No.7118709 [Reply] [Original]

Well now that crypto is over what were your dreams when entering this market?
>mfw just wanted enough money to go live in Finland or Norway

>> No.7118731

wanted $2 million... i was so naive

>> No.7118737

Fuck off new nigger who never seen a crash before

>> No.7118798
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What's up with the sudden influx of retards proclaiming the market dead? This shit happens literally every January, whales get their corporate bonuses and deflate prices for a month so they can buy more. Fucking chill out you overly emotional weakhands, they're handing you the opportunity to buy good coins at reduced prices on a silver platter.

>> No.7118875

>People crying about a crash
>I'm still up 6000% after a 50% loss

>> No.7118921
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Please stop, seeing people in denial hurts even more than the crash

>> No.7118946

That's about the figure I came up with for enough to live on with normies investments after capital gains, same for you?

>> No.7119008


I just want enough money to move away from Finland. Fuck this weather

>> No.7119030

wanna trade? i live in France.

>> No.7119122


>> No.7119135
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wanted to be able to stop living in my car...

3 months ago i was forced to start living out of my car and put another 50 percent of my money into crypto as a hail mary(already had like 35 percent in).

>> No.7119141

Considering its just kinda bouncing around 10k which was a giant milestone pre december right before a shitload of retards jumped in at once, i'd say we are doing fine

>> No.7119150
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>wanted 2M so i could live off passive investments and play street fighter all day

>> No.7119172

Yeah, same for all of us I suppose.

>> No.7119224
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own house & whores on the regular

>> No.7119240

I wonder what those retards that took out massive loans just to buy bitcoin are doing right now?

>> No.7119255

Wanted 2 mil, had like 500k. Don't want to check right now. AHHHHHH

>> No.7119266
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all i wanted was 5k, i dont need to make it
i dont ask for a lot but with every dip and crash it seems very unlikely that i will ever reach that goal

>> No.7119311

Dude i don't know how much money you have in this but if it bounces back get out of here before Tether actually explode

>> No.7119327

Just throw away your identification papers and you can enter this cold & comfy country of ours and get a shitload of gubirmint money on top of it

>> No.7119692

>12.5% dip

The stock market crash that caused the great depression was at 10%. You are so deep in denial, the truth won't hit you until you're 2 feet from the pavement of your high rise building dive.

>> No.7119772


Crypto market is so small it doesn't even compare to the stock market, so recovery is faster. If we continue to crash it will only take a few months to recover, possibly less. It took the stock market years to recover, most people died before they saw their money come back.

>> No.7119808

>stock market

>> No.7120027

Honestly at 2mil I'd probably still have to work but it would allow me to pick and choose and work for leisure as much/more than I am already, and also to work part time or seasonally.

It's a model I'm moving towards anyway but the certainty of a guaranteed income would be great.

>> No.7120060

eff off, were full.

>> No.7120089

these threads are so fucking boring. how do you expect to get into Finland or Norway? you live in the EU?

>> No.7120102

Where do you live not to be able to retire with 2 mil ?
Yes i'm french i just don't have the money to afford moving to another country

>> No.7120118

>The stock market
stopped reading

>> No.7120120

just go fist yourself for a few hours

>> No.7120149

france is a shithole these days

>> No.7120217

>Yes i'm french i just don't have the money to afford moving to another country
You're picking the most expensive European countries Anon.

>> No.7120260

Crypto are like ants compared to stocks, so a 12.5% dip would be like a 0.0001% dip for stocks.

>> No.7120265

But there's not a lot of cheap nearby places with landscape and weather similar to Norway and Finland

>> No.7120279

not my stinky links

>> No.7120285

The finnish and norwegians are almost autist-spectrum level when it comes to social skills. They will just patronise you, too.

>> No.7120315

That's what I was thinking too. Just the freedom to not worry about money ever again would be the best part.


>> No.7120347

as long as they stay away from the stupid fucking 56% memes we're gonna be just fine

>> No.7120379

I'm french patronizing people is our thing

>> No.7120466

dude $5k is nothing. Just get a job, you'll have it soon enough

>> No.7120507
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Started at Mid December with $1000.
I just want to turn my $1000 into $50k for to buy a house so i can live a comfy life as hobby artist. If i reach $200k i'll give my parent an oversea trip ticket as present
It might be still possible but it's like playing the game from very easy mode into ultra hard mode.

>> No.7120575

what's your fur affinity?

>> No.7120684

>tfw no more money for your investments ;_;

>> No.7120718

Australia. 30% capital gains eats up 600k, 1.4m remainder gives me enough for a home in or around Hobart which is a great little city where property isn't as insane as elsewhere on the east coast, an investment property, maybe two, and the remainder for stock.

I could use my home as a rental while travelling and working which would leave me with more.

>> No.7120784

If you pick Norway you learn Norwegian and you can understand Swedish & Danish. If you pick Finland you understand Finnish and nothing else. Finnish girls have true blonde hair, Swedish Girls have brown hair, are obsessed with their looks and bleach their hair blonde, Norwegian girls are the most beautiful in the world. Landscape wise, Norway has it all. It's cold though Anon, shorter cooler summers, longer colder winters. pros and cons. Norway has the worst grocery stores in Europe.

>> No.7120789

I never thought about it desu, I just want to neet it up and live like I do now but until I die, I think 100k-200k might be enough for that based on my passive income and expenses

I'd love to move to america or the UK so I'm not locked out of almost every service ever but I don't think 200k is enough to need it up in first world countries, plus I doubt I could get citizenship while being a neet.

>> No.7121122
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I just wanted to buy a house and get a dog

>> No.7121130

The whole point of LINK is stay tied to 1 USD just like tether. Its not an investment. Its a fucking token used to pay for a utility. It has no use outside of the smart contract environment. Just read the fucking white paper

>> No.7121167


>> No.7121216

Wanted 200k to buy a house and never have to worry about mortgages. I'd be able to save almost all my income. I got up to 75k, after starting with 7k, but now im down to only 20k.

>> No.7121218
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>wanted enough to afford my own apartment so i could move out of my parents place


>> No.7121259

>"every January"
>sample size of about 5

>> No.7121260

I'm depressive and got really bad social anxiety so i'm only really interested in the landscape and weather, Norway sounds like the best option

>> No.7121322

Where are you from? As a Britbong I don't reccomend the UK, there's no joy in this place.

>> No.7121387

>put in 5 k
>get out 50k even 20 wood be fine
>invest in property in QLD and use the equity to buy at bottom of sydney market
>buy a van and do it up into a camper
>quit job
>get on dole
>drive around the greatest island on earth while getting neetbux and having normies pay my loans in a property market fucked by boomers
>tfw this will never happen

Oh well guess i have to work, only 40 years left

>> No.7121441

enough to have a go at doing woodworking and metalsmithing full time without worry about bills/food etc...I just wanted to stop worrying for a year or two. Maybe $100-200k...I would be there already had I not pulled out of Ark, that was the start of my descent.

>> No.7121462

Where in Queensland? Outback town rentals? You could do alright renting to seasonal workers. You could probably do better with an actually decent house rented year round to a local.

>> No.7121490

Get out while you still can, the bloodbath hasn't happened yet.

>> No.7121577
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If I had 500k I would retire my friend. Would be awesome.

>> No.7121628

Brissy suburbs
I was seening a few shitty fibro houses for 200k, surely double in value in 5 years

>> No.7121640

I'm from the caribean, I don't want to get too specific. It's not totally awful here but it sucks when you want to use a website or order something online and you're greeted with 'this service/product is not available in your country'. I think I'd be happy living here if not for that.

>> No.7121720

get a vpn famarino. at least you'll be able to view content that may be blocked.

>> No.7122090

I'm a newfag and have definitely learned my lesson. I am a lot more calm now. As long as I kee accumulating good coins and have faith the ones I am hodling will go beyond the point I bought them at there shouldn't be a problem right?

>> No.7122117


yeah, i hear ya OP

don't wanna be rich, just enough to comfortably move outta the states and just day trade

>> No.7122118
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i thought i could escape this hell. i was so naive hahahahahhahahahahhakillmenowhhahahahaha

>> No.7122323
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What? And not pay taxes to your jewish overlords? Hahahaha

>> No.7122347

I do but I still get locked out of a decent amount of things

>> No.7122377

the fud is horrible in here so many brainlet manipulators

>> No.7122557
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invest in FUN, sounds like you need some

>> No.7122578

>brainlet manipulator
how does that work

>> No.7122636
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