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File: 39 KB, 467x226, linkies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7116259 No.7116259 [Reply] [Original]

I've seen this sort of thing all the time with small cap biotechs with upcoming catalysts. People pump up the price before a conference or an FDA ruling. Then noobs jump buy into the hype and jump in thinking they are geniuses without realizing that the impending news is already factored into the price.

Once the conference / ruling occurs the price either quickly spikes down around 10-20% in the case of the good, but expected news, or gets demolished 50+% by bad news.

I think in the case of LINK we have to prepare for the worst case scenario. The slack and twitter pages have been a graveyard. No news. The price rising up over $1.00 simply due to BTC spiking to $20,000. This is clear if you look at the market as a whole.

If you think there is going to be some massive reveal about partnerships with huge multinational banks you are hopelessly delusional and should seek immediate mental help.

Look at his past history. At the Bitcoin Super Conference he discusses Smartcontract technology outside of get rich quick Token sales. Sergey is notorious for remaining silent on the LINK tokens. He's going to spend the entire time talking about different possibilities smartcontracts have in government and developing countries. He will probably never mention LINK by name outside of the logo and mention of decentralized oracles.

SXSW his audience is rated medium and his photo isn't added to the website. The topic is: Can we replace lawyers? Again, he's going to focus on smartcontracts and the possibilities it has in government, the legal system, and global trade. If you're relatively new to ChainLink, this is what Sergey does. He is way more focused on what the technology can do for the world. Not making his token holders profits.

The whole point of LINK is stay tied to 1 USD just like tether. Its not an investment. Its a fucking token used to pay for a utility. It has no use outside of the smart contract environment. Just read the fucking white paper.

>> No.7116290
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Sergey Nazarov
Nazarov became a platoon commander in the Dzerz Division of the Russian Federation Ministry of Internal Affairs specalising in cryprography. He was assigned to the 4th Company of 4th Regiment, where among his duties was the protection kremin foreign policy communications in transit. In 2014 he became an informant when he was recruited by the MVD's FSB counterintelligence section and in 2016 he was officially transferred to the Third Chief Directorate of the FSB, Military Counter Intelligence. Later that year, after studying for a year at the Novosibirsk Military Counter Intelligence School, he became an operational officer and served in FSB military counterintelligence where he has worked on seconment from the Russian ebassy in Washington.

Sergey began his cover career building peer-to-peer marketplaces, going on to the investment team at FirstMark Capital. He joined the cryptocurrency revolution in 2011, and believes it has the ability to change the way societies distribute wealth, enforce contracts, and share critical information with their citizens

>> No.7116348

Nobody in their right mind expects news to be announced at this conference, and if you can't tell by the price action, no one is buying into the "news" either. There can't be a selloff if everyone has been fucking selling off the whole time.

You legitimately just wrote an essay for fucking nothing. Congrats.

>> No.7116383

>The topic is: Can we replace lawyers?

Possibly the best news for humanity since antibiotics. Just bought another 100

>> No.7116462

> He is way more focused on what the technology can do for the world. Not making his token holders profits.

That's a point for, not against dipshit. You know who else does that? Money skelly. But no, ETH at sub 70 cents is a terrible buy right?

>> No.7116473


Your FUD attempt in the first 90% of the post is actually accurate. Sergey probably WILL be understated about LINK, talking more about the development of the sector in general. Going off his Devcon and SIBOS talks there is absolutely no reason to think he is going to do any shilling, and he already stated in his EOY announcement that ChainLink will not announce partnerships, they will leave it to their partners. So, yup, there will 100% guaranteed be no major event at his talks that will moon the ChainLink price.

And you know what? That's absolutely fine. I love hearing Sergey's views on the potential of smart contracts in general. I love his ambitions for connecting blockchains to the real world. I don't need the token to moon before mainnet launch. I want ADD day traders and impatient newfags to get shaken out and then miss the boat when it eventually launches. I want the LINK price to stay cheap so I can go from 150k to 200k by main net. Your FUD is pretty accurate except for the stupid tether comment, and it's absolutely fine.

>> No.7116483

This was the gayest thing I've ever read

>> No.7116510


>> No.7116540
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Nice FUD, I'll save it for later

>> No.7116574

In B4 "buy mobius mister sir, future coin of the future"

>> No.7116591

Wow, the shills sure are out in full force tonight. Its like clockwork.

Congratulations on being part of an actual, literal cult.

>> No.7116658

I was a part of the ethereum cult as well. Really regret that. Why'd you have to remind me bro

>> No.7116671

Congrats on being a brainlet

>> No.7116730
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Here, got some fresh FUD OC for you.
t. >100k link holder

>> No.7116769

Keep dreaming. Crypto is gambling. Gambling is for the poor and stupid. Which one are you?

I have all my money in a NASDAQ 3X ETF.

>> No.7116838


Grats on being a brainlet. Anyone who's been in this space for longer than 8 months knows where things are heading and how Chainlink plays a role in that. Sit back and watch the real players win little man.

>> No.7116869

The conference will reveal to the world the stuttering potheads that run this scam. The largest panic in history will ensue.

>> No.7116921

Most alts are shit, but if you can't recognize the potential LINK has to impact this space then that's your problem. Enjoy your mutual funds

>> No.7116925

Good, so I'll buy before the run up and sell before the dump. Where's the catch?

>> No.7116950


How does it feel to have 20X the LINK that I will ever have?

>> No.7117079
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>this post

of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these: the smooth brains are at it again

>> No.7117144

LINK insider here. I'm not going to reveal much but all I can say is, prepare yourselves. If you're a LINK holder, you should be proud that you've invested in this project so early. We have huge things to come, come March.

>> No.7117182
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check em

>> No.7117201


How do we know you're an insider? Tell us something to prove it that won't give away your identity

>> No.7117212


I call bullshit... but I tend to agree March is when we see some crazy movement.

>> No.7117324

way to type out 2,000 words of gibberish just to say "buy the rumor sell the news" you absolute faggot

>> No.7117352

When is mainnet?
I thought Q1

>> No.7117369


Code release Q1. Main net likely Q2.

>> No.7117511

Lol gtfo /biz/ then.. the state of nolinkers

>> No.7117530

>stay tied to 1 dollar

>the rest of the text
this has to be bait, nobody is this retarded

>> No.7117544

dubs has spoken

>> No.7117575

>Op mentions that muh conference won't result in moon
>delusional bag holders go rabid
Lol. Still sore from sibos I see? Really wish I had saved all those $1 before sibos $5 after sibos posts.

>> No.7117597


You are stupid if you don't understand how Chainlink token is essential for secure smart contracts. Everytime he talks about secure smart contracts and its implementation he is talking about the token. This is a utility token, not a token that represents somehow the value of a company. Go to forex for that

>> No.7117627

Not gonna lie, I like this FUD. It's ALMOST convincing hehe

>> No.7117637

buying 100k right fucking now

>> No.7117652

Stupid fud. Chainlink is the most promising project for real world adoption of smart contracts. The economic possibilites thereof are worth at least a few trillion. Just going on that understanding, you're borderline retarded not to place a bet that chainlink will do exactly what it's supposed to do. Risk $1000 (assuming chainlink goes to 0 if it's a scam) to make potentially $100k to $1MM in a few years time. Expected value is well in the positive even if you think there's a 10% chance of Link succeeding. The odds are ridiculously stacked for Link.

>> No.7117660

Initial mainnet release, aka GoLang testnet, in Q1, most likely March. Mainnet before summer

>> No.7117727


If you haven't watched this interview I suggest you do. The potential for this project is so great, and listening to Sergey you can tell he is intelligent and driven by this project.

>> No.7117917

deluded linkies

>> No.7118000
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Riddle anon here.

>> No.7118036
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>> No.7118073

>mainnet launch
that would be when?

>> No.7118104


>> No.7118175

>listening to Sergey you can tell he is intelligent and driven by this project
>implying that has ANY relevance on LINK mooning

>> No.7118209

thanks, hopefully I have enough time to accumulate

>> No.7118277


Hey LARPer - What biotechs have you invested in? I know that game well - you are halfway right.

>> No.7118282

the great thing about LINK is that eventually, the token price won't be influenced by speculation, since it has an actual use case.

>> No.7118319
File: 132 KB, 1196x803, 149EAAD3-2290-4E1A-B98B-0AA1553F6D37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true, Rory said Q1 in the Slack

>> No.7118380

I like your video.
Well done, seriously.
Please don't shill it like this though, it makes you look silly.
Just keep making quality content you believe in and you'll get there quicker than you think

>> No.7118442

dude looks like a fag

>> No.7118490

I think that means Q1 for initial implementation. I am not aware we have a specific date for this.

>> No.7118528
File: 288 KB, 1200x1800, dd7d040f3af423fe366bfd2757c124eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah. thats not me in the vid. I just think, this nerd is very well knowledgable. Normies HAVE to believe him!