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File: 7 KB, 916x226, zenash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7112768 No.7112768 [Reply] [Original]

Zencash is about to be listed on okex as announced on their official twitter page.


Whales have tried to manipulate down the price, and have successfully done so until now.

Current mcap is 150mil, and hasn't mooned to any extent in the last 3 months because the lack of new users (main exchange is bittrex).

Being listed on the second highest volume exchange, this criminally undervalued project will be bought up real quick.

Okex trading starts Feb 1st.

If you want to know more about zencash, its essentially a privacy platform utilizing zk-snarks just like zcash. However they have a DAO, they are implementing messaging, file sharing and domain fronting functionalities on the block-chain. Their master node network is one of the most decentralized in the crypto space, having over 6k+ nodes since beta main net release in the last few weeks.

If you care about privacy you care about zencash

>> No.7113073
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>> No.7113243

get in lads. we're on wave 3. targeting 64k sats short term. but this is a long hold anyway.

>> No.7113286

yeh ive been watching this for a while. zcashs mcap is like 1.4 billlion rn, and zencash is 10% of this, with a more active dev team.

no brainer imho

>> No.7113483
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I've shilled ZEN every time someone asked for an undervalued coin. Hope you fuckers listened.
We've got Ethereum Charles with IOHK, 6k secure nodes and more.

>> No.7113536

dude, they are even thinking about DAG scaling options, and creating a privacy platform for dapps.

>> No.7113598
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bought at 39k sats sold at 43k

>> No.7113768

well get the fuck back in here then...

>> No.7114017

yes Zencash is amazing stop shilling while i accumulitate

>> No.7114035


>> No.7114205

Who else /secnodes/ here?

>> No.7114251

only 42 needed right?

>> No.7114297

Where does one get this shit?

>> No.7114377

there are no whales dumbass

but this is a very good coin, second only to zCoin, and better than Monero

Monero is the better crypto, Zen and zCash the better privacy coins

better f%cking own all three in your portfolio. Monero for the security, zCoin for the node, devs, and asian market upside, ZenCash for the 1:1 high end transactions and ties to IHOK.

>> No.7114400
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>> No.7114518

42 plus about 1 so the node can perform challenges.

>> No.7114578

Stop shilling fucktard! I'm still accumulating to have as many Zen sec nodes as I can.

>> No.7114825

ive got over 25 nodes currently lel

>> No.7115132

Nice. Was it easy setting that many up? Ive no experience with linux but i set up a single node pretty easily; wouldnt want to do the same process 25 times, but also dont know how youd automate it since you need 25 domains, 25 wallet address, etc. But gg, youre making 1.2 zen per day, youre pretty much set for life once this pumps to 500.

>> No.7115497

it took so much time, but yeh you get there eventually. Some people have automated a way to make nodes and i really dunno how they did that. But yeh, pretty much set rn.

>> No.7115518
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>> No.7115587

Should I sell my zcl and get into ZEN then? I only have 3 zcl and I got in at about 90$

>> No.7115594

u have 24 hours

>> No.7115599

Dont the nodes give you less returns the more of them that exist?

There must be loads of these ZEN nodes, puts me off buying one.

>> No.7115817

If you want to get some free zen there is a faucet the developers have made.


If you want to calculate the amount of zen per node use this link.
