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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 512x512, logo-facebook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7111999 No.7111999 [Reply] [Original]


We are going to be okay, r-r-right guys?

>> No.7112055

Also, check em

>> No.7112056

yes it's going to be ok, do you have no sense of smell?

>> No.7112059


>> No.7112124

This is like when all file sharing sites were targeted at their peak

>> No.7112553


>> No.7112819

i mean think about all of the ads youve seen on fb, mostly ICO or pnd groups. Im happy about this, im tired of seeing how my investment can be x100 every time i visit the site

>> No.7112905


>> No.7112952

when the FUD is this potent you should know that the Tech is solid af and that they are afraid!

>> No.7112965

If you think crypto needs FB adverts then I’m worried for you OP

>> No.7113023

i will enjoy so much to see facebook and that jew get raped by decentralized social media

>> No.7113340
File: 14 KB, 205x209, 1516241782341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really be gonna okay? all my normie friends knew about crypto (in name only) from facebook ads.
They're saying like Litecoin is the new trend half a month ago from what they read on facebook and that's when i start playing with Crypto

>> No.7114027

it's alright only shit like BITCONEEEEECT and davorcoin were advertised on fb anyway.
atleast this way the normie money will flow into into pump and dumps like verge instead of ponzi schemes

>> No.7114057

Why does cuckerberg hate crypto?

I thought jews love money

>> No.7114070


>> No.7114085

crypto "advertising" only hurts crypto. I went on coinmarketcap without adblock a few months ago and there were 3 banners for ponzi schemes. retards and old people must get slaughtered when they first start in crypto.

>> No.7114136

that was probably the actual trending tab, not ads. fb crypto ads were for shit like ripio credit network, not litecoin or btc.

>> No.7114184

All the FB ads for crypto were/are scams. Who cares

>> No.7114220

The main backers of Facebook are bullish on crypto. The ban is to prevent scammers, Trevon and bazingacoin type shilling to the masses Facebook don't want to get involved with that shit

>> No.7114223

Even so it doesn't help.
Still counts as FUD.

>> No.7114456

> he didn't buy 20 bitcoin packages

>> No.7114869

FUD doesn’t change the tech. Weak hands sell and I accumulate

>> No.7115019

>tech dictates value
>utter shitcoin is the most valuable, utter shitcoin is also third most valuable