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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.98 MB, 3024x4032, locked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7111128 No.7111128 [Reply] [Original]

>locked in at $13.6k
>laughing all day at normies getting BTFO

Who else /comfy/?

>> No.7111160

>not locking in at $19k


>> No.7111181

How does locking work?

>> No.7111203

casual fucks. I used google cache to lock me at ATH after tether crash

>> No.7111205

>buying at 13.6k
>not realizing you are the normie...


>> No.7111210

Some guy scammed my tip after he promised to show me how to lock in erc20 prices, can erc20 tokens be locked in or just btc?

>> No.7111213

Got greedy... still, locked in at a decent price

>> No.7111235

how the fuck locking work? when u not sold it? before u sell, u should unlock and sell it in exchange right? redpill me on this locking.

>> No.7111238

Let me ask you a question. What does locking in at 13k do for something no one will buy at 13k?

"Hi sir, I locked my car in at 13k, I'll sell it to you for 13k since that's what it's locked at"

"No. It's worth 10k. I'll give you 10k"

"No sir, see, the lock sir.. it says 13k"

"Fuck off"

>> No.7111242

You would need a quantum computer to "lock" the price

>> No.7111254
File: 683 KB, 598x600, 1471376197615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a dank meme because idiots like:
believe it

>Locked in since 3 figures
>now have 6

>> No.7111259

Cool Trezor wallpaper. This shit was never funny. Stop it.

>> No.7111263

Locking is just like selling at a certain price. Its just simplified.

>> No.7111272

is there any advantage of locking instead of just selling?

>> No.7111279
File: 5 KB, 207x243, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

locked in with 5% dividends PoWH

>> No.7111298

Chinese already developed it

You’re late

>> No.7111329
File: 37 KB, 800x450, locked_in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trezor Plus
>Locked in gains at 1100% per year

Sitting comfy

>> No.7111347

you dont have to pay fees or move your coins out of cold storage

>> No.7111402

wt the fuck, i still did not get it. lets say

> u locked at 14k, but market crashes to 9k, how u sell at 14k?
> is lock means its already sold/cashed out? if so then y the fuck u need trazeor when u dont coin in it.

this fuckking confusing me.

>> No.7111414

>I can't understand how it works, therefore it's not true!
Kek these newfags sure are funny

>> No.7111423


Of course you do, but the price is locked in so it more than makes up for those smaller expenses.

>> No.7111445

I believe it means you can sell for your lock price on the trezor exchange

>> No.7111448

How new are you

>> No.7111461

When you buy a hardware wallet, such as a trezor or nano, the profits go to a "stabilization fund", which is kind of like tether. You see, if bitcoin drops too much then the user will remove the bitcoin and send it to an exchange. That's bad for business, they found a way to stop that in a recent update, thus "price-locking" was born. The stabilization fund is not able to accommodate for everyones balance, that's why few know about it.

>> No.7111483

i think its like when u press lock u sell your btc for usd to the company trezor

>> No.7111487
File: 312 KB, 1000x600, 1494574841060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7111501

They're trollin you bro. It doesn't make sense because they're telling lies.

>> No.7111505

Has anyone read that BitcoinTalk thread about the release of "Interest locking"? Apparently new versions of the Ledger Nano S will have it... You basically gain interest at the locked price on a daily basis... not huge amounts, but if it's locked then you might as well collect interest

>> No.7111508

How do I lock my crypto? I can't find anything on Google

>> No.7111547

>tfw locked in at 19k
feels good

>> No.7111554

>Connect trezor
>Delete system 32


>> No.7111566
File: 15 KB, 225x225, 1516482581430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shh just let it happen

>> No.7111579
File: 3.83 MB, 3024x3344, 1516199877202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Locked in @ $18k+

>> No.7111583

i am in this game since late 2016, had multi million pf. but I do paper wallet. never bealive on this chinke hardwares. so holy fuck, so trazon have its own exchange? when u lock , tech they converted u r btc to fait and keep with them ?

> once u lock, cant u unlock and increase price later?

>> No.7111608

Nah. Gay nigger Jews.

>> No.7111627

>locked NEO at 0.01 BTC
THE PRICE ROSE. I have to wait until it drops again to unlock it

>> No.7111649

Serious question: there are a lot of trolls in this thread which is fine but I have a huge problem

I mainly use shittoshi to trade and when I requested a lock on bazinga coin. Next thing I know, I’m getting email spammed and my available cash to trade is ZERO


>> No.7111658

Its similar to bitcoin futures trading. Where you agreeing to buy btc for a fix price.

>> No.7111707

>Serious question
>Asks no questions

Good one pajeet

>> No.7111734

what is the benefit if this locking shit when u actually convert to usd in gdax and buy back when u feel comfortable. this looks fuccking retarded...

>> No.7111738

>How do futures work.

Fucking normies.

>> No.7111759

Wow 10/10

Are you gonna unlock anytime soon?

>> No.7111780

Cheapest way is to print your desired price on a paper along with your private key.

It will lock the price of what's printed

>> No.7111803
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>> No.7111844
File: 271 KB, 500x490, catsloveit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>locked at $4000 during 2017 before mini crash
>forgot to unlock all year long
>now if I sync it will only meet me halfway to current price
>lost $280k gains because I forgot to unlock after the crash

just be careful, don't forget to unlock when the price goes back up...don't make my mistake

>> No.7111896

Are the coins really locked at the price you put them in? I feel a lot better about buying at 19k now. I just need to make sure I don't lose the seed scratch-off sheet.

>> No.7111949

jealous of this sick lock

>> No.7111972


yeah you should probably laminate your scratch off sheet just so it doesnt get messed up, and make a couple copies

>> No.7111996

Damn nice lock bro congrats on your gainz

>> No.7112007

It's in a security deposit box. :)

>> No.7112058

>0.8 btc

enjoy the day job cuck

>> No.7112061


smart man

>> No.7112063

Anon I......

>> No.7112110


already priced in

>> No.7112151

Why do people say there is no such thing as price locking when it is right there in the settings. Do people actually buy hardware wallets and leave their shit unlocked during a crash?

>> No.7112227

Fuck off.

>> No.7112268

I retroactively locked in my btc in at 17.5k in my paper wallet. Took me 4-5 hours to laminate it for extra security.

Best laminating session of my life.

>> No.7112352

jelly as fuck anon

>> No.7112406

nice just priced 18K in

>> No.7112480



>> No.7112496

Go back...

>> No.7112502

are you joking about a seed scratch off sheet? did your h/ware wallet come with the seed on a scratch off? if so, then it's been preconfigured by someone else and your funds are at risk of being stolen at any moment. the device should generate the seed words themselves. a guy on reddit lost £25 due to his ledger wallet coming with a scratch off seed (he bought it on ebay) move funds off the wallet asap and reset your device to generate a new seed and then send funfs to new address

>> No.7112528

Oh hey, look. More cancer posters.

>> No.7112566

kill yourself and quit lying

>> No.7112652

I just locked my dog in the basement.

>> No.7112656

Yes it's "satire" of the highest form, found only on /biz/. A guy on reddit lost like a billion by being a retard and some faggot imitates the stupid new money by acting retarded and propagating le lock price meme and the scratch off meme

>> No.7112672
File: 142 KB, 407x615, bogbear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lock it. Tell the bear we will see him now.

>> No.7112681

"I'll sell you a $13k car for $13k, or I can sell you a $50k car for $50k"


Found the faux-channer

>> No.7112743

> They don't know they are just holding USDT in their Trezors

You guys are gonna get really fucked over one day doing this. Looks like it will be soon also.

>> No.7112802

Anyone know a trustworthy private locksmith? I lost the private key to my wallet's private lock and I need a new one. The price has been locked since it was $15k so I might have dodged a bullet but I need to think ahead.

>> No.7112870

If it's a paper wallet you have to talk to a liberian not a locksmith

>> No.7112969
File: 142 KB, 410x674, bog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are locked out. Alert the Liberians.

>> No.7113010

>and he never saw his bitcoin ever again
~$20k was BTC ATH; it'll never again break $10k.