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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 148 KB, 1400x789, iciic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7110978 No.7110978 [Reply] [Original]

Where my ICX millionaires at?

>> No.7111034

future trillionaire here. going to buy mars and build a sex doll colony there.

>> No.7111328

Holding 420 icon am I going to make it?

>> No.7111409
File: 43 KB, 432x768, TUiRs_S9nNXjpqGZGIZvwgVLFR8ubV2cEPVw60AdGFI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a supposed schedule of the summit

>> No.7111630


>> No.7111682

I'm holding 3. Is that enough?

>> No.7111684
File: 3.24 MB, 4000x2667, 1514596474707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sitting confy as fuck here too same feeling I got with antshares

>> No.7111760

so, it's not even worth staying up for opening right?

>> No.7111816

nice, when I wake up I'm just in time for the DApps intro

>> No.7111857


Have 4k in ICX but could have had more, diversified into more ETH because of the dip

>> No.7111995

No, sell now. Everyone else will sell 5 minutes into the summit, like always.

>> No.7112027

I won't sell anything

>> No.7112118


I won't sell either. Holding this with my life.

>> No.7112130

Where do you guys think they'll livestream it at? Jewtube?

>> No.7112149

Will prices pump further tonight before the summit, during the summit, after?

>> No.7112162

Holding as well, if this does 3-5x I'm in a good spot man

>> No.7112208

life changing? or what

>> No.7112222

>Buffet dinner
Warren Buffet partnership confirmed

>> No.7112248

I'm hedging my bets. Trailing stop-loss, and small batches of sell-offs as it climbs, still holding at least 50-75% stack no matter what.

>> No.7112263

Is 7.5k enough to be a millionaire this year?

>> No.7112274

This was my first confident huge buy since ANS

>> No.7112275

Nah, they're gonna blow him and swallow his load as they announce they're retiring

>> No.7112305

3.1k bag of ICX. I hope there's a small chance to make it

>> No.7112320

I should have dumped all my ven into icx when it passed icx in price.. God I'm retarted

>> No.7112380
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same her biz bro we are going to make it

>> No.7112415
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>> No.7112430


its not gonna 15x bro

look for a comfy 5x eoy

>> No.7112452

Enough to pay off debt and get an apartment.

>> No.7112455

nice digits

>> No.7112464

I did this. Albeit a bit too late at 79k, but still decent. Buying back the VEN soon. Will keep a substantial amount in ICX because of obvious reasons.

>> No.7112505

its not very obvious to me

>> No.7112537

I’d take that tbqhwyf

>> No.7112647 [DELETED] 
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Erectile Dysfunction guy don't forget about me, need help badly

>> No.7112764

As a eurofag I was gonna stay up for this but grandpa fucked the market so hard that I might as well sleep. It didnt even have a chance to pump.

>> No.7112807

oh and Im not selling. I'm not scared of getting assfucked by the market anymore cause I'm used to it.

>> No.7112975


Same here, I'm also a euro. Was going to stay up with popcorn and coke, enjoy the night. But fucking bitshit has to be a dick again. The next 2 hours will decide if I'll stay up. Also, not selling. Long term potential is good. Also, I'm not scared of this piece of shit market.


>> No.7113008

American strategic trader here
I will be selling where i think the top is on you guys : )

I will then buy the dip and increase my stack, have fun

>> No.7113042

75k icx ico hodler reporting in ... life is good

>> No.7113055

i hate ya man

>> No.7113129

i only have 1200 but its a nice hold :)

>> No.7113298

I only have 796, I want to sell them to boost my other stacks but can't decide when the best time would be. I'm planning on holding till march, thoughts if that's too long?

>> No.7113322
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>> No.7113453


I feel you. I want to sell my bags to buy the REQ dip. I feel icx is going to dip during the summit.

can anyone tell me if actual important shit is going to be announced at the summit?

>> No.7113521

Forgot the link to the medium article, but there was some guy that called ANS/NEO that is very bullish on ICX now. Looked like a solid argument.

>> No.7113559

This whole dip is hurting me, too many bargains, but I like icx and even though I know Id be better of consolidating, I can't bring myself to sell

>> No.7113580

gotchu senpai

>> No.7113664
File: 145 KB, 646x700, 1504891459173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks lad. 4K here, and with some luck and hard work, looking to make it this year or next year. Hope you all make it too.

>> No.7113670

i read that, p legit
What i am confused about is how can people be so certain on which ico is the next 100x
Don't all of them have descriptions and white papers making it seem they will be best in class. I really don't fucking get it, maybe i'm just brainlet

>> No.7113695

10k calling in

>> No.7113728

You look at the team and who's behind it

ICON was a no brainer since it's created by dayli

>> No.7113767

Survivorship bias and hindsight bias definitely at play, but in this market, that's good enough to throw money at something.
Someone shilled JNT with some decent arguments, and it seemed good enough for me. Here's hoping that's a winner this year too.

>> No.7113795

Where are we selling.. 25% @ 11,000 12,000 12,500 13,000... Unrealistic? Teach me how to win

>> No.7113828

This too. Startups successs are hugely determined by the team. Look at projects that fall apart. Usually infighting, not failing due to outside competitive or regulatory forces
t. Failed startup founder lol

>> No.7113890

what was the ath for ETH 10k?

>> No.7113908


"The crypto market is a device for transferring money from newfags to people with quads. Checked"

-Warren Buffett

>> No.7113924

1.4k u normie faggot

>> No.7114011

ETH pair you literal fucking retard. go back to your discord gaming channel kid

>> No.7114051
File: 10 KB, 281x179, gofuckyourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end your life, use ole gramps instead

>> No.7114198

I'll be selling when it's $1000

>> No.7114336


Don’t fuck with me anon. I need this.

Do you honestly see it going that high?

>> No.7114358

yes, sell in 10-13 hours after the event

>> No.7114409

Is this just gonna dump now or will price rise before/during/after the event?

>> No.7114443

ITT retards who don't understand the huge exposure this is going to get in korea along with all the unknown announcements and hype. fomo for weeks boys

>> No.7114486

This is going get NEO like pump after the summit

>> No.7114574

>holders in this thread
i sold 100% of this shitcoin at 9k and rebought at 8k
lmaoing are your life

>> No.7114626

english pls

>> No.7114702


I was part of the ICO never sold. Laughing at you.

>> No.7114761

that we're getting a bullrun like NEO did 2 weeks ago

>> No.7114782

oh ty

>> No.7114795

it's going below ico soon, you poophead

>> No.7114894
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>> No.7115052

I thought I FOMO'd last night at $1500 worth at $9.5 but I guess it's not too late.

>> No.7115128
File: 324 KB, 640x480, 3FEF2A85-C8D8-4A67-A6E2-54C04992DF99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7115257

Why does this shitcoin dump in satoshi's so hard when BTC goes down (more so than other alts, for example VEN).

>> No.7115297

Considering the ico was @11 cents, i find this hard to believe.

>> No.7115340

ICO holders taking profit

>> No.7115608

this is boring
wheres my fucking moon
The one thing i had to look forward to in this shit pajeet market
And now whales are just selling their stack and it isn't mooning

Fuck this

>> No.7115843

Anon as long as there's no catastrophic news for ICX or Crypto in the next 2 years, this is the easiest road to retirement in the entire crypto market.

>> No.7115990

this and omg are pretty comfy for the future.

>> No.7116056

Not even hard Korea FUD by corrupt government officers destroyed ICX . It is the Samsung of crypto.

>> No.7116350

510ICX here

>> No.7116422

662 here

>> No.7116493
File: 81 KB, 800x670, Iconfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

460 here

>> No.7116517

5130 ICX here will I make it?

>> No.7116522

111.002 here, comfy.

>> No.7116557

243 here
will i make it?
I have 5 other coins too tho, for fuck sake
i'm not making it am i

>> No.7116576


Thanks anon.

I only have 600 but it’s a comfy long term hold.

>> No.7116625

662 here

>> No.7116627
File: 40 KB, 200x200, b37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of us are making it if this piece of shit keeps sinking like bag of lead. By piece of shit I mean the best fucking blockchain on the market. MOOOON YOU FUCKING SHITCOIN REEEEEEEEE

>> No.7116651

hey you going make it if the market stay alive long enough...right?

>> No.7116744

it's not looking good for us right now anon
This should have gone parabolic by now

Jews win

>> No.7116815
File: 36 KB, 396x386, 1508253128596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They always do. There's no escaping the jew, is there? I just wanted my tendies.

>> No.7116816

i have 6 icon. hehe

>> No.7116899

>Massive tether fud
>face book banning icos and cryptos
>wallstreet kikes fucking with the market
I mean the signs are all there

around jews....bad news....

>> No.7116936
File: 940 KB, 1498x1200, Capture d’écran 2018-01-31 à 12.53.44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the VIP's at the pre-summit dinner posted this, looks good.

>> No.7117035
File: 87 KB, 292x204, 1505196990494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally one bull market from soft making it. Fucking kikes, how I hate them.

>> No.7117104

My memetic TA says we should hit 120k sats, but it sadly does not take into account this kikery behind bitcorn. JUST fuck my shit up senpai.

>> No.7117113


> Doesn’t make irrational shilling post.
> Is modest and realistic.
> Urges patience.

Holy shit boys MOON

>> No.7117168

What if it's a 4D shillpost?

>> No.7117768

Sell the news dump happening 1.5 hours before the summit even begins? WTF?

>> No.7117900


Check CMC, whole market going down atm, weak hands getting fucked by insider FUD. We'll be good.

>> No.7117953

I mean dumping in satoshi, obviously it will go down in USD if grandpa farts.