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7108984 No.7108984[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you had the chance to go back in time would you rather buy bitcoins and become a richfag or the führer of germany and lead the world into WW2?

>> No.7109058

leading germany takes work tho, Id rather be a richfag neet.

>> No.7109147

Germany was doomed to lose WW2 from the start, in no scenario could it beat both the US and USSR, and in no way would both nations sit back and let him win the war.

Also no waifu's around then so what's the point.

>> No.7109166

If i could go back in time and lead Germany into WW2 then Germany would win

>> No.7109184

If Germany didn't declare war on the US, US never would've declared war. Hitler was a dope. Almost as stupid as the Japanese.

>> No.7109201

>no internet
why the fuck would I go back to WW2? Of course I'd buy btc

>> No.7109208

I buy bitcoins and become a richfag and lead the world into WW3

>> No.7109218

richfag any day
germany was doomed from the start plus they were so stupid to invade USSR during winter lmao tf

>> No.7109239

So you're saying you'd invade the USSR too?

>> No.7109255

already played out the scenorio. I couldnt save germany because Id have to somehow learn the German Language quickly, and then somehow convince the Nazis Im a time traveler that needs to help hitler. They might not let me see him

When you know nothing about History, its best to keep your mouth shut so you dont embarrass yourself

>> No.7109280

I'm sure this thread will be all about /biz/ related shit. You can do it anons, i believe in you!

>> No.7109292

Are you sure about that m8?

>Germany doesn't shit the bed
>annihilates the British Expeditionary force and French army at Dunkirk
>does fucking bomb cities during the battle of Britain and actually cripples the RAF
>Britain now defenseless
>Germany takes Britain
>USA has no where to stage a land invasion
>Germany can now fully focus on Russia and invade earlier
>takes Russia by complete surprise and collapses government

This is all assuming someone from the future comes in and makes no mistakes, the German high command fucked themselves too many times but they could have won, only problem i see is North Africa

>> No.7109294

Not only that the Östfront was a fucking disaster for their allies. NONE of them had proper gearing and a total lack of anti-tank weaponry. Germany refusing to lend or sell it was just the fucking nail on the coffin

>> No.7109399

ww2 would have ended much sooner if the fucking french fags didnt surrender to hitler while still having much of the country unconquered. if they were as buff as the soviets, germans would have conquered france but with much less momentum to invade ussr.

>> No.7109459

doesnt bomb cities*

Also no invasion of Greece

>> No.7109470

Mine bitcoins back when a laptop could mine blocks a few times a day, and earn 50 BTC each time.

Buy as much ETH as I can during the ICO.

Same for STRAT and NEO (ANS).

Put sell orders for several hundred million dollars at $18-19k on December 2017.

>> No.7109532

I'd rather be a richfag NEET desu.

>> No.7109535

Go back in time, kill Woodrow Wilson and the bankers on their way to Jekyll Island.

>> No.7109552
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>annihilates the British Expeditionary force and French army at Dunkirk
Implying Germans could have had done that. Brits have naval assistance and were well dug in while Germans were at the last tether of their supply line.
>does fucking bomb cities during the battle of Britain and actually cripples the RAF
>Britain now defenseless
>Germany takes Britain
>USA has no where to stage a land invasion
>Germany can now fully focus on Russia and invade earlier
>takes Russia by complete surprise and collapses government
You might as well claim they should just knock off soviet union and walk to the Kurils and afterwards invade US. Thats retarded make belief, Germany didnt have any chances for what youre suggesting
>just win battles lol
Youre retarded

>> No.7109600

pol shit thread in disguise sage report hide

>> No.7109628

you mean hitler fucked it all, right? most of german mistakes were due to hitler not listening to hist generals' advice. german generals were top tier at the time: guderian, rommel, manstein etc

>> No.7109678
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War was inevitable. Germany was cutting international banking cartels out of the loop and running Germany for Germans. Can't have that: all markets must ultimately be consolidated. Same thing happened with Libya, Qaddafi wanted to back the Dinar with gold. That would have fucked the USD and other fiat trash currencies. So he had to die. Supposedly they also had enough fresh water to irrigate a lot of Africa, thereby increasing farmland and easing starvation, which would make NGO's and the mass 3rd world invasion of Europe more of a moot point.

Now Libya has open air slave markets.


>> No.7109715
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Rommel deserved so much better.....

>> No.7109724

yeah lets go back to shilling shitcoins thats so much better you faggot ass shitskin

>> No.7109765

Hitler was a better and more experienced General than all of them combined. He did what was necessary

>> No.7109785

It was impossible for Germany to win. They were fighting two fronts and the Soviets would have taken Berlin eventually (as they did in history) because Stalin didn’t give a fuck and was willing to sacrifice millions of lives to do it.

>> No.7109798

In disguise? 14 IQ detected.

>> No.7109803

At least that would be, gee, TOPICAL TO THE BOARD?

>> No.7109868

pretty much this and the insane US industrial capabilities

>> No.7109898


Against all Allied powers, Germany was doomed. Against the Soviet Union alone, Khrushchev himself admitted in his memoir that even he and Stalin believed the NatSoc's would have won.

>> No.7109929

Fuhrer. He was both Rich AND loved by an entire nation plus millions abroad. He died happily in Argentina after holding back the the hordes with his UFO foo fighters and an agreement saying I won't take over the world if you leave us alons in Antarctica.

>> No.7110067
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