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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7108879 No.7108879 [Reply] [Original]

Enterprises partnered with VeChain care not about the price of Bitcoin, or whether or not tether was a scam. They only care about two things: 1) How to solve problems 2) What those solutions will cost them

VeChain offers those solutions, and those solutions are dependent on paying with Thor Power AND ONLY THOR POWER. Every action on the blockchain will consume Thor Power, and it is NEEDED to drive the solutions. Companies wont be able to just pay money to use the blockchain. They MUST pay with Thor Power. In order to obtain Thor Power, one must either buy already circulating power with fiat, or hold VET to produce it. 70% of all Thor Power used will be consumed so circulating supply will remain relatively low.

Once VeChain starts rolling out solutions to Enterprises, the need for this resource will drive the price of Thor Power, and in effect, VeChain Tokens as well. The rest of entire crypto market cap could go to $0, and VeChain will still hold value because it is a RESOURCE that companies need in order to solve problems.

VeChain doesn't give a crap about what the rest of the market is doing. Sure, it's taking a hit right now, but once solutions start being rolled out, it wont matter anymore.

New stuff: VeChain is going to drop right now due to it being coupled with Bitcoin. But this is a GOOD thing. The reversal of the mountain has begun. When one empire crashes, another rises through the ashes, like a phoenix, to take it's place. The stars are aligning. Will you climb Mt. VeChain?

Viva la VeChain

>> No.7108999

Those macarons look almost as tasty as my VEN riches

>> No.7109047

so I should sell my bags?

>> No.7109121
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>serious business relies on decentarlised crowd controlled infrastructure

>> No.7109344

I never thought I'd have the courage to tell you my story... but here it is. I was a huge fan from the start, since BitSE split and formed VeChain. The idea of IoT and tracking products on the blockchain sounded incredible. I decided to visit the Singapore office in 2017, and my life was changed.

I arrived there and was greeted in the most friendly manner by a woman at the front desk, Ann I believe her name was. Then I saw him, Sunny Lu, standing at his desk. I tried to keep my composure and walked up and said something along the lines of "Mr. Lu, it's an honor to meet you. I've always admired your entrepreneurial spirit, and I love how VeChain is progressing." Then, he gave me that blank stare. The stare that will be burned in my mind until I reach the grave. You could tell there was nothing left, no soul, no heart. And that's when it all went wrong.

He fiercely grabbed my genitals and started twisting, with the same blank stare into my soul. I sat there, looking horrified, very visibly trying not to cry. He finally stopped twisting, and brought his face about 1 inch away from my own. I could smell a rancid stench coming from his mouth as he said these words: "YOU GET OUT WHITE RICE. YOU GET OUT AND YOU NEVER RETURN."

I let out a barely audible "Y-yes sir," and he finally released his grip. ALL of the coworkers just stood around me, mocking and laughing, calling me 'milky-white boy.' I ran out in tears and took the next plane home. My stomach churns just at the thought of how this day changed my life.

>> No.7109446

crowd-controlled? big companies will own most of the nodes you retard... brainlet

>> No.7109539

4chan is almost as bad as leddit at running memes into the fucking ground jfc

>> No.7109633

Almost indeed my friend

>> No.7109835

Shhhhhhhh just let the poor and stupid stay that way, there's no use trying to teach them. They wouldn't even know what to do with themselves if they made it anyway lol

>> No.7109906


>> No.7109917

The difference is we ruin them first, then they pick it up.

>> No.7109944



>> No.7109949



>> No.7110110


sunny is sick just dumped 100k

>> No.7110168

nice just bought 100k

>> No.7110335

elevator pasta pls