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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7107847 No.7107847 [Reply] [Original]

>at 50% of initial investment

Quite bullish though can't wait for after chink new year

>> No.7107909

>mfw still +600%
How the fuck do you fags lose money on this? I can't understand it. I day trade - I gain. I switch off for a couple of weeks - I gain.

How can you be so severely retarded that you cannot tell the shit from the good? How can you lose money on crypto!? HOW

>> No.7107979

I'm down from 40K to 12k

Initial investment was $200 so I'm not even mad.

>> No.7108144

Not bad at all anon

>> No.7108230

To be fair if you got in just about anything before the mid january dip you would have made losses

Were you gaining through the dip? What genius trades have you made?

>> No.7108323

Nigga I got in mid december

Repeated 10% gains. Wow, so difficult and smart tactic. Jesus that's tough to get.

>> No.7108440

only 600%?
holy shit u suck hard
at least get in some ico and end your fucking misery you fucking poor fag

>> No.7108469

Mhm, 600% is soooo bad for my savings to grow in one month. I should put it in S&P instead.


>> No.7108508

10% gains on what? Bitconnect?

>> No.7108513

I'm at 600% and I'm in crypto since April

>> No.7108522

What's supposed to happen after chinese New years

>> No.7108560

Hopefully bull market resumes due to chinks not cashing out

>> No.7108694

Literally any high cap sideways coin lel

>> No.7108713

Chinks reinvest their New Years money and all the ppl who bought into icos money re-enters the market about the same time. 16th Feb is the day.

>> No.7108797

How do you time the market? TA? Pick a relative high and wait for a relative low?

>> No.7108808


im about even, I ain't checking that shit tho nigga
i'll just keep away for a couple days kek

>> No.7108841

I've basically written that money off at this point

>> No.7108893

I'm not a smart man, I go by /biz/ shilling compared to charts.

Coin moving like a wave for a while, currently on a low and shilled on /biz/ -> buy

currently high and no shill/fud -> sell

currently high and fud -> SELL

And repeat. It's that easy. I check binance and /biz/ about once an hour at work and I just keep gaining.

What the fuck are you all doing?

>> No.7108946
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>now only up 20x on my initial investment

>> No.7109076

I'm down like 8%

It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't sell but I thought tether was going to fuck everything up. I'm fucking awful at this, I need to just buy my coins and stop looking at charts and stop looking at /biz/ unless I plan to buy in the near future.

>> No.7109200
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I put all my shitcoins to sell at 10% profit. Their value sunk and froze since mid January. This fucking sucks.

>> No.7109221

That actually sounds pretty legit.

What coins have made you some nice returns? I'm thinking FUN / DBC / XRB?

>> No.7109262

Us December 2017 fags aren't doing so hot right now

>> No.7109308

pretty stupid. you are why I'm making so much bank

>> No.7109310

I started crypto literally minutes before the January crash.

In for the long haul now

>> No.7109324

REQ (practically a sine wave in december lol)

probably more but mostly those

>> No.7109429

Will try allocating a portion of my folio to this strat if i ever recover, good shout anon

How much % or usd value of your folio do you allocate to this swing trading?

>> No.7109439

>1400% of initial investment
feeling pretty down tho. i've been here since march, dca'ed my investment from march to june, which puts me above the overall market but not by much. newfag shitcoiners have made more than me in weeks