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File: 98 KB, 429x329, linkies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7107371 No.7107371 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7107396
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>> No.7107425

Who the fuck is selling their linkies? It must just be us left by now

>> No.7107452

I'm here too brother

>> No.7107455
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>> No.7107454

I'm at a little above 10k. Wish I had more available eth to buy more. I'm just accumulating what I can

>> No.7107482

I don't even care, I'm just holding.

>> No.7107601

I am primed to buy as soon as falls slow. I see this as my best chance to acquire enough to get into the nod business.

>> No.7107611

reddit has liquidated theirs for sure. the mobius FUD we conducted and now this..no way they stayed

>> No.7107685

I persevere through pure hatred for der juden and my singular goal to either exterminate them...
>...or join them.

>> No.7107735

omg if they did that its hilarious

>> No.7107822

Honestly I am delighted. I have wanted to acquire and have picked some up but this is just getting better.

>> No.7107864

Just hit 100k LINK.
Tell me I am going to make it fellows!

>> No.7107925

You're already rich, what are you talking about?

I'm 90% sure all the people posting about their 100s of thousands of Link are actually low-key fudding by demoralization.

>> No.7108042

I hope it hits 30c if so I'm going to throw a thousand euro at it

>> No.7108100

Thanks man. I had 60k and decided to make it an even hundered today after I saw the dip. Sold 500 ZEN to get there. I hope I did not fuck up.

>> No.7108110
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Never selling, plan on staking

>> No.7108145

How much did you start out with?

>> No.7108152

>it's already gone up from what i bought more at just now

>> No.7108187

everyone go to /r/linktrader and start FUDing about how sergeys going to remove tokens since he hates the erc20 scam icos

>> No.7108220

Remove tokens? Explain how that would work.

>> No.7108238

>everyone go to /r/linktrader and start FUDing about how sergeys going to remove tokens since he hates the erc20 scam icos


>> No.7108312

there is literally a disclaimer in the white paper saying he can do whatever he wants

the shadow fork could happen

>> No.7108361

NO BETTER someone tweet about how chainlink was mentioned by the the tether audit accountants as a funding backchannel for Russian financed alt-right groups and has brought it to the feds. Biz becomes a near monopoly holder of the most important change on the planet since mobile

>> No.7108374

In link or in crypto as a whole?
In link I had absolutely none until a week ago when I fell for thr meme and got 60k at almost 1 dollar a piece. Not one of my prodest moments.
Crypto as a whole, 1 BTC bought in 2014, lost some in cryptsy, decided to go in DOGE, forgot about it, sold for about 8 BTC recently. Caught the Verge train, the COSS train and a little of the ZCL train.
Now worth about 600k, give or take.
And you fuckers are making me buy LINK.

>> No.7108376

And then what, he walks away with the ETH and takes ALL the tokens? Why? What's the benefit? I'm sure, even with a disclaimer, that's illegal.

>> No.7108412

No it isn’t. These are not securities.

>> No.7108418


>> No.7108463

I want moar link. do it faggots

>> No.7108538

(((they))) are also left and spreading FUD

>> No.7108648

You did good anon, I'm actually jealous, I only managed to get my stack up to 65k this morning. Considering when to sell icx to increase it further

>> No.7108690

Look you dumb faggots the media will go spastic for anything involving a rusisan phd in philosophy, crypto, the alt right and Russia it will be on CNN and NBC by tomorrow night. Chainlink will crash allowing us to buy it up then soar when the media exposure makes normes learn what it is and it moons . We win. Get /pol in on this. Let's get rich faggots

>> No.7108740

I'm so excited for the next few months. This shit is going to blow up so hard.

>> No.7108789

>This shit is going to blow up so hard.

>Look you dumb faggots the media will go spastic for anything involving a rusisan phd in philosophy, crypto, the alt right and Russia it will be on CNN and NBC by tomorrow night. Chainlink will crash allowing us to buy it up then soar when the media exposure makes normes learn what it is and it moons . We win. Get /pol in on this. Let's get rich faggots

Get pol involved. We buy when it goes under .10

>> No.7108821

Do you live at home or something that you don't feel the need to cash out?

>> No.7108856
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who else top 1000? FeelsGoodMan

>> No.7108885

reddit is the only other community buying link and we dropped their users by 1500 in a week. just keep the FUD here and on there. if we convince them sergey hates link and 4chan they’ll leave

>> No.7108889

we need a twitter account that' has a fiminal name to the accounts that quit as the tether auditors to start this rolling. Have it deny that they have raised chainlink with the feds as a Russian backchannel for funding the alt right.

Reweet it to their actual twitter feed.

The get their reply and retweet to cnn with an alt right chainlink meme.

>> No.7108914

Now in the top 3% of wallets. I bought their sell orders at the absolute bottom lmao

>> No.7108988

Buy a few k link and forget about them like you did with dodge. You have enough stack to do it. Don't go all in like a retard.

>> No.7108996


Jesus, I can feel your autism leaking through my monitor.

>> No.7109016


Linkies are the dumbest niggers ever. there are actually better coins out now than link, wanchain will replace link & will release news and partnership, by the time Sergay realises he's fucked he'll exit scam and biz will own all of link it will bleed to 10 cents & you all will be known as the biggest memes of the crypto boom where literally every shitcoin shittrader made 100x except stinky linkies, & you'll remember reading this post before you put the noose are your neck

>> No.7109068

serget is a Russian spook connected to tether
1)fuds link we by cheap
2)infinite PR for chainlink and smartcontracts as it is explained live on cnn

>> No.7109078

There are some wales here for sure but most are small holders. I have 1k link.

>> No.7109090


y u so mad bro

>> No.7109097

Well I live in my own home, but I really do not see the need to cash out. Why would I do that? The world is full of things I do not need.
Not my native language but I think I get my point across.

>> No.7109115

it would be nice if it corrects itself at 40 cents and stays there for a month. I get paid in two weeks. Ill shovel my paycheck into then.

>> No.7109157


Please stop the autism. Go take some medicine dude. Your ramblings are equivalent to a retard smearing shit all over a bathroom wall.

>> No.7109161

its all true also aprajeet coin also seey is a spook connected to funing the alt right for Russia

chainlink explained live on cnn while we buy at its atl

>> No.7109191

Corporal reporting in. Same here. The only thing I'm waiting for is the next dip to increase my stack.

>> No.7109207

weaponised autism is the most powerful force in the universe you faggots

>> No.7109307

Just bought 1000 link for 500 euros, so fucking cheap.

>> No.7109309

>The world is full of things I do not need.
Lol I like that.
I used to not care either. I had a job I liked and was happy to get by.
Then some things happened and now my number 1 motivation in life is to help the people that are dear to me. Now all I can think about is getting rich, one way or another.

>> No.7109381
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>> No.7109404

Hundreds of thausands may be too much, but consider that some anons bought during the ICO, some actually got a lot at the dip to 15 cents. Not completely impossible some exist and browse this board.

>> No.7109453

your are correct

>> No.7109493

>The face on how Moscow
Is this even grammatically correct?

>> No.7109529

>thousand euro
high roller

>> No.7109557

Well sure, but even in the best-case scenario where they bought at ICO, a few hundred k meant a few ten k USD. Anyone with that kind of money set aside for something as risky as an ICO, AND the patience and clairvoyance to hodl from the ICO all the way through the 14c valley of the shadow of death, is clearly already on another level.

>> No.7109607
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Do it faggots

>> No.7109698

how new are you? Eth was less than $10 at the beginning of the year. Even by September tons of people here had portfolios in the 100s of thousands of dollars that they would have had no chance of earning with their job or inheriting. I threw 10 eth at the random chainlink presale address that could have very easily have been a scam and threw 4 eth at the liveedu ICO that was basically just money down the drain last week, and I never had a job where I made more than $50k a year. This board really is flooded by the people who pumped everything 10x in december and are in the red right now isn't it, fuck.

>> No.7109737
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>> No.7109769

Best of luck to you man. How much link are you holding now?

>> No.7109791
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>> No.7109933

You too.
Holding a hair under 17k Link. Bought 23k at ICO but ED fucked me out of 20k and I had to re-buy 14k at 26c. Started out this year, and I bought a house last summer, so liquidity was low to begin with.

>> No.7110065

I have 136 kLINK and I’m seriously considering liquidating my 11k in stocks to get more (23% of portfolio)

are we going to get a better entry price before the superconference?

>> No.7110076

>Started out this year
By which I meant last year, lol.

>> No.7110304
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I have just under 14k link. Im holding some icx and bnty and hoping they 2x or 3x and I get my link up to 20k. here's hoping linkies

>> No.7110536

I always kek whenever you post. Losing 20k LINK what a sad bastard.

>> No.7110811

thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVpjt9gHlDw my fellow brothers keep up the concious

>> No.7110851

pretty neat that he is speaking at the super conference. But is that really going to bring in new money? Anyone who will be watching probably already has their money invested if they plan on buying link

>> No.7110898
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Daily reminder LINK is for weak handed moon kids being led astray by trolls.

Real men dumped shit shit from the ICO at $1 and never looked back.

>> No.7111227

real men don't dump entire positions butterhands

>> No.7111306


When it comes to LINK there is an exception, you guys are fools who enjoy losing opportunity cost out of your naive attachment to the cube.

>> No.7111369
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>> No.7111419
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It's okay. You play your game and we play ours.



>> No.7111449

thanks man just made it

>> No.7111548
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>> No.7111578
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I tried to get PINK FOR LINK to take off early SIBOS days but no one would bite

>> No.7111619


Same dude, just added 1k to my stack, up to over 5000 stinkies now. What rank is that? Sgt First Class?

I’ve got plenty more cash on the sidelines, if it keeps falling I’ll steadily buy until I’m at 10k. I hope Tether implodes and the market tanks another 50%.

>> No.7111696

another fork?

>> No.7111893

Meme magic at work

>> No.7112646


Not in front of the cube

>> No.7113031

Damn. Top 1500. Maybe I'll buy the dip and bump up a couple hundred spots.

>> No.7113102

how do you know this?

>> No.7113613

630 something :)