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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7102805 No.7102805 [Reply] [Original]

inb4 nothing fucking happens

>> No.7102822

It will dump to 500 sats were it belongs tho

>> No.7102886

I'm gonna write jokes and earn fucking money doing nothing with BZC faggot, what are you guys doing? Kek.

>> No.7102898
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>that moment when i made a nice quick 30% portfolio increase with the summit hype.
>immediately jumped into AION for more summit hype and it had dropped 12%
>has done nothing but bleed because of fucking bitcoin
>My hands biz my hands are weakining
>lost 66% of my profit off my well timed ICX trade

>> No.7102926

its gonna dump honey
summit = news

>> No.7102927

Fuck off street shitter, you faggots have started enough threads to shill your scam in, don't shit this one up.

>> No.7103136

That’s what you get tbqh. Day trading ICX like a faggot. ICX has been the most stable coin out there when BTC tanks. It’s already back to 8800 from its dip to 8150 just a couple hours ago.

>> No.7103168

Anybody else /ironhands/ and still holding from ICO?

>> No.7103197

I'm still hodling like in the other two threads. Bought more at 8k, good feels

>> No.7103299
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>mfw I set a buy order for 8100
>mfw it only dipped 8140
Just fuck my shit up

>> No.7103313

My hands are iron but they are bleeding so hard that makes my insides cry, please tell me this will moon anon

>> No.7103356

Comfiest hold there is.

Even if it doesn't moon in this bear market (I still think it will), no other high cap coin will either and this will be one of the biggest winners when everything picks up.

>> No.7103500

Ok sirs thanks you send bobs n vagene dears

>> No.7103572

What price are we dumping at? Seems it'll be around 10k

>> No.7103595

hot as fuck. this is better than cigarette juice

>> No.7103607


>> No.7103615

Lol stop crying faggots its holding pretty steady all things considered.

I ditched the last of my APPC last night and waking up this morning I see icx is higher than when I bought it and appc dropped. This coin is solid

>> No.7103675

Does this mean AION will pump too?

>> No.7103823

fuck aion nigga
I dunno, see how hard the gooks pump it
WHen you see resistance and it fighting the peak, sell some. No way i'm holding this the whole way through, so it can slowly bleed over the week again.

>> No.7103854

I’m only selling half, but high 9000s, 10000 seems good to me. I have a feeling this could moon even after the news.

>> No.7103937

Why though? It's cheaper, on a support level, and is partnered with ICX. Is the rationale because it's not ICX and won't pump like It? No Korean volume?

>> No.7104033

nah i was just playing , aion is pretty solid but i'm more of a VEN ICX guy

I don't think aion will pump nearly as hard as ICX for this event. IF it even moons..

>> No.7104060

People keep hating on it for not mooning yet but the entire market has been sideways or down for a month. It’s one of the few coins on binance not in the red today. Everything else is shitting itself way harder.

>> No.7104163

Can you recall a single instance where a coin mooned again after a long bull-run up to an announcement?

>> No.7104165

I don’t know why people are complaining. It’s more than 10x its sats price and almost 5x from where I bought in USD in a little over a month. And that’s with BTC taking a shit weekly. People on here want non-stop 100x gains.

>> No.7104222



>> No.7104510
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all in on icx.
up in sats, down in fiat
fucking btc killing the fun, again.

>> No.7104805

>long bull run
What are you smoking? It's been trading sideways and consolidating for ages.

>> No.7104835

There is going to be so much fucking news to sell.

>> No.7104908

its official, any moon it was gonna have is shit on now


>> No.7104915
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It's owaru lads.

>> No.7105182

Bunch of faggots, you guys. The summit isn’t for another 10 hours. In that time, BTC will be at $11,000 and ICX will be at 9500.

>> No.7105287
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Wish you were right. I'm already tying my noose so that I can end it quickly once we bleed back to 70k sats.

>> No.7105517

>hanging yourself
>end it quickly
You’re gonna need a gun, anon.

>> No.7105671

I jack off twice and I come back and it fell hard again after I bought back in
Guess I'm bag holding now since I would probably just fuck up my next trade just like I did this one

>> No.7105775
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>tfw eurofag

>> No.7105930

>tempted to sell the dip
what to do lads?

>> No.7105977


>sell the dip


>> No.7106066

Are you fucking retarded? I just bought the dip at 8130. Easy money. If you sell the dip you deserve zero fucking gains this entire year.

>> No.7106148

everyone is FUDDING on purpose bro
Buttcoin is fucked.... but i don't think that fucked
It is still holding around 10k

Imagine if it goes up to 11k randomly, because of how retarded this market is

>> No.7106263

you really think it's over? just wait until the wagecucks come home and read about the tether news. this shit is going to 7k.
screencap this.

>> No.7106915

>I just bought the ((((((dip))))))) at 8130.
>current price: 8066 and falling
>easy money

>> No.7107056
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This can't be happening. Literally losing tens of thousands on missed opportunity thanks to bitcorn.
JUST wake me up from this nightmare fampai.

>> No.7107274

The difference between 8130 and 8066 is completely insignificant. If you do my think this will pump in the next few hours you’re literally retarded. Whales are too invested to let a summit pump not happen.

>> No.7107312

*If you don’t think this will pump

>> No.7107370

>not all in ven

Can't wait to see your pink wojacks at 5pm EST

>> No.7107812

Already back to 8400. Good thing I bought at 8130, contrary to other faggots saying otherwise.

>> No.7107906

Good lad

>> No.7107921
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Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.7108069

gj this market is the most unpredictable shit ever
All these fags thought we would free fall to 7k
We are back at 10250 with bitcoin

fuck this market, buy them dips

>> No.7108114

this slick mister knows

>> No.7108258

bought back at 8103/4

>> No.7108303
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wtf it was suppose to Moon by now aaaaa!!

>> No.7108351


>> No.7108393


gonna moon tomorrow when it's actual event time and btc has stopped crashing

>> No.7108454
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lets hope for the best biz bro

>> No.7108545

I'll kms if it's another nothingburger

>> No.7108551

Anybody know how long until the summit? I’m guessing in about 7-10 hours.

>> No.7108600

9 hours, 8pm pacific

>> No.7108615
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From what i heard 11pm for us here in the West Coast in Burger Land, I may have to call out of work going to stay up late.

>> No.7108668

is she at the borders of gerudo city ? lol

>> No.7108725


>> No.7108770

What time is the summit in GMT?

>> No.7108836

8 hours

>> No.7108954

> owaru
Conjugate your verbs nigger.

>> No.7109414
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