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7100824 No.7100824 [Reply] [Original]

33 years old. Retired. $10 million in crypto. Borderline genius IQ. I'm more of a relationship guy than a casual sex guy. All I want is a cute, brilliant wife. Is that too much to ask? I keep hearing that women can think just as well as men, but I can't seem to find any of those women. Is it all a lie? Am I destined to always feel alone and empty inside?

>> No.7100851

Go to coffee shops, libraries, museums, art galleries, etc.

>> No.7100879

>Borderline genius IQ
>Can't figure out where to find decent women


>> No.7100882

maybe you just make assumptions that they will always be irrational
if you stop looking at women like a different species and just look at them as humans maybe you'd get somewhere
obvious not borderline genius if you're too stupid to realize this

>> No.7100897

Try to find woman with a STEM-degree. But you probably have to lower your expectations in regards to their looks.

>> No.7100938

if you want marriage but you arent married at 33 the ship has sailed
enjoy raising some other mans kid
end it all tonight

>> No.7100946

Its all a lie, all women are the same, all want too much. They want someone who is spontaneous, rich, handsome and fit. Hollywood zog has brainwashed women into believing fairytales and all young women ride the cock carousel in their twenties until they hit the wall at 30 and try to settle down with a nice guy who will look after their children.

Women dont care about the inidividual they want to look good in front of everyone else, the very epitome of sheep. Its why the fuck black chads cause hollywood has brainwashed them into thinking they are hip and cool.

>> No.7100986

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you

>> No.7101002

>Am I destined to always feel alone and empty inside?
and poor

>> No.7101037
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>> No.7101058

You're a narcissist.
> All I want is a cute, brilliant wife. Is that too much to ask?
For a piece of shit like you, yes. Your sexism will only make you angrier and lonelier as time goes on. The perfect person doesn't exist, and you are not one of them. Just the fact that you even think that way ("I keep hearing that women can think just as well as men...") proves to me that you are not as nuanced as you think you are.

>> No.7101071

>cute, brilliant wife
>Is that too much to ask?


>> No.7101076


>want marriage

Not happening. Maybe you'll get lucky and find one still in her 20's that had a short stint on the carousel and realized it wasn't for her but it's unlikely.

>> No.7101079

Yeah realistically unless you're completely autistic you should probably be able to figure this one out with your borderline genius IQ.

>> No.7101093

terrible idea. women go to these places to be seen, "i'm not like the other girls" type thing.

if you want a smart woman, you need to engage in a medium that doesn't let them use appearance as a crutch. i found my genius iq girlfriend on omegle, any purely text setting should work. screen for brains first and then you can select for looks, but t bh a truly smart woman is likely to be beautiful because she understands the social capital of her appearance

brainlet tier
you don't look for a woman your own age
if you're 150 iq yourself, a 130 iq 18 years old will connect with you much better than a 110 iq 30 years old

>> No.7101113

why are you expecting a woman to share philosophical insights with you?

>> No.7101117

They are anomalies for sure. I fell head over heels for this one girl at my community college last year. Bioengineering major. Witty as all hell, top of every class, well versed in philosophy and most of the western canon. 5'10, slim with voluptuous curves and a divine face. I sat behind her in two math courses. She hadn't the slightest clue, as most our engagements were simply due to the fact that there were only 5 people in each of these classes. Most of my day was consumed by thoughts of her. I thought we'd go on to do great things together, and all my feelings of emptiness would be absolved. It wasn't until after finals that I had asked her out, via email of all things. She hardly knew why- a very unassuming girl. We met at a bar and discussed political philosophy, metaphysics, free will vs determinism, among other things. I was euphoric for several days. Until she refused a second date.

That was 7 months ago. I've been bitter and at times suicidal ever since. Unsure I'll ever encounter one like that again.

>> No.7101130


That's not true, 33 year olds get married all the time. I recall a recent study that found men have their highest sexual market value at age 36.

>> No.7101132

Found the redditor

>> No.7101142

you're dead inside.
Prozzies are your best choice. They can sound brilliant if you pay them enough.

>> No.7101145
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>inb4 phoneposter
You two seem perfect for each other do me a favor get in touch with her and meet up irl and both of you fuck off forever from here, kay?

>> No.7101147

Racist, sexist, angry nerd blaming inadequacies on factors outside of his control. Says women want too much yet demands a "pure" woman who cares about "the individual" as if he's any reasonable example for what a decent individual should be. I'd say it's disgusting, but really it's just sad.

>It's not me, it's everyone else

>> No.7101148

go to hell and everyone that thinks alike as well.
never read anything more stupid

>> No.7101157


You marry a much younger women, r-tard, not one the same age unless you like busted pussy.

>> No.7101181

everyone's a redditor now.

>> No.7101199

>cute, brilliant wife

in what world do you live in? you have to chose one, you cant have both.
cute looking girls mostly get stuck with apparence appreciation, they dont try hard
brilliant women have to work hard to be brilliant and lose on their apparence part

As much as the media is trying to tell you the opposide, IT IS NOT TRUE

>> No.7101215

damn this hurts even if it's a larp

>> No.7101223

>coffee shops
>art galleries
Good luck with those. If you're looking for some very far left girls. Both of those places attract feminists who are ready to tell you about your mansplaining and privilege (doesn't matter what color your skin is, you're still an attack target because you have a penis)

>> No.7101225

>borderline genius iq
that's how you know OP is a faggot

>> No.7101229


majority of females operate differently than men, they don't think rationally and usually very manipulative. They say they want a nice guy (usually) but all seek dominate forward approaching men despite what hollywood is trying to push all the time of females in charge and in the lead, it doesn't match real life

>> No.7101249

I dont want a pure woman, i want someone to cook me dinner and look after my children and something to fuck and not steal more than half my assets because she starts arguing about what brand of baked beans to buy.

>> No.7101262

Fuvking this
Also if you are empty and lonely inside at 33, that ship has sailed. Your psyche developed already and declining test will ruin it further.
Also looking for intelligent women - you're not going to make it

>> No.7101277


go to church and find a woman there, even if you might not agree with the religion I think you'll find religion women better than non as far as loyalty goes because the religions are usually will shame the women for sleeping around

>> No.7101282

All us smart women are lesbian's sorry dude.

>> No.7101288

>women want a man and not an insecure baby
oh wow what a surprise

>randomly talking about hollywood pushing some agenda like it's relevant

>> No.7101359

doesnt exit
good, it works better that way
>angry nerd
i dont know if op is that, but its better than being a used up whore anyway

all women do is lay on their back, you'd think a few of them would appreciate a guy who supports them, lol

glorified whores, the lot of ya

>> No.7101363

my uncle is successful and very logical thinking so it didn't make sense at first why he joined a evangelical church but now he has a wife and kids and its totally logical.......i think many men might not agree with the religion but the women at those kind of churches usually, usually are higher standards and still might not be intelligent but at least aren't degenerate as modern women not at churches

>> No.7101421

I found my gf of +3 years now in Omegle too damn man. Smartest girl i've ever found and right the same age as me. Would have never thought this would happen at all

>> No.7101428

>I keep hearing that women can think just as well as men, but I can't seem to find any of those women. Is it all a lie?

This type of thinking is why smart women are avoiding you. You don't actually think women are equals, and so smart women don't want to be near you.

You either need to fix your views on women, or settle on dying alone.

>> No.7101432

Holy cringe op.

Plenty of 'intelligent' girls doing research in STEM. Hit up conferences in your field, publish stuff. You will get recognition.

But yeah, good luck with that .. either these women are either the borderline suicidal autismo-in-their-field type or cold-hearted career driven psychos

>> No.7101474

None of that matters if your face isnt hot or if you are short

>> No.7101480

>$10 million in crypto. Borderline genius IQ.
Alpha fuck beta bucks
Looks = everything

>> No.7101481


brainwashed by hollywood

>> No.7101488


Yea and how many of those end in divorce because it's someone who rode the carousel all through her 20's then tried to settle down and couldn't change her ways in the end.

>> No.7101545

You did at least try to kiss her at the end righ? You didn't just stand their awkwardly swinging left to right and muttering something about having a nice time? You didn't give her a friendly hug at the end right? Smart girls don't tolerate pussyness, smart girls wants a strong man since they haven't eaten into feminist propaganda.

>> No.7101587

I can tell the sort of slags that you chase.

>> No.7101596

You talk about Hollywood brainwashing but here you are wishing for, and fearing of, two ends of the Hollywood stereotype spectrum for women. Either cook/clean/fuck or steal money in a divorce over something petty. That's not real life. You don't understand real life. If you're over the age of 25 I pity you because you never will. Stay mad and alone and make sure you continue to blame the other on the internet to make yourself feel better.

>> No.7101602

Why does a millionaire need advice from us? Fuck you. If you are so smart then figure it out yourself.

>> No.7101626

>retiring at 33 after winning the lottery

high power women go after successful, ambitious men

>> No.7101629

>I keep hearing that women can think just as well as men, but I can't seem to find any of those women.

Change your environment and start going to tech events. There are plenty of women like that in tech.

>> No.7101636

> I keep hearing that women can think just as well as men, but I can't seem to find any of those women

You never will if you're constantly chasing cute women. Cute women are coddled by society and everyone around them so they have no incentive to cultivate any form of intelligence or personality. Go with average or below average women if you want someone with an actual personality/skills/interests.

>> No.7101640


>> No.7101660

Unpopular opinion, but very true.

>> No.7101676

You're retarded, Men are good until like 40. Unless you're rich then you can snag fertile women at 50+.

>> No.7101687

this may well have been where I fucked up. And it ate at me for months.

There was no kissing. We exchanged a very flimsy hug. I never saw her again after that.

>> No.7101709

I'm married to a great woman and can give you the best advice.

First, the best women never hang out in bars. Club chicks have twats like buckets, all their kids will crawl out.

You want a sweet intelligent career woman. Think lawyer or similar. You will have to trade looks for a good woman (but looks fade over time). Try to get one that can cook too.

I found mine through family friends. It's hard but don't look in the wrong place. And remember, she won't be good looking but she'll be loyal.

>> No.7101748

Damn you must be so cringy irl, I understand the girl

>> No.7101762

>Is it all a lie?
Of course you moron. Look up the IQ distribution among females. There's little deviation from average.

>> No.7101793

This is false, they think rationally. It's just your rational doesn't match with theirs. They use their strengths to get what they want, they don't have to win the a argument through logic. Also a lot of women are really smart but play dumb to stroke your stupid borderline genius IQ dumbasses.

>> No.7101807

>1 post by this id

Sage this larp

>> No.7101850

ok then, do smart women lesbians mind a feminine penis or are they all about that pussy juice?

t. feminine penis

>> No.7101851

>not embracing feminity and reproductive role
Ye right

>> No.7101852
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it's another "hurf durf women suck" thread, with a 10 million dollar crypto LARP to boot.

>> No.7101911
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Where do you you think you'll find quality women? :
Pick one from each list---
1. Target, Walmart, Hobby Lobby
2. The NY Islanders game, The New York Giants game, The Finger Lakes Equestrian and Dressage Show
3. The casino, the line to get lotto, real estate seminars


>> No.7102001

I've come to terms with it after nearly a year of contemplation. I'm a high inhibition incel trapped inside Chad's body.

admittedly I'm quite liberal and this girl was a devout Randian. We clashed on many fundamental values and she likely saw me as a soft effeminate male, despite what my physicality suggests.

>> No.7102036

I advise you to travel to somewhere with decent women.

>> No.7102067

I have long since given up on finding an intellectually equal gf. I'll be happy to find a qt, pure and loyal nip gf, and save the philosophy and quantum mechanics discussions for men.

>> No.7102070


of course you will

>> No.7102103

>10 million in crypto

nice larp

>> No.7102137

Use tinder

>> No.7102185
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>Borderline genius IQ

>> No.7102207
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>> No.7102219
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>And remember, she won't be good looking but she'll be loyal.

oh god

>> No.7102225

Females are not equal or at least Females are constantly looking partners much better than themselves whereas men do not.

What do Females look for in a man? TALLER, STRONGER, Smarter, More Wealthy

Females date up, Men date down

OP is probably white, just go an asian country and you'll find a loyal wife who most likely cooks

>> No.7102227

Dude stop, you are impressing no one. Are you the one studying comp science and linquistic by any chance ?

>> No.7102228
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How many millions in crypto does it take to afford a pair of legs like these?

>> No.7102282

>i found my genius iq girlfriend on omegle
stopped reading there

>> No.7102335

About 3.50 ICX if you don't mind a sloppy roastie.

>> No.7102363

I stopped attending school to trade crypto full time

>> No.7102366

Married a doctor. She's an average intelligence normie Kardashian fan who was tenacious enough to slog through med school. Love the shit out of her though but no genius among her or her colleagues.

>> No.7102392

Intelligent women are smart enough to tell that you don't think women can be smart and they avoid you.

>> No.7102401

>Kardashian fan
So basically a degenerate western slut. But hey, if you're happy, congrats.

>> No.7102466
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over 140 (145 genius level) iq men outnumber women 1:8


>> No.7102500

this 100%

>> No.7102568

>over 140 (145 genius level) iq men outnumber women 1:8
Seems about reasonable. Do you have a source to back that up?

>> No.7102586

Don't bother with rational women. I met with a likeminded INTJ. Beautiful. We ended up arguing the nuances of quarantine protocols until 4AM. I wouldn't do it again.

>> No.7102645

No he has not, because it's false.

>> No.7102690

It’s literally completely true. Look at the gender breakdown of graduate PhD students in any stem field

Men massively outnumber women overall.

If you say that’s because more men go into the field, look at the number of papers published by just the PhD students in those fields on average for men and women per student. Men publish 4.6x as many papers

>> No.7102766

Yea you fucked up, no biggie go to Thailand fuck daily 2-3 girls on viagra for a few weeks and you will be way more secure with women. See at it at boot camp to chadland.

>> No.7102802
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>> No.7102833

Does this work? I will pack my bags right away.

>> No.7102875
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>Am I destined to always feel alone and empty inside?

probably, dude. i've got a good woman and i still feel alone and empty sometimes. if you're looking for someone to fill a void it won't happen. you've got to find it in yourself first. you've got to have something to offer in return for what you want to take. my woman loves me dearly, and i hope i bring her love and joy, in my empty feeling times i know i've done at least that.

it's a struggle. robin williams said "the worst feeling isn't being alone. it's being around people who make you feel alone." good luck, anon.

ps what are your longterm hold coins?

>> No.7102891

ya because as you know hot women aren't attracted to older successful men...

>> No.7102965

Are you Belgian?

>> No.7103023

>Is it all a lie?
>Am I destined to always feel alone and empty inside?
No, you just have to realize that a woman's value lies in her beauty and faithfulness. This is why you should get an asian wife, since their neotenic traits makes them less susceptible to deprecation due to ageing. She will likely be faithful as long as you're rich too, since they are less promiscuous (this is the reason why, historically, asian had a more lax sex culture: they didn't need one).

>> No.7103122


>> No.7103225

Struck a cord there? You know what he states is correct to a dangerous degree.

>> No.7103293


>> No.7103327

>Cute women are coddled by society and >everyone around them so they have no incentive >to cultivate any form of intelligence or personality

Unless they are autistic.

>> No.7103333

Women see "intellectual discussions" as nothing more than dick waving contests. If you take a step back and look at it that way, it is largely correct.

Now, instead of fist-fighting, nerds clash with each other for hierarchy positions by discussing their subject of choice or by virtue signaling.

She saw you as someone who initiates a fight with her to impress her. Sounds bit retarded given your long-term goals.

>> No.7103421
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Real talk: you need to be rich, fit, and active in the Democratic party to attract a brilliant woman. Ideally you should have campaigned for Bernie and then campaigned even harder for Her - this gives you a rogue mystique and a rational side.

These three simple things disqualify 90% of Channers from the get go.

Also, you'd better have a real high paying job or wealth that's already locked in from crypto. If you spend all day on the computer trying to "make it," please get used to the warm slap of your own hand. Forever.

>> No.7103627

33 years old? You are fucked. There must be severe problems with you.

You need to lower your standards to like 4/10s. If you yourself aren’t at least a 6/10 then probably even lower. Land whales or raising someone else’s kid is your future.

>> No.7103652

I didn't force the conversation. That's simply how things unfolded. And not all women see such discussion as a dick waving contest. She was always playing devil's advocate in every class, simply for the sake of argument.

>> No.7103674

He's worth $10 million, provided he's not larpinng, you fucking retard. The world is at his hands. He doesn't have to settle for shit.

>> No.7103679

>Democratic party

Stopped reading there, enjoy cuck town

>> No.7103701

>having such a narrow perspective

>> No.7103716

i fucking hate ameritards who think their politics matter to the rest of the world

>> No.7103736

>In crypto. No woman gives a shit about that unless he is cashed out and in something real. Any intelligent person knows that shit couod go poof in a week.

>> No.7103803

workout, meditate, find your passion(s) you already have the money, work on yourself nigger, when you stop caring about women that's when it happens

>> No.7103829

He can cash out literally at any time and still be worth $6-8 million after paying the jew. Not to mention you can pay for shit with crypto or avoid taxes via ATM for smaller purchases. You can even buy gold with crypto.
He's fucking made it. Kys.

>> No.7103921

>All smart women are lesbians
If you define a smart woman as a lesbian, and then only.

>> No.7103929

So you agree that he has to cash out? Proved my point. Kys.

>> No.7103961

No I don't. Fuck off.

>> No.7103976

He didn't and his capital is still at risk.

>> No.7104029

also try hem hemming less about your iq
its a mayor signal of retardation

>> No.7104034

Brainlet post, women are super emotional and irrational because of it. And no, an outlier dosen't make the average disappear.

>> No.7104041

>borderline genius iq
>poasts in the wrong board

go to /adv/ you utter faggot. we don't care about your gayass larp.

mentioning that you made or own $X amount in crypto doesn't mean you can make a fucking thread on /biz/ you stupid tool. enjoy your ban. i fucking hate this site now.

>> No.7104101

>Thinks any intelligent woman gives a fuck about your coin portfolio and won’t make you cash out to spend it on her.

>> No.7104146

>He didn't
For all you know he's well diversified into other assets. If he isn't, then well, he's retarded.
>thinks I would ever declare my net worth to a woman
Spot the beta cuckold.

>> No.7104155

1. Read The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi
2. Profit
3. Send eth for changing your life 0x2e238f596c81ef0dfc277c49dbc2c7b9e46f700f

>> No.7104167

>Racists don't exist

>> No.7104180

Retarded wife is simply superior to intellectual wife.

>> No.7104196


>> No.7104233

>Fake non-arguments
He declared it here and is trying to figure out why it isn’t helping with women. Hint: crypto gains won’t help faggots like you with women.

>> No.7104246


>> No.7104278

fuck off, ask /adv/

>> No.7104279

>>Fake non-arguments
Next time give me a disclaimer you're retarded before I waste my time on you.

>> No.7104399


>> No.7104534

>Is that too much to ask?

>> No.7104781

Daily reminder that the average female brain has 1/3rd less neurons relative to a male brain, with neurons also having half as many connections between them.

[females have literally one third the capacity of males]

>> No.7104839

how is your dating life, anon?

>> No.7104957

Whether you think it or not thats how it's perceived. Its why you're a failure, because you dont realize how much of a pussy bitch you come off as

>> No.7105061

Stay on topic, your lack of neurons is causing you to lose focus of the initial discussion while you fall victim to your nature.

>> No.7105416

i'm serious. how is your dating life? with that mindset in mind i would assume that you base your approach around that knowledge.