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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7100448 No.7100448 [Reply] [Original]

Describe your regular day. Greentexts, go!

>> No.7100545

>be me Carlos
>wasu wasu wasu
>my wife asks to see dollars on the table
>go to bank to get dollars
>on the street people screaming BITCOONNNEEEEE-
>wasu wasu
>all groovy
>mfw BCC worth 10$
>wife is going to dump me
>wasu wasu wasu

>> No.7100607

>Hey hey hey

>What am gonna do?

>> No.7100712


>> No.7100766

> I'm making over 100, I mean 1400 dollars


>> No.7100798

but is he anymore?

>> No.7100810


Hey hey hey

>> No.7100854

>wake up
>MOM where are the gosh darn tendies

>> No.7100855

> Umm mmm no no no

>> No.7100865

What's that? mm mm NO NO NO!

>> No.7100886
File: 18 KB, 583x145, soyboysbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soyboys BTFO

>> No.7100903

Wake up
My wife still doesn't believe in me

>> No.7100971

>Wake up, "Holy shit life is wonderful!"
>Morning Mood = ecstatic
>Afternoon Mood = ecstatic
>Evening mood = ecstatic
>Go to bed euphoric after a beautiful day of no negative thoughts at all
>Dream sweet dreams

>> No.7101018
File: 82 KB, 840x438, 1516991703015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasu wasu wasu wakeup
>no need for an alarm
>sit bolt upright
>my wife starts crying again
>give her one last BEEECOOONEEEEE before i leave
>go to the convenience store to pick up milk
>people walking past shout BEEEECOOONEEEEEEE at me
>i shout BEEECCCCOOOONEEEEE back at them
>happy as fuck
>buy milk and smokes using up 0.00001 BCC
>they stopped accepting dollars a few weeks ago
>things are not as they once were, no no no
>financially independently get a cab home
>sneak up the stairs
>at this point i am coming in waves
>place my face next to wife's ear

>> No.7101164

loud kek

>> No.7101171

hearty kek thanks anon

>> No.7101194
File: 168 KB, 1080x563, Screenshot_2018-01-31-03-04-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carlos had a career in music theatre that he gave up to crypto trade

There's probably video of his old performances

>> No.7101222

unfortunately a fake account, but a good memorial for sure.

>> No.7101337

>no need for an alarm
i work in an open space, almost lost my shit in public

>> No.7101431

>he didnt see the video posted yesterday

>> No.7101447

>be me Carlos
>wasu wasu wasu
>getting prank called everyday by kids yelling "bitconeeeeeeec" on the phone

>> No.7101600
File: 64 KB, 332x219, Pierino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides

>> No.7101736

>he doesnt know that was taken from an old video on his youtube channel