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File: 8 KB, 225x225, bcc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7100421 No.7100421 [Reply] [Original]


>A US government institute has claimed Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is the “original” Bitcoin while Bitcoin itself (BTC) is a “fork” in a surprising official research into cryptocurrency.

>In a document titled “Blockchain Technology Overview” from the National Institute of Standards and Technology under the US Department of Commerce, authors Dylan Yaga, Peter Mell, Nik Roby and Karen Scarfone claim that “technically,” the perception that BTC is the genuine version of Bitcoin is incorrect.

>“When SegWit was activated, it caused a hard fork, and all the mining nodes and users who did not want to change started calling the original Bitcoin blockchain Bitcoin Cash (BCC),” they write.

>“Technically, Bitcoin is a fork and Bitcoin Cash is the original blockchain. When the hard fork occurred, people had access to the same amount of coins on Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.”

>> No.7100613


>> No.7100650

r/bitcoin is pretty upset. They started a mailing campaign.

>> No.7100674

Those toxic retards deserve to fight to the death till nothing is left of either the BTC and the BCH fanboys.

>> No.7100705

>Caring about BTC or BCH
>Look we're relevant!!!

>> No.7100800

the funny thing is, this is NIST's ACTUAL JOB.

This is the US government organization reposnsible for oversight of new and developing technology and science. Pretty much the highest authority.

Even back when I was holding Core I knew this was true.

>> No.7100835

Of course the people that invented Bitcoin can tell which is the real chain.

>> No.7100936

We get it. You think you know what's best for a technology you don't understand, because buttmad miners told you to. How many times will you have to repeat this blatant scam before you give up, Roger?

>> No.7100987

the only reason bcore is relevant is because they are co-opting the bitcoin name. If you want to run a coin settlement lightning network with segregated signatures go ahead but at least come up with a new name. It confuses newbies.

>> No.7101013


*Breaths in*


>> No.7101068

>Even back when I was holding Core

>> No.7101105

I'm not a smart person, but I guess my question is, why was this not known before?

Isn't this information out there in an easily accessible location for anyone to find?

And maybe I'm just wrong for saying this but, doesn't the community sort of determine what's what? Like, Bitcoin Cash might as well just be "Bitcoin Classic" in the way Ethereum and Ethereum Classic work, right?

Doesn't really matter what's technically what in the face of how the community understands it.

>> No.7101241

Wow, the guys that Satoshi Nakamoto was against just declared they love Bcash?
That's nuts

>> No.7101283

it is known but you have to do research. the bitcoin subreddit is heavily censored and ADA (the people who funded core) finance a massive shill army to try to power through. If BCH takes all the hashpower away, the investments Bildeberg/Mastercard made disappear and a lot of alt-coins become obslete.

>> No.7101383

Just when you thought trust in US government institutions couldn't get any lower.

>> No.7101564

it has been known by everyone that was involved before blockstream came to be, that was also smart enough to see the con as it was being set up and played out.

>> No.7101604

They are absolutely right tho. BCH is the real bitcoin, BTC is proprietary trash.
In a year no one with remember this sorry fork.

>> No.7101663

>imagine being this stupid. imagine only being capable of talking about people you think is the lead dev or whatever this moron thinks.

>> No.7101683

BCH is the true Bitcoin but that report isn't correct. They both forked from the main chain and the main chain is now dead. BCH changed the blocksize and the difficulty scaling mechanism, both of which were implemented as a hard fork.

>> No.7101853

Holy shit. Corecucks are fags don’t get me wrong but these NIST niggers are sub nigger tier retarded.

>> No.7101908
File: 257 KB, 884x800, BitcoinCashRepresentative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was actually a draft, and they have already changed it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA you fucking dipshits lmfao.

>> No.7101925

I never bought either. I think BTC is the original and BCASH at the very least was a massive pump and dump by those niggers

>> No.7102037
File: 76 KB, 638x479, divide-and-conquer-3-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here. Seems like a good spot to put it.

>> No.7102064

If the government can't even tell the difference between the original and the fork why would yall be scared of the tax man. They don't know shit and it's obvious.