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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7083879 No.7083879 [Reply] [Original]

>Has the most parternships in crypto by far
>More announcements soon
>Rebranding soon

Got a good reason for not buying low on the dip, faggot?

>> No.7083925

Can’t buy the dip cus I already bought it at ath

>> No.7083930


i really hope it stays down for the next couple days, gonna sell half my icx at 11 bucks and scoop more VEN
this project cannot fail

>> No.7083932


Needs more FUD

>> No.7083977


>> No.7083982

Sunny Lu

>> No.7084097


Looks like I won't be able to catch it at $5... might wait and see if it drops lower tonight before buying though. The current entry point is still decent.

>> No.7084236


>> No.7084270
File: 28 KB, 236x350, BA6F6AB9-DFAD-44F2-92B0-820CFBAC57A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went 90% CND 10% VEN

>> No.7084281

I attended a conference last month on a business trip. Things were going alright until we stopped for lunch. Over my ham sandwich I noticed a struggle going on at a neighboring table; a man I later learned to be Sunny Lu had tackled a small portly italian man and was forcefully tearing off his pants, screaming "UNDERWEAR ON THE BLOCKCHAIN". As he ripped off the mans briefs to a horrified crowd, he stepped over the crying man and climbed onto my table. Brandishing the garments label, he tried to reveal that they were a knock off of fruit of the loom (written there as "Froot of the lume"), but I think I was the only one who noticed, because he was mostly just muttering about being able to smell it, and the crowd had backed up against the wall by then. Security had to remove him, but he had already stepped on my sandwich. It was pretty scary.

>> No.7084289

bought the shit out of it, anon, every goddam day. never felt so powerful.. 2 years to private jet.

>> No.7084410
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I own a strength node but it just hit me they have no actual product or platform and all their great partnerships are irrelevant to the application, and contribute seemingly nothing to vechain as a whole. Probably selling after it hits 10 if I don't see some actual hardware.

>> No.7084447
File: 100 KB, 621x621, Gucci-Mane-Woptober-album-cover-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And then you see this type of constant shilling all over... and realize its marketcap is already approaching a very comfortable level compared to the current market and its competitors.. So you ask yourself, where is the room for any more growth past 10-11? Might just sell this shit now.

>> No.7084449

wow. thats terrifying! Just sold 100k thanks mate

>> No.7084537

Why the fuck would you buy 10k of anything without doing research, then sell again without knowing what you're doing? Me thinks some money is too easy

>> No.7085291

can someone just send me where all these copypastas come from

>> No.7085405

>I was in an elevator with Sunny Lu and I said to him that I was really impressed with everything he had accomplished with Vechain, and that I wished him good luck. He didn't even look at me and didn't respond, but he did move closer till we were shoulder to shoulder. Then he slid his left hand into my pocket and began to fondle my genitals. He never made eye contact. Just felt my balls and my stiffening shaft through the inside of my pocket until the elevator reached the ground floor. Paralyzed with fear and embarrassment, I didn't resist or push him away. The door opened and about ten Chinese businessmen were standing there looking at us, Sunny with his hand in my pocket, me with an erection. I didn't move. Sunny took his hand out, shamelessly licked his fingertips, and then walked out of the elevator. I still didn't move. The businessmen crowded in and I rode back up with them as a few of them cast sidelong glances at me and talked to each other in Chinese. I rode all the way to the top of the building, then back down again, just to make sure Sunny wasn't in the lobby waiting for me.

already bought the dip , 20k at 5500~ hoping to get 10k more

>> No.7085602

It was just an average Monday, in fact it was about as average as could be. I got to work on time, I could hear the peaceful birds chirping as I got out the car. Tesco has my favourite sandwich in for my lunch time meal deal (chicken stuffing for a fair price of £3, included a bottle of Dr pepper and a pack of Quavers). I was happy and content with life when all of a sudden it took a turn for the worst. As I exited Tesco Sunny was stood before me. I said to him "hey congratulations on Vechain lad". His eyes peeled back and stared at me as if he had witnessed a murder. "WHAT DID YOU SAY WHITE DEVIL?" I replied "congratulations on Vechain.. *slap*." GIVE ME YOUR MEAL DEAL WHITE DEVIL". I obeyed and handed over the chicken stuffing sandwich along with the Dr Peper and Quavers. I was frozen in place after that. He gently tapped my face and said "here's something for the trouble White devil" and began to throw a handful of cardboard dicks at me with the name "Vechain" wrote on them. I never saw Sunny again.

>> No.7085718

this consolidation is amazing, super bullish future incoming :)

>> No.7085785

Sunny Lu Elevvator .TXT

>> No.7085793

>I was in an elevator with Sunny Lu and I said to him that I was really impressed with everything he had accomplished with Vechain, and that I wished him good luck. He didn't even look at me and didn't respond, but he did move closer till we were shoulder to shoulder. Then he slid his left hand into my pocket and began to fondle my genitals. He never made eye contact. Just felt my balls and my stiffening shaft through the inside of my pocket until the elevator reached the ground floor. Paralyzed with fear and embarrassment, I didn't resist or push him away. The door opened and about ten Chinese businessmen were standing there looking at us, Sunny with his hand in my pocket, me with an erection. I didn't move. Sunny took his hand out, shamelessly licked his fingertips, and then walked out of the elevator. I still didn't move. The businessmen crowded in and I rode back up with them as a few of them cast sidelong glances at me and talked to each other in Chinese. I rode all the way to the top of the building, then back down again, just to make sure Sunny wasn't in the lobby waiting for me.

>> No.7085848

This is where they come from mate

>> No.7086011


>> No.7086071


>> No.7086075

write them you faggot

>> No.7086105

10k is chump change

>> No.7086113

It's no surprise that VEN dipped right after the livestream. The way that Sunny verbally abused the female host, and grabbed the DNV GL CEO's crotch on-air was alarming to say the least. The most confusing part was how they did not seem to care all that much, but were treating Sunny more like an unruly, fussy child, than a misbehaving adult. It wasn't until he started throwing metal folding chairs at the audience did things really get out of hand. I think he was just upset that nobody was taking him seriously, and that he was confused about the purpose of the conference. It was really about DNV GL, not Vechain, so he threw a fit.

In the future they really need to have his handler with him at all times to remind him about 'good touch' and 'bad touch' with other people.

>> No.7086205

And coincidentally why we don't buy Ven. Like XRB.

>> No.7086227

I met Sunny Lu in a grocery store yesterday

I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face.

I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off.

When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw Sunny trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.”

At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any blockchain infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.7086589

Ok you know what, the Sunny Lu stories were pretty funny for a while, but they are rapidly becoming hella stale. It's starting to feel like reddit round here

>> No.7086633

Shutup faggot

>> No.7086674

Ven has the problem that virtually every coin has now. You left a LOT of bagholders you will have to deal with on the way back up.

>> No.7086678

What did you just say?

>> No.7086708

You are almost there, now you have to sell. That's the /biz/ way