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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7077628 No.7077628 [Reply] [Original]

Pay attention folks because I am about to explain to you schmucks how to actually make money off this coin. Yes being early would have made you more money, but bullshit copies are not the answer. Who cares if you got in first when there is no volume lmao, POWH2,3,4...they all will have no volume. The way to make money on this coin is buy as much as you are comfortable with and fucking hold it. This smart contract will run forever, this thing can be shilled by anyone anytime around the world, and the best part is you can't see old price graphs or history of the coin, noobs will always think they are getting in early when the price is low. They will say "this is hilarious and it's only got 500 ether in it, awesome!" So you sit back and make dividends for months doing nothing while it randomly pumps when folks in Indiana or some other country decide to pump it. You are welcome!

>> No.7077887

It is called Proof of weak hands for a reason, why have copies when getting in the first few weeks of something that will last forever is already super early lol. Proof of weak hands confirmed.

>> No.7077991

Only the OG PoWH m8s!

>> No.7078092

Exactly, everyone needs to get on the same page and just pump the OG for a week straight and let it get mega viral

>> No.7078189

Exactly, its LITERALLY about HODL
This one just had a huge dip, under .01 so its a REALLY good time to get in!

>> No.7078556

Grown by 40 ETH in the last 40 minutes. It seems to be growing faster than before now.

>> No.7078747

All the clones exist scammed or dumped hard af, people will figure it out. But I dont get how people don't realize POWH is a easy ass hold lol. Impossible for creator to exit scam, bitconnect got to over a billion and it was the most obvious thing ever that was going to be an exit scam.

>> No.7078936

Its designed to pump and dump, thats what the dividends are for. If you stay in and dont panic, you just ride the waves and earn dividends. the ethernumbers one is cheap right now, look at my post above.

>> No.7079567

It hasn't increased in value since last night.

>> No.7079941

Yes it has, it went from 1220 ether, down to 600 ether, back over a 1000, down to 420 ether and now at 550. Volume has been solid still. And it will pick up and drop off, point is to hold through it for easy dividends over time.

>> No.7080235

600 eth now, better get in quick anons

>> No.7080273

Here we go again!!! Feel bad for people who got out of this, already back to 680 ether. The beauty is you can always get in this monster. POWH is hilarious.

>> No.7080293

leave them to their pajeet scams. they will eventually fomo into the OG

>> No.7080398

So the clones are dead I take it? Both sub 5 ETH, should I sell? I'll get next to nothing for selling but if it's over it's over.

The main one seems to be up now, maybe I should move my funds there.

>> No.7080462

yeah the copies are definitely dead

>> No.7080484

Bah, I'll just go to bed and see what you fags do during the night.

Make me some money!

>> No.7080493

Someone just threw 25.5+18.48 = 43.98 ETH into powhcoin.com. It is just the beginning.

It is moving from 550K to 612K just in few mins. Dont miss the bus.. Get on it now or regret.

>> No.7080522
File: 85 KB, 371x407, POWH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7080541

Just like bitcoin, the first mover will always prevail if the clones dont bring innovations. This is one of the smartest thing I've seen this year in the crypto world. Just holding has never been more rewarding.

>> No.7080604

The best part of the whole project IMO is the name. Proof of weak hands. as weak hands sell bringing the price down, we reap the benefits of holding.

fact is, last night when this pumped to an ungodly 1.5mil, a lot of people stood by and watched in awe. this is their moment of fomo, don't miss it.

>> No.7080630

so realistically, just throwing something like $50 in, how much can I make from this?

>> No.7080654

Lol you faggots don't realise that everyone who got in under 2-300k are making a killing from you the rest of the 70% buying and selling. If you're going to buy at 500k+, then buy and leave your money in it. Not sell once you make 10% lol. You're just feeding those below you.

>> No.7080660
File: 43 KB, 500x333, weak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be like me. i took a fat sack of profits thinking it was dead, now it's going up again and i fomo'd back in. still made money but my weak little hands failed me...do you hate me biz?

>> No.7080698

It depends, I could see powhcoin doing this for a whole year if people keep stumbling upon it. There will be down time, but I think if you hold for a year you could do a x100. Of course it might just be the flavor of the month and it will go to zero, but I think the concept is so innovative it might stay for a long time.

>> No.7080706
File: 36 KB, 361x370, 1517211405747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, it's genius. As long as people sell at a loss, it will continue to be profitable which in crypto is pretty much a sure thing.

Truly proof of weak hands.

>> No.7080759

Would you fuck off with your silly PoWH clone, you lame wanker...

>> No.7080772

I just fomo'd in after seeing it yesterday, if I had put in 100 dollars 24 hours ago how much would I have made in dividends?

>> No.7080780

Hodl- It is going 100K-140K eth just like yesterday..

All the way moon

>> No.7080789

Yeah holding this shit literally prints money it's insane.

>> No.7080856

Nah. There's still a 1:1 ratio buying and selling. All the 500-600k entrees are recouping their investments with a bit of profit.

Unless this website hits another platform/website/news channel, biz won't get it back to 1.5 mill again.

If only we didn't fuck up before this would've spread even more.

>> No.7080928

The dividends are tiny for that volume. This is no better than ETH over time.

>> No.7080946

The asians whales started to get into this, the word spread via whatsapp and reddit also steemkr - korea )

Just watch dude! It will cross 800-900K easily in an hour more

>> No.7081018

Lol I'm all for FOMOing but if the Asian whales have just heard about this 24 hours after it started and after being on the first page of Reddit than fuck me they have more money than brains.

>> No.7081022

your $100 for sure at this rate.

>> No.7081042

Does it then matter at what point you buy in? Is there a token with set price or does the token price fluctuate? I would get in for around .4 right now but am worried I can't tell WHEN I'm entering, low or high. Would hold this longterm anyway.

>> No.7081117

The dividends are in ETH.

>> No.7081134

Im asian myself dude, haha! trust me not many knows it here yet! The word is spreading fast

>> No.7081181

Ni hao yellow man

>> No.7081259

konnichiwa ohayo gozaimasu

>> No.7081345

got in sub 150, my dividends so far are about 40%

>> No.7081584

what number are you referring to?
Also can someone post the contract address again?

>> No.7081603

shill this video


Lets go moon together!

>> No.7081730

Dude the dividends are going to be ridiculous over time. You short sighted motherfuckers freak out when you don't make a few K in dividends in a day. This thing is going to run a long time, think for a fucking second or don't i guess, I dont give a shit.

>> No.7081765

I put in 100$ when there was 60 eth in. Dividends are at $52 and shares are worth 232

>> No.7081774

40% of the original buyin

>> No.7081795


>> No.7082078

bu, buh, butt don't you guys like Numbers???


Get into something that has a better brand and not some half-ass meme that will turn off normi-power

>> No.7082086

Shill it to online magazines and newspapers telling them about this crazy shit, maybe one will put it up in their tomorrows edition and normies will attack

>fair pyramid, gain dividends as prices drops
>100% scam proof as smart contract
>only known to insiders yet as new
>some other shit arguments

>> No.7082134

I wouldn't go that far, but I have money in both and am feeling comfy

>> No.7082135

Holy fuck I feel sorry for anyone who buys into these clones, RIP. They are never going to have volume of original and volume is what makes money kid.

>> No.7082136

EtherNumbers is a knock off scam, GTFO with that shit.

>> No.7082162
File: 10 KB, 323x364, powh-tokens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"racist, white supremacist russian trolls participate in first ever fair pyramid scheme"
>pic related

>> No.7082239

"Better branding" It steals everything from the original but changes the name to something terrible and not funny. Sweet better branding...

>> No.7082246

I put $300 in around 4 hours in. Have made about $120 in dividends so far and up 2x on that $300

>> No.7082251
File: 1.78 MB, 3614x2798, blockchain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons don't forget to continuously shill this to everyone you know. the best way is to show off your stack of dividends and show an etherscan transaction so they can trust it.
don't stop shilling until this is global!!!!!

>> No.7082273

I cashed out this morning when the contract balance dropped below a mil. Went from .5 to 1.92 ETH. No regrets.

>> No.7082276

dude fuck off

>> No.7082301

It's EtherNumbers verse PoWH
let the war wage on.

>> No.7082305
File: 13 KB, 483x418, 1370221206056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was the one that sent the NIGGER token

>> No.7082322

I'm at 25% dividends in 24 hours. Yup I'll just leave my money there. Thanks /biz

>> No.7082373

thats equivalent to a war of the USA vs fucking Sri Lanka

>> No.7082387


>> No.7082409
File: 286 KB, 910x727, triangly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your pic was alpha technology.

currently we are using an ultra advanced machine learning algorithm to ensure profitability

pic related

>> No.7082421

guys what we need here is a /biz/ concerted effort to shill this coin to msm, facebook, twitter, etc.

we can become pyramid masters

>> No.7082433

you know where you are nigger?

>> No.7082440

Lmao no it’s not.

Ethernumbers hasn’t had a transaction for 38 minutes lol

>> No.7082568

Yes, normies love passive income!

>> No.7082570


>> No.7082654

If POWH coin website gets translated into other languages this thing is going to hit 5,000 ether one day no problem. And the great part is that probably won't be for a few weeks. Long term pyramid schemes FTW!!!!!

>> No.7082829

Can everyone fucking dump this already so I can become a millionaire on the rise?

>> No.7083101

2ch.hk biz res 971730.html (replace space with backslash)

Guys, I have created a shill thread on Russian 4chan and I need your help.

1. Go to translate.google.com ?source=#auto ru (replace space with backslash)
2. Enter a simple phrase without any slang so as to not cause Google Translate to make the desired translation garbled
3. Go to 2ch.hk biz res 971730.html (replace space with backslash)
4. Copy/paste the message
5. Click "Oтпpaвить"

The original Russian thread asks:
"Has anyone heard of this?

Supposedly it's a pyramid scheme, but on the blockchain.

I want to invest while it's early, but I am afraid. Maybe someone can look at the contract and establish that it is in fact legitimate?"

Russians love easy money. We need them to pump this.

>> No.7083205

I can't believe how fucking easy this is lmao.

This must be how the people who got in early on Bitconnect felt.

>> No.7083312
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>> No.7083316

Could you give some examples? Just to start the thread going. It's easy to spot fake google translated comments

>> No.7083366
File: 161 KB, 533x576, powhdark2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7083554


>> No.7083606


>> No.7084047

What kinda Gwei and Gas should I use for a 0.25ETH tx?

I just sent 30 salt to binance for 4 gwei with 51k gas and went through instantly.

>> No.7084272

The gains are nothing compared to ETH.

>> No.7084273

the discord spamming low gwei transactions is great. so simple, and noobs fall prey

>> No.7084296
File: 75 KB, 628x534, 1515494697859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the gains are in eth you brainlet

>> No.7084318

I always use 60 gwei, guarantees you get an almost instant tx. your eth will be moved in 45 secs.

>> No.7084367


Good that I speak fluent russian haha