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File: 9 KB, 200x200, qsp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7076862 No.7076862 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy long term holds for 2018?

>> No.7076883

this and link

>> No.7076898


>> No.7076920


>> No.7076955

REQ and HST are the most comfiest while providing sick profits, I guess ETH is the safest 3-5x

>> No.7076990

Quantstamp is comfy. Bancor is unironically comfy.

IOTA is the comfiest and biz is going to regret listening to the hive mind.

>> No.7077088

Exact same.

>> No.7077204


>> No.7077287

We are a team of highly dedicated members hell bent on capturing the cryptocurrency scene. Be a part of it or miss out big time...

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>> No.7077570

lol wtf? ETH a safe 3-5x? Do people actually believe this?

It's over 100b market cap already.

ICX way safer 20x in 2018

>> No.7077622

I’m here as well.

>> No.7077658


qsp wtf?

>> No.7077775

over christmas holidays drunk whale called ICX and QSP he was right about the first leg of QSP said bullish short and long term

>> No.7077781

how long are you in crypto billy? we are talking about a whole year, look what happened in 2017. ETH will run the world soon and a 5x will be still low for what is going to happen with it

>> No.7077815

DYOR, but it's undervalued as hell and it's got some big names behind it. Seriously this could be the dark horse for this year.

>> No.7077821

so im thinking we a buy a country and split its bounties?

>> No.7077858
File: 19 KB, 200x200, syscoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7077989

Eth had no competition in 2017. Eth will never run the world, no fortune 500 companies will ever touch it. So much competition in 2018 from teams that aren't led by an autist and actually have connections to real businesses

>> No.7078015


>> No.7078042


>> No.7078076
File: 33 KB, 800x450, 54007881-A825-4489-A29C-8D02C44871A6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7078167

INT if all the rumors are true

>> No.7078235

Brainlet here

What are wallet options with qsp?

>> No.7078253


Have fun with your shitcoin that the devs openly state is not a good investment.

>> No.7078558


do your research

>> No.7078670

Yes. Japan or Germany? I’d lean Germany but the Eu thing is kind of a deal breaker.

>> No.7078693

Not REQ not ICX

ETH and BAT for me, that's it

>> No.7078727

No one does this anymore.
That's why none of you lazy niggers expecting solid advice from a forum littered with scamming pajeets are going to make it.

>> No.7079323

I hold this and Kyber, I like the logos

>> No.7079354

The man who posts this thread with a quantstamp icon has done his research

>> No.7079537

QSP will be $0.95 by the end of the year, screenshot this. Moooon!

It's shit, it's going nowhere except down, and bag holders are getting desperate now and posting shit here.

>> No.7079752

The more I research the more I realize assblaster was right on everything.

>> No.7079856

Yes I'm right there with you bro. In at ico price.

>> No.7079903


Why hating? Didn't get in time for the upcoming XNK and Instar airdrops?
Comfyest hold of 2018 by far.

>> No.7079954

MAN is a total shitcoin imho, it's already at a $150ml market cap too.

>> No.7080034

Who is assblaster?

>> No.7080082

he assblasts linkies up his ass and then dumps his bags on you.BUY LINK