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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 5 KB, 652x83, TRTL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7070384 No.7070384 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is the deal with TRTL, I'm holding about 250k on these trade ogre, but a nice anon on biz sent me 5K to one of my other wallets I made the other day. The tx came through instantly, but I checked today and now it's gone. WTF??

>> No.7070470

self bump to get an answer

>> No.7070568

Have you updated your wallet?

>> No.7070593

restart your turtlecoind daemon. Once it says the blockchain is synced, then load your wallet and type reset. It will resync with the daemon.

FYI, there is a new mandatory wallet upgrade on the github. It might fix those issues. I've had to reset my wallet several times, but I always get my little turtle shells back!

250k is good, I only have 3175 and have been mining a week. I'm not too proud to take a few if you're feeling generous

>> No.7070975
File: 3 KB, 607x51, dafuq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just downloaded the update and now it's saying my wallet doesn't even exist...

>> No.7071191


>> No.7071234

How To Upgrade from v0.2.2 or below
(windows, mac, linux)
run TurtleCoind to sync your chain fully
with TurtleCoind fully synced, open simplewallet
open your wallet
export your SPEND and VIEW keys, this is important. export keys If you are in windows, right click the titlebar of the CMD window and select EDIT then MARK so be able to copy and paste your keys.
Unzip the v0.3.0 files into a NEW FOLDER outside of the v0.2.0 folder
Close the v0.2.2 TurtleCoind and simplewallet by typing exit into each window
Run v0.3.0 TurtleCoind
Run v0.3.0 simplewallet
Press I for IMPORT in simplewallet
Use any filename for the wallet name, it does not have to be the same
Use any password for wallet password, it does not have to be the same as the last
Enter your spend_key and your view_key from step 4

>> No.7071273

Try to ask about it in their discord chat, they should help

>> No.7071292
File: 60 KB, 758x631, 317[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't follow the simplest step-by-step instructions
>he thinks he's going to still make it

>> No.7071298

serves you right for installing keylogger
might as well check your exchange balances