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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 400x267, rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7070263 No.7070263 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys really think attractive women will magically start fawning over you once you have more money? You're legitimately retarded if you think that.

No amount of money will make you more attractive. It will make you more desirable in terms of being a resource. In other words, people might want you for your money.

But no amount of money will make you more ATTRACTIVE. No amount of money will make a girl actually WANT to have sex with you. All the hookers you're going to buy will only be there for the money for the money you have, and will proceed to talk about how boring you were with her hooker friends if you're a neet. I was lucky enough to get rich off of starting a business, and I can tell you with certainty people are not automatically more attracted to you, apart from wanting to know you as a resource. It's so easy to tell.

>> No.7070408

>implying a hole fucks any different based on how you obtained it

>> No.7070515


>> No.7070669

>No amount of money will make you more attractive
Thats where you are wrong kid.
>can afford better style
>more confidence because as a rich man you got the biggest cock in the room
>can direct more time and ressources to better yourself (personal trainer etc.)
>success makes sexy

>> No.7070819

It's just part of the larping you pedantic twerp.

>> No.7070928


if that's what you do with the money. easier said than done for most people with new money

>> No.7070951

>Do you guys really think attractive women will magically start fawning over you once you have more money?
>No amount of money will make you more attractive.
That's where you are wrong. I literally have to defend myself from broke bitches trying to suck my dick to get me buy them things.

>> No.7071022


>> No.7071050

You can get pussy by being attactive/hung/tall, or you can get pussy by being rich/funny/useful.
The alternative for the unblessed is being alone so no shit they're going to make themselves a resource if they have to.

>> No.7071069

true, money wont seal the deal but it certainly doesnt hurt

>> No.7071105


Women hard hardwire to find a man with more resources attractive, rather than purely based on looks

Sure it won't make you a chad but think of this way: they rather fuck rich chad than poor chad

>> No.7071127

It worked for Trump

grab her by the pussy

>> No.7071130

this is people wanting to use you
not people being attracted to you

>> No.7071149

>gets rich
>buys veneers to get perfect teeth
>works out instead of wagecuck to get perfect body
>buys nice car
>fucking 10/10s
>trophy wife

>> No.7071198

Women have a 6th sense for sniffing out money.

>> No.7071285

jokes on you OP i don't want money for women. i want money for myself and won't even tell them how much i made. i also will drive a toyota or honda forever even though i could drive a bmw or mercedes because i'm not an insecure manchild

>> No.7071318


Women are physically attracted to sucess. Money is an indicator of sucess.

>> No.7071330


This is 100% untrue and entirely incorrect

>> No.7071346

>this is people wanting to use you
Are you 12? I use them as a cock sleeve, they get their pennies in return. We are both happy and in doing so I have more power over their lives that I would ever have by some abstract "attraction". The relationship and the power balance is much deeper.

I bet you would fall on your knees and start sucking my dick if I offered you 2-3 BTC. Because my money made you my bitch, both physically and mentally. You will break yourself for the imaginary numbers I give you. In that sense, the money has power over your very sould.

>> No.7071620

He still won't be attracted to you though, that part can't be bought

>> No.7071758

You can't measure attraction, so it's negligible. The end result is him diligently sucking my dick.

>> No.7071799

ok, glad to see you're happy

>> No.7071834

Of course you can, if they become rich or you become broke, do they still want to fuck you?

>> No.7071891
File: 1009 KB, 4032x3024, 05aShmQ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignoring what women have been doing for all of human existence

>> No.7071932

The poor can't be attractive by definition.
And there is no "if". The poor don't become rich, because social status relies on IQ and IQ relies on genetics.
Not a single of my ancestors was poor and not a single of my descendants will be poor and that's what matters.

>> No.7071998

THis is 100% true and entirely correct

>> No.7072092

There are poor chads working in coffee shops that fuck cute college girls on weekends because the girl still wants to fuck him anyways. That is a type of person that exists. There are broke ass drug dealers crashing in someone else's apartment that fuck girls just by being "bad boys".
You can't argue against that lol.

>> No.7072103

>The poor can't be attractive by definition
this assumes women think logically about which men are the most successful, rather than primally by judging their body language, stature, and facial bones.

>> No.7072216

None of that shit matter when they find out you're rich, I've seen first hand women dump handsome, smart/witty, well dressed men for a guy with just a fat wallet because women's most basic instinct is fear and they fear living in shitty conditions above all.

>> No.7072518

Actually the women are suckers for success. The most successful womanizers are old, bald, fat and loaded.

>> No.7072582

Leaving aside ways where wealth can make you attractive in more ways than just having it (physically, socially), you're shit's all gay and retarded.

> All the hookers you're going to buy will only be there for the money for the money you have, and will proceed to talk about how boring you were with her hooker friends if you're a neet.
It has to be bait. Unless you're a woman you have extreme self confidence issues if you think anyone cares what whores say to other whores. What's ATTRACTIVE about a whore is looking healthy and having holes. but anyone who falls for one has memed himself. It's not love nigger, so I don't understand why you would think anyone has the high ground in trading money for sex.

>> No.7072647
File: 32 KB, 604x453, 3803_195036230133_5389746_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not autistic and have been with the same girl for 3 years now

>> No.7072659

Yup, guys tend to overthink what women want to much but they generally just want success, and if an ugly man has enough they will legitimately love him because of that instinct.

>> No.7073042

damn must have been really bright there

>> No.7073087

>Women hard hardwire to find a man with more resources attractive, rather than purely based on looks

sure thats why they marry the old richfag and then fuck the ripped young gardener behind their husbands back

>> No.7073103

>tfw attractive but poor
>tfw only fucked 2 girls

>> No.7073255

Your proving his argument right you know? She MARRIES the rich guy meaning she choose firstly to grab a guy with reosources because that's her first priority and then she goes for the chad. She may want to fuck the handsome guy but she will choose the rich guy who can take care of her first. Your hung up on the idea of her fucking and that that's the deciding factor, it's not just a vice essentially.