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File: 362 KB, 1397x1564, Screenshot_20180129-140200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7069994 No.7069994 [Reply] [Original]

Is corporate PC culture too far gone? It seems to be getting worse and worse as the majority of executive cucks seem to be pussies. What can we do to change the corporate culture back to perhaps hoe it was in the American 70s.

>> No.7070068

Just let the pendulum swing too far. #metoo has already made everything rape and sexual harassment, which means that nothing is rape or sexual harassment in the public eye the minute that saturation runs its course. With the outrage machine running out of steam there ceases to be a big stick hanging over everyone's head about it. With that big stick gone it becomes viable to push back against hardcore sjws. When that pushback starts then things will swing hard the other way. You can already see the pendulum losing momentum.

>> No.7070241


This. Leftism has no brakes. They will inevitably push it farther than people will be able to stomach, that's when the turn of the tide will happen.

>> No.7070259

didn't even mention the hulkster in the 25th anniversary, fuck the WWE management ran by that she-kike

>> No.7070290

>was already erased from WWE history
>still can't comment about WWE without having news stories about him
Ignoring that the tweet wasn't even somewhat bad.

>> No.7070332

"Progress" has a liberal slant. Modern culture is objectively more liberal than the cultures of 100, 200, etc. years ago.

Whether or not that's a good thing is up to you, but things are constantly changing and they're NOT becoming more conservative.

>> No.7070345

it won't stop until you do something about it

>> No.7070365

Thats how the red army formed. Best to kill them now before its too late

>> No.7070368

hulk hogan did nothing wrong

>> No.7070375


2,000 years ago in Rome bisexuality was normal, prostitution was legal, and orgies happened out in the open. You're looking at the arc of a cycle in a vacuum and extrapolating it to infinity.

>> No.7070383


wait till its all so saturated, and it hits a breaking point. Then the hipsters will revert against the extreme sjw-ness and misandry. ALready started, with alot of girls I work with talking about that aziz thign as bullshit. They said they've all slept with people they regretted' doesn't make it sexual harassment.

Honestly be glad its going on. Keeps women out of crypto longer with something to focus on. When women get involved, they fuck things up, they'll call fro regulation and order, and we'll have to find a new fish to play with.

>> No.7070415

this really is moronic nonsense

>> No.7070416

first step stop hiring women. women have 1 job and that's child rearing and homemaking. women in the workforce has tanked the economy, destroyed the nuclear family and has lowered the standard of living for both sexes. women have one fucking job and they are fucking it up right now as they try to be men. This whole #metoo bullshit proves they don't belong in a workplace environment. there is no benefit to having women in the workplace especially if every woman is a potential career ending liability.

>> No.7070445


>> No.7070481

while thats true, saying things like that will only push women into feminism. They need to be taught via subversion

>> No.7070489

That was only during the decline of Rome.

>> No.7070495


>> No.7070602


Mate, 100 years ago the Islamic world condoned birth control and tolerated abortion. 800 years ago their top universities were run by Jews and their math was better than Europe's due to their embrace of science. Shit moves in cycles regardless of your preferred narrative.

>> No.7070875
File: 13 KB, 650x650, 1516755177697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Conquer Persia, trade with India and China and dig up antique ruins
>"Abu Rahim Shecklestein invented algebra!"


>> No.7071046
File: 203 KB, 1080x772, Screenshot_20180129-113924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>7070345
Pic very fucking related

>> No.7071190

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.7071208
File: 121 KB, 520x588, arguing_with_holes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make it too easy

>> No.7071284


Mate, math has been reinvented a fuckton of times, but I see that you really, really need your strawman so you're welcome to it.

>> No.7071354

I'm not your mate, faggot. Take your jew IQ meme back to plebbit.

>> No.7071401

> the Islamic world condoned birth control and tolerated abortion. 800 years ago their top universities were run by Jews...

These are good things?

>> No.7071525


Back in the day when /new/ had gotten the axe, /pol/ had yet to have been created, and mods banned people for posting /new/ shit on the other boards we didn't have to tolerate your kind. We went down the wrong fucking timeline.

>> No.7071545
File: 95 KB, 800x517, arbeit_macht_frei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to go back

>> No.7071574
File: 23 KB, 480x440, genuine-empty-500gr-zyklon-b-can-used-german-nazis-concentration-camps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw been here since the 6th shutdown. Gas yourself (((newfag)))

>> No.7071608


>this triggered

>> No.7071617
File: 28 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also what the fuck is the deal with you foreskin eaters and rewriting history?

>> No.7071664


>I need to p-prove I'm an oldfag!

>> No.7071719

lrn2history, bro
everything is cycles
nothing lasts forever

>> No.7071727

see >>7071525

God you are a gigantic kike faggot. No wonder Jesus hated you dirty fucks.

>> No.7071797

>t. burger education
do they not teach you about ancient greece, rome and egypt because your mutt brains would be blown? explains why you think black people had flying pyramids and shit

>> No.7071810


>remember a time when being a Nazi outside of containment boards got you called a retard
>you try to make it a dickmeasuring contest of who's an oldfag

Your existence revolves around such juvenile shit. It's as fun to make fun of you stupid nazis as it is to make fun of stupid commies.

>> No.7071812

you completely missed his point. it was the last fucking sentence. here it is again:
> Shit moves in cycles regardless of your preferred narrative.

>> No.7071831
File: 2.00 MB, 200x200, 1514994044851.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>School would fix niggers


>> No.7071861
File: 90 KB, 957x621, 1513993190097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All socialists/communists deserve the chopper. I just think you're an annoying kike.

>> No.7071911

>That was only during the decline of Rome.
Really makes you think.

>> No.7071923

My almonds....

>> No.7071946

I dont care about this on the cuff metaphysical debate on the nature of history though.