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7068988 No.7068988 [Reply] [Original]

Do you feel this wave of mass hoarding/price gouging of graphics cards are sustainable for mining? Do you think the mining craze will stick around much longer or do you feel that it will resolve into just an unregulated investment market?
Do you envision a market specifically targeting miners coming into popularity with new technology that would be more efficient/less wasteful than a graphics card?
Inb4 chimps think that the only other use for a gpu is gayming.

>> No.7069192

It's blatantly obvious that we won't all be able to earn money mining. Soon enough, the market is saturated, the price crashes, or people move away from GPU mining in general and onto various ASIC technologies that are orders of magnitude more efficient

>> No.7069262

crypto has been the best beta uprising so far

literal neets becoming rich AF, while normies gets dumped on and cant even play their gaymes on high settings cuz miners

>> No.7069264

Small scale GPUs mining isn't sustainable in a world of ASICs. Amature miners have a year or two max before getting burned hard.

>> No.7069323

>doesn't understand it's only a matter of time before bitcoin dies
>doesn't understand that many ALTs are designed to be ASIC resistant

please, take the shit out of your mouth before you start to speak

>> No.7069698

you know there are other uses for a graphics card, right?

>> No.7069806

someone will take up the challenge when it gets lucrative enough

>> No.7069912

But for real, what other uses does a graphics card have? I doubt you're running a simulated waifu neural net.

>> No.7070024

They call them ASIC resistant because they were designed to run most efficiently on GPUs. in their case GPU's are the ASIC's

fucking idoits

>> No.7070126
File: 115 KB, 913x960, 1512142750055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the second a quantum computer goes online, it will mine all the remaining bitcoins in the fraction of a second.

bitcoin is merely a device to detect the quantum breakthrough, which will happen in the near future.

just like the lottery is a device to detect time travellers.

>> No.7070193

Why bother? Whoever has this quantum computer has enough power to do way cooler shit than crash bitcoin. Plus their coins would be worth shit after the resulting crash.

>> No.7070487

>the second a quantum computer goes online, it will mine all the remaining bitcoins in the fraction of a second.
Except it can't. Even with BTC's outdated difficulty recalculation it will still recalculate.

>> No.7070578

>every lottery winner is a time traveller

>> No.7070745
File: 79 KB, 1085x741, 1517134980462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is difficulty adjustment