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706788 No.706788 [Reply] [Original]

I sorta feel bad about this since I'm just going to put this out there.

I'm 26 years old, have no car, live with my mother and got a job from home. I've saved up to 2000 dollars but I don't know, I feel like I'm failing myself.

I live in a neighborhood where everyone is so close and feel that neighbors think I'm just some loser that's a bum

I feel like 2000 dollars isn't money, so I'm planning to just save up to 5,000 to feel something but I just don't know, I don't feel like I have a goal but to just save up money until I really have money. It's weird

>> No.706799

You are correct about everything you said.

>> No.706801

Train yourself to not worry what others think. This worrying has likely already hindered you.

>> No.706807

I guess I'm afraid of being hurt since I was in the past, I let all my bad thoughts affect me, so I worry about the future and how I'm around people.

I want to approach those neighbors with a smile and start a conversation but I hate them, they remind me of people of my past, so I grew this anger and shut myself out from others.

I hate being hurt, I became sensitive, which is why I can't work outside my home, I worry about what people think and worry that I'm going to be hurt

So most of my time, I just go to sleep, work online to make money and that's it. I just don't know where I'm going. I want to train myself to remove this stress and think positive but it's hard

>> No.706809

Give me your $2000 then kill yourself

>> No.706810


>> No.706811

Why? You're a failure at life. Might as well give your money to some one and then off yourself

>> No.706812

I said feel, I want to change that. Only weirdos like you would want another person to kill themselves.

I love life but I have flaws that I want to change to be better

>> No.706816

>26 years old
>No car
>almost no money
>shitty job at home

It's too late for you

>> No.706819

>Begging to have my 2000 on an imageboard

I think I'm starting to like my situation a little bit more now, if it was too late for me, you wouldn't be saying this or want my money, I have something that you want.

"A negative person is often the one with a life worse than yours"

Well this has made me feel better now, but seriously I just want some serious advice, all this silly trolling is 0/10 at best.

>> No.706821

kek, me asking for the $2000 was a joke. It's obviously gone over your head but I was making fun of who for having so little money. $2000 is literally nothing and if i really wanted it I would have at least put some payment information down. You should still kill yourself though

>> No.706828

You've gone to this thread to want my money and exposed for begging, it shows since you're still here hoping for me to become some suicidal mess and give you 2000

Rather sad but it's okay, I understand that people like you are worse than me and want to lash out to feel better.

Yet it won't work, I feel much better now, you're hating on me because you see that I have more money than you.

Who else would beg to want my 2000 dollars when they're better off than me? Does a man argue with dogshit?

Hmm, you've made me feel much happier, please continue though

>> No.706835

And that's what I thought, I don't feel like a failure anymore, thanks troll

>> No.706839

I have more money with you. I don't want your money lol

>> No.706841


>> No.706846

Just by the way you type I would hate to be you. Your life is already over you messed it all up. At 26 you only have $2000 saved? That's a month of work for most people. That's not a saving. You give a very distinct failure vibe. Get rid of it.

>> No.706861

Ouch, I touched a nerve, it took you 10 minutes with that reply. It looks like you're a poor bum and still replying.

You've just made my day, "I don't want your money but begged to have it" Alright mister bum.

I hate to be you, since I'm not even OP, I just wanted to mess around for April Fools day.

I got 10k in my bank, I know you dudes are jelly

>> No.706868

10k is still not much, sorry to say. I wouldn't call that a savings either

>> No.706870


literally only laughs

>> No.707162

>10K is still not much

Not him but I'm 19 with 12k, Yeah that's a lot and saying 10k is not much is just trolling, I'm guessing you're just jealous and broke, top kek

>> No.707164

the difference is 7 years...and you already have more money. it's piddly shit for a 26 year old...brettygud for a 19 year old

>> No.707179

If you're in US, then yeah $2000 isn't much. Better than $0 though. Time to push down the accelerator of your life to the max. What are your skills? Any degree(s)? Something that other people will pay money for? As edgy as its gonna sound, read a few books in /biz/'s literature list.
The Richest Man in Babylon
Millionaire Fastlane
is a good gentle start.