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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 226 KB, 519x709, turtle_king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7064968 No.7064968 [Reply] [Original]

Bow down bitches

>> No.7065034

My most comfy coin of 2018! 10x already, will be 200sat by mid Feb!

>> No.7065195

Tfw can't stop thinking about Turtle

>> No.7065280

Gotta get rid of the whale problem and the fact that you can't catch up with mining. Marketed too late imo

>> No.7065336
File: 105 KB, 996x667, 1517081217547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one's buying your discord shitcoin you fucking third world losers.

>> No.7065394

That guy was banned. Irrelevant

>> No.7065430

>I spam shit on discords then screenshot myself as (((evidence))) of a conspiracy
Pretty desperate. And you do this for free?

>> No.7066085


yup, would have been fun otherwise. can't mine shit now

>> No.7066087
File: 666 KB, 1126x845, 8b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the whale problem and the fact that you can't catch up with mining
how is this not the same as literally every other coin

>> No.7066140

Other coins took more than 1 week to go from "You can mine it!" to "You can't mine it!"

>> No.7066214

Why are you upset

>> No.7066260

I blame nicehash

>> No.7066327

From what I've read the coin was almost instantly targeted by various nicehashers when word got out, so not sure what any new PoW coin can do to combat that sort of mining surge.

>> No.7066348

I bought at 4 sats and sold at 28, made a few quick thousand.

One guy has like 750m of the 4.4ish billion supply though. Could literally tank it any time he wanted.

>> No.7066391

What's the deal with the automated faucet? I get an error message that you can use it only 3 times a day although I've used it one time. Can somebody explain this to me?

Link to the automated faucet:


>> No.7066501

The greatest new coin.

I've integrated it into my 24/7 video game music livestream and it's making some great money

>> No.7066510

could you explain how?

>> No.7066554

I set up walletd and wrote a small script to check for new transactions.

When somebody donates TRTL, I have s message pop-up on stream!

https://youtu.be/gKqYS0q-NQw if you want to see it

>> No.7066604


That guy was banned from the discord.

Why are you putting in effort to spam that to shit on a fun little community coin? Who gives a fuck?

>> No.7066637


you should blame the devs for not doing a proper ANN thread on bitcointalk.

it is normal and customary to do so, literally every fucking coin that is not an ICO launches there and practically every ICO does to.

they are never going to get this stink off them and they fucked up badly launching it the way they did.

The first block was mined 49 days ago meaning the devs started mining it on dec 8th or 9th, give or take depending on timezone.

It has only been getting shilled relentlessly on biz for less than 10 days and prior to that it got just one post late evening around jan 8th that lasted all of 5 minutes before falling off the catalog.

So yeah, the devs are fucking scumbags for launching it like this and depsite the hype in the discord, garlicoin which is reddit stupidity has massive subreddit, huge hash, and is trading on real exchanges immediately on launch.

>> No.7066684

True bro, thank you!

>> No.7066715

Nice reddit spacing... But I'll give credit where credit is due. This is pretty scummy

>> No.7066753

They're not scumbags for mining a billion coins before announcing it?

>> No.7066779
File: 71 KB, 1536x821, mining-trtl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the devs expected anything out of the coin
TRTL is a joke that's going too far.

>> No.7066789

Oh fuck this thing doesn't have a future, does it?

>> No.7066810

1000$ by 2021

>> No.7066945

>Nice reddit spacing... But I'll give credit where credit is due. This is pretty scummy

i have no idea what reddit spacing is, is it because i did newlines when i typed it?

>> No.7066956

>you should blame the devs for not doing a proper ANN thread on bitcointalk.

ah yes the most important ingredient in any successful coin
shitty messageboard threads
no ANN thread market sell all turtles

>> No.7067003


you are dodging the point and you know it.

>> No.7067011

The dev shelled it on biz on the first day ans it was shelled regularly.

>> No.7067019


usd outlawed and replaced by trtl for all global finance by 2021

>> No.7067028

dumped 2 million turtle at 30 sat on you fags

>> No.7067083

screen capping for when TRTL hits 50 sats

>> No.7067109
File: 36 KB, 657x527, apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I just realized if this shit hits 1$ then the smallest divisible unit will be 1 cents
>tfw this will literally never ever hit 1$
>tfw it will never even hit 0.1$

>> No.7067127

wow I missed out on .2 bitcoin im gonna kill myself

i mined 2 million turtle in like a day retard and made 6

>> No.7067161


this shit's just sigt all over again, god bless miner coins that let people like me mine it relatively early (i was late) and make sweet money on hype fags on /biz/ and i asked where it's trading and i managed to get my dump on before that asshole pushed it back to 1 sat

you retards don't even understand how this game works

you think your little pajeet 20$ investments can comp[ete against my industrial-size mining rigs

>> No.7067198

It's because you double-spaced it. On 4chan, you can have single line breaks, anyone who habitually double-taps the return key to line break is an obvious redditard

>> No.7067211

explain your reasoning here

>> No.7067279

>this shit's just sigt all over again,

maybe, i think not though because the dev has an actual name...

so he is risking alot if this is a real scam.

>> No.7067286

Which part? The smallest divisible unit is 0.01 (i.e. its divisible to 2 decimal places).

Clearly, its value as a currency would be massively undermined if it couldn't represent small enough increments. Thus, it can't go much above 1$ reasonably.

>> No.7067290


>> No.7067291
File: 94 KB, 852x1136, 463661_3481767858019_441900990_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys this fud is making me scared. I have about 1 mm trtl from 3 sats, and now I'm getting scared its not going to be worth anything because of the shitty devs.

Should I sell now and make a solid 1.5 grand? Or should I wait for tradesatoshi..?

>> No.7067304

I can still mine 1.8k coins a day on my 1080

>> No.7067312

>It's because you double-spaced it. On 4chan, you can have single line breaks, anyone who habitually double-taps the return key to line break is an obvious redditard

ahh..nah man, its not reddit, its corporate email habit...

>> No.7067324

yeah, lots of consequences like pajeets shitting up /biz/ and a thread on bitcointalk/coingarden and making hollow threats

you faggots let SIGT guy ruin most of your portfolios and investment lifes, why would this be any different?

>> No.7067356

and remember CONFIDO? lmao most of you retards lost 99% in one day buying trash

>buying coins shilled on /biz/

>> No.7067392

Send it to me. I have an iron hand and I’ll hodl it for you.

>> No.7067416

Nigga what do you think will happen when it hits a non shitty exchange? All the whales who have premined literally billions will just dump it all on losers.

It will go back to 1 sats where it belongs

>> No.7067451
File: 167 KB, 786x960, O4UcDPW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be you
>Hear teenage mutant ninja turtle music play in the distance
>Music gets louder
>Door gets smashed down
>See pic related
>Turtle Thots speak to you
>Hey Anon!!!! You ready to Party?? Hope you like pizza teeheee
>You nervously look away with a guilty face
>Turtle Thots look worried
>Hey anon, You DO like turtles right??? You wouldn't be one of those evil No-Turtle'lers would you?
>You feel sick
>N-noono no way, not me, only an idiot would believe simplewallet.exe is a keylogger
>Oh that is good to hear anon! Now that we know you are a turtle bro we can totally have a pizza party with you, and if you are lucky, We will even let you impregnate all of us!
>All you need to do is show us your turtle wallet anon!
>You DO have a turtle wallet right right anon??? right?

The absolute state of turtle fudders on this board

thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bojx9BDpJks

>> No.7067499

sell now it's the next ECA

>> No.7067520

there is only 4 billio in existance at the moment, you think one person has over 50% of the supply?

someone would of had to of mined 100% of the supply for a month to even have a couple billion.

Let me break it down for you

about 29k turtles are made every 30 secs, which ends up being 2.5 billion a month roughly.

You can look at the blockchain yourself and see that there was no pre-mine

The most someone has is probably like 200 million

>> No.7067576

>ECA has 100mil mc
That's a 20x from here... the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.7067583

>TRTL is a joke that's going too far.

this feels like the thing more than anything.

now its actually got gravity, real mining is being thrown at it and it might hit a real exchange literally any day.

>> No.7067660

Mkid has shown his purchases. He has over 700mil TRTL.

>> No.7067817

exactly, and he joined the game 1 month after the devs had a whole month at it.

And for that first month, they were solo mining with nearly zero difficulty.

they 100% could have more than a billion and you are kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

>> No.7067943

Can anyone debunk this?

>> No.7068063

This is why I'm not even trying to go past 10k of this shitcoin

>> No.7068359

Well a reply further says they'd have to be the only miner for nearly a month. Right now 1 billion coins are mined every 2 weeks. No one has a billion and mkid has the most. He bought them all lmao. As supply increases his share will decrease. And please remember 1000 people control 40% of the ENTIRE CRYPTO MARKET. The fact turtlecoin is the same way should not be surprising.

>> No.7068477

This shit has been shilled on here since day 1. There was no premine. Check the archives if you don't believe me. There devs and large holders gave away a significant portion of what was originally mined before most people started mining.

This happens with literally every PoW coin literally nothing is different.

>> No.7068626

There wasn't even that much volume moved at 30 sats.
Nice try pajeet

>> No.7068641

This is a definition of a shitcoin

>> No.7068726

Turtle Marine please go

>> No.7068839

This has more going for it than any ERC20 token that biz shills. At least it fucking works and has a good concept behind it. I'm not going to say anymore I'll let you figure out why this will be big without spoon-feeding you. I'll give you a hint, go listen to the podcast with the devs.

>> No.7069073
File: 294 KB, 429x422, turtmarine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7069313
File: 17 KB, 400x400, turtlemoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]