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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7063174 No.7063174 [Reply] [Original]

Besides crypto, what are some other way of making money that do not require interaction with normies?

>> No.7063411

You can murder people for money. I do one hit every three months and I have plenty of money. Hope this helps!

>> No.7063434

Affiliate marketing, but it's harder than crypto so might not be worth it if you don't have a special mindset

>> No.7063444

That does not meet the condition of "no interaction with normies" at all. Both the people you need to hit and the clients paying you will most likely be normies.

>> No.7063447

But you would still have to interact with normies b4 you kill them

>> No.7063451

You can always save money by necking yourself.

>> No.7063460


if you can code, write, make graphics etc you can make money on here. dunno how good it is though


Amazon mturk. basically you do bullshit menial tasks for a few cents. if you find good requesters and work fast, you can make decent money. had a friend that would sometimes make $200 a day

sign up for the Google IT certification course that just came out and apply for financial aide. learn to do tech so you can interact with other nerds

>> No.7063488

Hmm. This is the best answer so far.

These are only good if you live in the 3rd world otherwise you won't survive on the miserable rates they pay.

>> No.7063532

Are you tarded? Do you think I have a meeting with the person I murder? You get a murder request from an anonymous basket weaving forum and then you go and shoot the fellow.

>> No.7063552


get into a technical trade where you work alone/isolated or the workload is such that casual normie communication is impossible

or a trade not occupied by normies, such as private military contracting

god tier - combine all of the above (private corporation UAV pilot/sensor operator, 200k a year full benefits + room/board at location)

pipeline -> 2 years USAF drone pilot/sensor operator certification -> 'hurt your back' or fail PT test 3 times and get out -> go to work for private contracting corp with your UAV cert

collect disability from USAF and your massive paycheck, for doing about 1 hour of actual work a day, and monitoring a screen for the rest of the time

+ surrounded by deployed military all the time, so very few liberals or women
+ all the free food you could ever want, if you are lifting or just a fatfuck
+ no distractions, so you just accumulate wealth and have nothing to spend it on

- no chicks
- dusty as fuck or humid as fuck
- might get blown up by a mortar

>> No.7063590

Yes actually, if you weren't larping you would know that most serious hitmen will actually have a meeting with their target to get closer to them and make their job easier. Go post some fake blockfolios in another thread instead.

>> No.7063637

Do you get paid in Monero?

>> No.7063843

Cool if you're murican I guess.

>> No.7063848

Found my next target I guess

>> No.7063879

Literally everyone is talking about BZC right now faggot.

>> No.7063916

Your tiny dick? Congrats.

>> No.7063967

Funny man! U could write some comedy and get published. No normie interaction. Srsly tho neck yourself.

>> No.7063990

>Besides crypto, what are some other way of making money that do not require interaction with normies?

Antique weapons No normies there

>> No.7063996

I used to do freelance graphic design and writing on oDesk (now Upwork) and it was kind of a slog. I had to compete with pajeets who work for peanuts, so there are lots of clients that aren't willing to pay you what you're worth. And you have to hustle like mad to get contracts.

>> No.7064013

Giving head or giving face; you'll not find one normal man or woman who pays for them

>> No.7064017
File: 205 KB, 1920x1080, morefaggotythanbiggayal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally everyone is talking about BZC right now faggot.

Enjoy your slum prajeet gang rape

>> No.7064192

What's the pay like? I prefer something above wageslaving ideally.

Had the same experience. Clients don't care about quality, they only look at the price, so good luck convincing them to pick you over some pajeet with zero understanding of performance, quality, scalability, security etc

>> No.7064557

Has anyone had any experience with FBA?

>> No.7065063

Delivery work. There is interaction with normies but very brief. Hi, here, bye. Most of the time is spend on the road.