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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7062335 No.7062335[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7062353
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>ass man
you deserve to die

>> No.7062355

That's a Male

>> No.7062366
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>> No.7062376
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they smell bad and sound like banshees when you're fucking them. pass.

>> No.7062386

White people fetishising Asians need to get rope'd.

>> No.7062438

that's a man

asians with an ass are absolute god tier though

>> No.7062457

>virgin white man

Stop preying on asians. You lost the genetic lottery and you're not for pro-creation.

You serve as a laughing stock in the genetic pool.

>> No.7062465

>they sound like banshees when you're fucking them
And that's bad why?

>> No.7062512
File: 78 KB, 400x266, WMCW1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I see a old/nerdy/balding and WEAK white man with a young cute asian girl,


A butt ugly asian woman with a decent looking white man..

I cringe.

>> No.7062513


Fuck WHITE CHICKS, marry an ASIAN.



>> No.7062532

This man speaks words of wisdom

>> No.7062537

>implying that'll stop us
Asian women were literally destined to be bred by white seed

>> No.7062562

White men who marry Asian. Women are the most wealthy out of all of the ethnic groups mixing including white on white or Asian on Asian.

>> No.7062586


>T. Disgusting looking white autistic boy

Other way around, look at what the Mongols did.

>> No.7062649
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> A butt ugly asian woman with a decent looking white man..

Ausfag here, literally every WMAF couple I see here is like this.

And every AMWF couple, the guy is average and the girl is hot.

What is going on?

>> No.7062684

It's true you can't deny it. Once the autist of the west begin accumulating great wealth it's only a matter of time before every womb in East Asian becomes a dumping ground for autistic weebs.

>> No.7062741

Is that why Eastern European girls are so hot? Because they all have Genghis Khan blood so basically mixed race?

>> No.7062749


what's your net worth? I went to SEA when I was worth about 50k usd and impregnated 4 different asian teenagers (18-19 you pervs) in under a year

two of them even kept the baby

worth 600k right now, but you don't need lots of money to pretend to be rich enough for asian girls to want to mate with you

>> No.7062752

Grill here.

The more "brutish" and "ogre" looking the guy, the hotter they are in my opinion.

Women like the idea of getting fucked and abused by a bad dude with scars on his face.

Pretty boys are... not hot.

>> No.7062775
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>> No.7062783

White women want exotic but smart/classy, white dudes can't get laid.

>> No.7062796

I wouldn't describe these asian guys as 'brutish' or 'ogre' though, just regular looking.

>> No.7062808


>> No.7062827
File: 108 KB, 1200x800, Screen_Shot_2017_11_16_at_10.10.43_AM.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god fuck no. Please, get away from me. RAPE HELP

He doesn't look natural. It has to be natural.

Pic: trainwrecks is butt ugly, but I would suck his cock.

>> No.7062843

Most asian guys look like sissies.

>> No.7062847
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>> No.7062849

And then you go to your room whip out your short dick and imagine them fuckinng kek

>> No.7062857


>> No.7062858

Straight women aren't necessarily attracted to prettiness, but might prefer a man who makes them feel secure, the biggest bear on the block. A boy who is too good-looking makes them insecure because they think he'll cheat with stacy.

>t. prettiboi

>> No.7062860


>> No.7062905
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Yeah that's what I mean but they are pulling all these hot chicks over here and these butt-ugly asian girls are with good looking aussie guys. It doesn't make any sense.

I see shit like this all the time (see pic).
This is Putin's daughter by the way with her Korean boyfriend.

>> No.7062904


you're a tranny, fuck off to /soc/

>> No.7062909

>I wish I was white

>> No.7062968

how much crypto holding for you to marry me

>> No.7062982
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At least I'm not a virgin.

>> No.7063058

Asian girls are literal demon spawn, don't do it. Fuck em and dump em, you do not want more than that trust me.

This is someone who has exclusively fucked and dated Asian girls, not by choice but I never get any luck with other races.

>> No.7063090

Western-asian chics are spoilt.

Eastern-asian chics are dumb.

You're fucked either way.

>> No.7063126

And the whites just think they are entitled.

>> No.7063129

Being a virgin is much less shameful than larping as a girl on /biz/

>> No.7063139

The best girls are the ones that came to Western countries at a somewhat young age from poor families.

Once they get the taste of money they cunt out too though.

>> No.7063190

Thats why you don't spoil them.

>> No.7063218

>Just a masochist that doesn't believe Trans are not women.

Ok buddy. :)

I'll let you keep your virgin pride to yourself. Lol.

>> No.7063233

Shame, they are a minority.

>> No.7063283

Imagine being such a mentally-ill, attention-deprived faggot that you not only pretend to be a female on the internet, but start to pretend to be a female in real life also.

There is really no coming back from that, which is why around 50% of these type of faggots wind up attempting suicide.

>> No.7063288

Trans is literally one sex larping as another. Please try harder

>> No.7063353

Easily explainable. Just as asians see all white people as beautiful, white people, atleast the ones who are into asians, see all asians as beautiful.
When you are exotic you don't have to be as pretty for people who are into exotic.
The difference you are talking about is simply because white women are generally more beautiful than asian women.

I fell in love with a chinese girl who was just average looking. But she was slender, had the cutest butt I've seen, she dressed very cute in like skirts and dresses, she was smart as hell, 24 but already out of medical school, played traditional chinese instruments etc. etc.
Compared to many white women she was not very pretty but the rest was like a million times better than most women from my country.

>> No.7063373
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Agree. You stupid ass coins. Do something already you shits

>> No.7063379


Being this mad because not even a tranny will touch his tiny white cock.

Haha. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.7063425


so they are triplets, not twins.
the call that saved asia

>> No.7063457

my crypto rap...
download link coming soon..

big nigga an im flexxin,
got this syrup in my foam no im chillin,
cuphead on my tv screen
makin money outta crypto scene
yeah big nigga and im flexxin
screamin "MOMMY HELP ME" cause I ain't winnin
losin money like its spare change,
caused a tumor in my fuckin brain
yeah big nigga
ummm yeah big nigga woah

>> No.7063564

Will not*

>> No.7063605

>smell bad
i had asians and europeans and the only ones that smelled were the european ones

>> No.7063617
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>> No.7063653
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Tfw achieved this with 0 crypto, and she's pretty cute too. No larp. Still wish I had some crypto tho.

>> No.7063664
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>> No.7063716

Are you enjoying your aids.

>> No.7063720

You didn't buy BZC yet anon? Kek

>> No.7063980
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Maybe but I don't think thats quite it. It seems to be a 'thing' over here.

I don't have anything against it really but it's just a bit weird, it seemed to have happened all of a sudden. Even our TV ads are AMWF now.

Pic is from a new ad for Samsung shown here.

>> No.7064542

White guys are too lucky man. I want an Asian wife. None here in Latin America :(

>> No.7064597


>if you have lots of sex you will get aids!!!!

t. american teenager

>> No.7064773
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>> No.7064948

You are destined to end up with an ugly, fat spic disgusting subhuman, because you are one as well. Kys you ugly spic, literal subhuman.

>> No.7064967
