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7057282 No.7057282 [Reply] [Original]

Need to spread out the PoWH shilling further. I'm personally going to be commenting on the bitconnect youtubers videos to convince them to invest in this shit. Maybe we can get Carlos to shill this shit too. Anyone got any other good shilling ideas?

>> No.7057456
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> I'm personally going to be commenting on the bitconnect youtubers videos
>Anyone got any other good shilling ideas?
Yes, shill to people that actually have money left.

>> No.7057549

worked in africa and so-called "poor" areas for years
when some opportunity comes along, somehow all these destitute people find thousands in cash ready to be flung
100% guarantee most of the bitconnect "investors" would go for round 2, ESPECIALLY if you shill the guaranteed can't run with your money nature of smart contracts
although obviously "read the contract" is not going to do it for 2 digit IQs, got to get a youtube celeb walk them through the lines and assure them it's legit
there's real potential there

>> No.7057561

Nigvon James will shill anything for a quick buck (he's still shilling ponzis) and Crypto Nick is still pretty wealthy off his hashflare shit and altcoins. Their viewers can baghold as little as 0.001 PoWH too.