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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 88 KB, 381x335, doga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7054650 No.7054650 [Reply] [Original]


Array Chain

> 100000 in supply

> 1000 go for 1 eth

> Ground floor

> 1000x this month at least

> Solid dev team (Ex - Blockchain dev from Apple too btw)

Enjoy staying poor pajeets

>> No.7054667

Array chain?

More like comic sans chain

>> No.7054682

Just bought 50k

>> No.7054698

If you don't buy this you deserve to stay poor

>> No.7054705

don't say i didn't help you in a month when you ACTUALLY have a lambo btw

>> No.7054722

2xed my money already since yesterday

>> No.7054754

wow this is the laziest attempt at a scam yet, bravo

>> No.7054756
File: 146 KB, 480x352, bob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got you anon

I'm high as fuck and do drugs all day while still finding moons and making 5-15k a day this isn't real right, anon? The mo-mo-money?

>> No.7054773

whats with all of these dodgy ED contracts being spammed on /biz/? kys pajeet fucking hell

>> No.7054793

This scam is so fucking weak I'm genuinely impressed.

>> No.7054819

Nice turn around Anon! How did your last scam go?

>> No.7054829

1000x in a month?

>> No.7054839

easily ... the team has someone who quit apple for this lol

>> No.7054859

u need to make a better scam than this.
at least get a website

>> No.7054860

I am now convinced that there is no such thing as array chain lmao. OP made it up with some bullshit contract to get free eth.


>> No.7054880

lol enjoy not getting rich then retard

>> No.7054924

Smells like curry and shit in this thread

>> No.7054966

Lmao click on OP’s photo and look at the sheer pajeetness that went into it

Thanks for the good laugh

>> No.7055008

You mean apple retail correct?

>> No.7055014

stay poor then lol

>> No.7055025

OP said

“Enjoy staying poor faggots”

Implying that if you do invest you will get scammed and stay poor.

Op wasn’t really lying *shrugs*

>> No.7055105

why do i even try to help /biz/ when its full of methed out pajeets that are parnoid of using ether delta lol

>> No.7055135

This is fucking /biz/

you have to try a lot harder to scam us. Look at turtle coin. You need a website, you need a pajeet shill campaign, you need a white paper

Fuck off and try again

>> No.7055245

then buy something thatll make you lose money while i sit on AYC lol

>> No.7055327

this is a scma coin be aware
lots of shady delings you can find through googling.
actually team is whell known scam team in china look for some these china articles in the translate. all very very bad things like staling people money from their hands even in the street but also telepohne scam and thing of the sort.

anway just i know ppl seem like this coin but i warne you, just stay safe. in fact i wouldnot be surprised if the coins acually have virii in them to hijack ur comps.
nex time just buy something safe like bitcions.

>> No.7055371

No one is going to buy ur pajeet coin with 0 buy orders. Try harder

>> No.7055383
File: 204 KB, 1600x1150, F780D29D-8FC6-4E4C-9DA6-1FFC53494C68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 50% of my portfolio is on ED

OP gets defensive when people call him out on his blatant scam

>> No.7055391

Google search shows there's literally no such crypto.

Fuck you pajeet, I hope your shithole country gets taken over by the Chinese.

>> No.7055418

is the pajeet forum online right now maliciously attacking GOOD coins on /biz/ ?

Smells like curry now.

>> No.7055626

You're why I hate doing business with chinese people

>> No.7055655

i don't represent the company I'm just trying to help people get a moon but apparently only the Indians are awake right now

>> No.7055863
File: 15 KB, 555x230, array.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat dick FUDDERS

>> No.7055935


You could have literally typed that up in notepad you pajeet.

>> No.7056196

So much curry here holy shit

>> No.7056379

yeah so much FUD too

>> No.7056423






>> No.7056428

>fucking kucoin
good to know this shitcoin will dump into the ground in a few days, ill buy then. thanks anon

>> No.7056540

hey its the 12$ meme haha i like that one

>> No.7056658
File: 63 KB, 500x436, 1471400685532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's me asshole, the real 12 dollar guy, the man you scammed. I wish death on you cocksuckers.
I will send you little shit-fuckers to hell!!!! TO HELLL!

>> No.7056798

the 12$ meme is honestly the best meme on this board and I love you for making it if youre orginal 12$ dude

>> No.7057149

post MEW and i'll send you 12$ worth of GVC btw 12$ guy