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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7053057 No.7053057 [Reply] [Original]

You pajeets missed ethereum and neo last year, this is your last chance. Notice the lack of shilling this coin. Look at the team, run by chinks and the founder of Ethereum. Trying to be the Google of blockchain.
Send me some ETH when you realize your massive gains:
screencap this, watch EOY

>> No.7053153

are these guys gonna be a smart contract platform, or will it literally just be a fucking useless "search engine" for smart contracts

>> No.7053222

Platform and removes the need to hard fork. On top of being a search engine for blockchains

>> No.7053364

well done

so they will be a smart contract platform? sauce? I've looked everywhere to confirm this, but haven't been able to do so.

>> No.7054076

Couple videos on it on YouTube, main net goes live soon. Seems to have a masternode system of sorts too. They call it bookkeeping or some shit

>> No.7054194

I understand the bookkeeping but can you back up your claims up it being a smart contract platform?

>> No.7054335

Lol, you serious? You looked everywhere but didn't bother to check the whitepaper where it's laid out for you in full?

You guys even trying to research things or do you just do a Google search and call it quits.

But yeah, it's mainly a platform that improves itself over time so it eliminates the need for hard forks. It's also the first blockchain 3.0 that will move to mainnet. That pretty much just means base speeds of 1 million tps, where as ETH and NEO have solutions being built that bring them to those speeds.

Main reason to invest is because with one of the founders of NEO leading the project, this thing should be in the top 50 on nothing but that, but it has had zero marketing. When people finally get around to advertising this thing it should fucking explode into the top 20 maybe even top 10.

>> No.7054380

You didn't put the name

>> No.7054381

Go read the Whitepaper, section 3, Nebulas Force https://nebulas.io/resources.html

>> No.7054434
File: 52 KB, 229x233, Screenshot_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7054436

What's the least shitty exchange to get this in?

>> No.7054454

Back up my claims? Nigga do a search lol wtf

>> No.7054473

I'm not OP, but it's Nebulas(NAS).

Also don't give OP shit, he honestly probably saw somebody else mention this and just got lucky to find a decent coin.
Fucking beggars are disgusting

>> No.7054490

No wonder you niggers are poor. You need to spoonfed everything fucks sake

>> No.7054495


It's a garbage exchange but that's also one of the reasons it's cheap. You can wait for it to hit another exchange but obviously it will be more expensive then. Could always do etherdelta

>> No.7054542

Wtf? Gate is fine

>> No.7054563


>> No.7054662

No but apparently you are, stay poor cuckzilla

>> No.7054769

Already own 330 nas

I'll have a lambo eoy

I unironically believe what I'm saying too

>> No.7054788

You are the most one dimensional, unconvincing shill Ive ever run into. Have fun bagholding for maybe a 35% gain, while scores of other coins moon around you.

>> No.7054822

This one doesn't need to be shilled. DYOR cuckboy

>> No.7054959

suck my cock you useless faggot.

>> No.7054989

It's ok, don't be sad. You'll only be poor forever, nbd

>> No.7055009

>Send me some ETH when you realize your massive gains:
Shrilling a coin this hard then requesting ETH, nice try pooper, surely you'd want payment in (INSERT_SHRILLED_COIN_HERE)

>> No.7055351
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1513936376118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I sent you a little something. Enjoy.

I sent you a little something.

>> No.7055479

Is this going downwards like chainlink and omisego that have been recommended all the time? Nobody has a clue on the crypto market as the rules are unknown. Good tech coins have sideways movement at best. The only things influencing prices are greed and fear like on the shitty mainstream stock market.

>> No.7055520

I read the WP, they never outline plans to be a smart contract platform.

>> No.7055524

>Good tech coins have sideways movement at best

Everything has downward moments, you fucking newfag. People who came in during the December bullrun are so fucking spoiled.

>LINK: Legit, long term project
>OMG: Legit, long term project

And even the one OP is shilling is a legit long-term project. Why? Because the creator is also the creator of NEO.

>> No.7055543

Thanks , will check tomorrow