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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7049261 No.7049261 [Reply] [Original]

Oh god they backed out of the conference, from source associated with them on telegram
SELL this it is bombing quick, dont get dbc'd

>> No.7050131

Source you fucking idiot I can't find that anywhere

>> No.7050287

Can't find this anywhere. Don't be a fag OP

>> No.7050388

OP wants your bags during this correction

>> No.7050418

Fud like this on biz is a good buy signal thanks

>> No.7050899

Op is fake and gay

>> No.7050941

Let's make this a TNC thread boys, how many did you accumulate before the rocket?

>> No.7051013
File: 472 KB, 1242x1474, 6318C11A-D54A-4818-9C6E-904B70304147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god dude shut up.

They didn’t back out of the conference.


I bought quite a bit the morning it came on Kucoin.

Big fan - it was my second biggest holding until it took off - now it’s my #1

>> No.7051023

I am doing my best to keep it above the .000285 mark folks

>> No.7051414

Poorfag so I only bought 190 but it was at 23 cents so I'm making a pretty decent flip off this to put into other moon missions.

>this is my first crypto investment

>> No.7051633

dont diversify unless its a surefire moon mission and even then you're not talking about enough money to be worth it

>> No.7051702

I'm all in on this and I will be for the next moon too

>> No.7051810
File: 517 KB, 995x557, haruhi-3-excitement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>how many did you accumulate

2093, short sold at the beginning of the current dip (btw this seems like the bottom of it) bought back, now I have 2187

>> No.7052145

tfw only made 40 swing trading, sold at 3666 and bought back in at 3600, right before it crashed to 2900

>> No.7052619

was able to pick up 1800!