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File: 144 KB, 8000x8000, ether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7041293 No.7041293 [Reply] [Original]

convince me not to sell all my alts for this gem

>> No.7041339

I just did that. eth is quietly mooning, alts are loudly crashing. act fast

>> No.7041344


>> No.7041573

>still better than BTC in every way.

>> No.7041645

The hard cap has not yet been implemented but the devs have stated it will. They will also introduce sinks.

>> No.7041671

Because my alts have been growing with ETH instead of tanking?

>> No.7041716

Because the dumbest decision u can make is sell whatever u have for something that is pumping lol? U sound new to crypto

>> No.7041774

U can almost assume that because eth has pumped the last days it will have a -% day tomorrow.

>> No.7041886

Waiting for the big dip...will it happen?
Was 900 my last chance???

>> No.7041919

tfw I was 100% in ETH until yesterday when I finally decided to buy some shitty alts
I could already get 10% more of those alts, by tomorrow it's gonna be 25%
not selling though, i'm sure alts will start going up the moment I do

>> No.7042031

A big dip wont be happening soon

>> No.7042035

Feb 14th, you're welcome

>> No.7042059

Sell low Buy high Anon

>> No.7042115
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Look at picture related. It's a little outdated (from before the big dip) but the bigger picture still stands. Especially since we just recovered to the pricelevel in the img as well.

>> No.7042169
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Another chart about the ETH/BTC ratio and moving averages (the rainbow).
These are great indicators that filter out the daily noise.
As you can see they're about to flip over which is mega bullish.

At ~0.17 eth/btc, ETH overtakes BTC marketcap. This will happen very soon.

>> No.7042318

I can understand newfags that need to quickly grow their portfolios not having much ETH (because they want alts that will moon quickly).

But why the fuck do some oldfags not keep at least 50 ETH on the sidelines at all times for ETH moon missions? Retarded.

>> No.7042332

what is 14th Feb?

>> No.7042353

Never go into alts when ETH is about to rally hard. ETH will outperform the alts every single time.

There is still time to switch back. I'd recommend it, also take a look at the charts in


Good luck anon.

>> No.7042417
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>> No.7042431


Fuck I need to learn at least some TA. Any tips on where to go for the basics?

I legit can't tell if it's a meme/self fulfilling prophecy though.

>> No.7042494

Pump group with 40k members will be having a pump on Binance in at 7pm EST. You don't want to miss it!
discord gg/4gQsHam

>> No.7042497

>bought 2k ETH 2 years ago
>not sold any

>> No.7042540

you are not alone my friend. we will have virgins on the moon while infidels cry

>> No.7042638

Daily reminder that PoS is the worst system.

>> No.7042661

Watch Nictrades livestreams every Monday evening for a starter (google it) and try to find quality TA people on Tradingview.

TA is 100% true, the market is ruled by bots and algorithms. These respect the rules.

You'll never know 100% which way the market will go, but you'll have a pretty good idea if you do proper TA.
You'll 100% know WHEN the market will move if you have the right lines drawn out on your chart.

When I'm in a open position/trade I know exactly when to pay attention, where so called ' junctions' are so to speak, where decisions are made.

>> No.7042668

DAGs are for FAGs

>> No.7042680

People were saying that all last spring...

>> No.7042688
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>Needing to be spoonfed this bad about major market events lol not gonna make it.

>> No.7042711

Damn, nice. So not only are you millionaire status already, but staking should give you some solid dividends in the future.

I have 100 ETH I bought over the course of a year (started in crypto around June 2017). ETH keeps me comfy but I still have a lot of alts I need to keep mooning in order to make it.

>> No.7042735

>muh superior Asian mining monopolies

>> No.7042820

>TA is 100% true
>You'll never know 100%
>You'll 100% know

This is definitely probably true or false.

Read into the economic theory behind PoW and PoS, all I have to say about it.

>> No.7042839

>quietly mooning

It's not even a moon. It's this new thing ETH started doing earlier this month when it decoupled from BTC pattern prior to the dip, steady upwards movement for hours/days on end. No violent shots up that are vulnerable to equally violent drops back down. Just steady gaining.

Anyway, OP, I've been all-in ETH since the end of the alt run and see no reason to change strategies or diversify at this time.

>> No.7042849

what does valentines day have to do with markets

>> No.7042850

TA works because it's how bots are programed and bots are the majority of the movement on a chart. You have to program the bot with some predictive capability and that is where TA comes into play; it's human psychology rendered into mathematics.

>> No.7042898
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Because Ethereum is going to clocktown very soon. It'd be a waste to have to buy then sell at a lower price.

>> No.7042921

Are you retarded?

TA is indeed 100% applied to all markets.
Because bots act by it.

However you're never 100% sure which way the market goes because of individuals, whales, news, black swans etc. adding noise into the mix.

But it is very easy to see when these decisions are made: trading bots will buy shit up to support levels, but as soon as you drop through thanks to human interaction, the bots just follow and adjust.

Is it really that hard to grasp?

>> No.7042938

>tfw sold all my eth for alts 3 weeks ago

>> No.7042948

We're headed for $10,000 over the next few months. I'd say $10k in July.

>> No.7042995

>Read into the economic theory behind PoW and PoS, all I have to say about it.

lmfao what a cop out. it's a heavily debated subject but you're acting like some simple reading will give you the correct answer. I've read about it extensively and I'm pretty sure PoW is more centralized because poor people would lose more on electricity costs/mining rigs than they will earn.

>> No.7042999

lol I'd make it easily if that happened, but even $10k by EOY is very unlikely. Don't give ppl false hope.

>> No.7043005

I did an internship at wall st. I think you were too conversative with ur prediction. My TA says eth will be 54-69k by July/August

>> No.7043013

Sure man, sure.

Ponzi is over dude.
The crash happenned because this piece of shit went to 1.4k.

2.5K EOY max

>> No.7043035

Yes, it is a cop out. I'm hungover and I don't have to explain shit. But since this is 4chan, suck my dick.

>> No.7043070

those goddamn pesky bcashies also

>> No.7043088

ETH has historically been about 1/5th of the entire crypto market cap, and I'm pretty confident the market cap will exceed 10 trillion in the next 1-3 years. So 20k ETH is not unreasonable.

>> No.7043091

Because you shouldn't invest in ponzi schemes. Eth has no term value unless a shitcoin ICO pops up so you have to buy Eth to buy it. Vitalik recognised this and said its overpriced at 400.

>> No.7043155

feels good to be in on ethereum before it got above 400, missed a chance to be a bitcoin millionaire but been holding on to 10 ETH since ~440

>> No.7043159

It's also like BTC (can be used to buy stuff or sell for fiat) but faster.

>> No.7043221
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being this fucking new

>> No.7043243

dont be retarded

>> No.7043257

I saw someone say they didn't know what FUD meant yesterday

>> No.7043343

Fuck Untermensch Degenerates

>> No.7043348
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>> No.7043605

and people think its too late to get into crypto lmao

if you were to even just invest all in to ethereum without day trading at all for a year you would be in for a treat

>> No.7043652

Jan 2017 $11
Jan 2018 $1100
Jan 2019 $110000

Will it hit $110,000 this time next year? time will tell

>> No.7043671
File: 43 KB, 600x480, 9c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw locked everything into ETH yesterday.

Take me to the moon daddy.

>> No.7043713

w-what is clocktown?

>> No.7043722
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why didn't i believe

>> No.7043724

Jesus christ. I'm so mad I got in late.

>> No.7043797


That is horrible to think about. Man, if I had just invested 1k on ETH I'd have 13 mil. Crazy shit.

>> No.7043828

I bought my first 10 at $10.63, only holding 107 now. Wish I bought more but I didn't want to invest more than I could afford to lose.

>> No.7043840
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Will I make it with 65 ETH until 2021?

>> No.7043852
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It's that brief moment of joy that comes from knowing you're a millionaire, instants before the IRS comes crashing down on you.

>> No.7043922

Realistically, what are the chances it'll hit 10k by next year? I own 23 ETH and have been making steady income day trading it. Just curious to see if I just stop trading and HODL it.

>> No.7043956

man i have 1.3 eth, you definitely got something going

>> No.7044099

You should. ETH will hit 30k this year. It's under 1.2k. you'll miss "Much moon" but you'll be guaranteed money.

>> No.7044116

Eth/USDT goes up while alt/Eth goes down. Isn’t the best position to be in one where you’re in an alt that is going down slower than eth is going up?

>> No.7044149
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>> No.7044169

Dude it ain't going to 30k. That's not gonna happen man. $5k max

>> No.7044497

Bitcoin will crash to 0 and all the money will go to eth, making it worth one million
Screencap this

>> No.7044551

Don't listen to the other anon.
It's when the "moon" comes crashing to the very bottom.

>> No.7044644

if every dollar in crypto went into eth it would still only be around 6k/coin

>> No.7045054

He still doesnt understand the marketcap

>> No.7045300

Should I buy ETH right now?

>> No.7045323

You should have bought eth like a week ago

>> No.7045356

Eth and neo

Comfy holds even for a under 10k poorfolio.

>> No.7045376
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1515661425233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

600 billion crypto market cap.
100 million ETH in circulation
600 billion dollars in eth = 6,000 a coin


>> No.7045379

It's never too late to buy ETH. Maybe wait for a dip at least though.

>> No.7045381

I can't. ETH is about to become king

>> No.7045734

I would finally be at Lambo levels