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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 328x301, sUMIOsRlti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7040406 No.7040406 [Reply] [Original]

So seriously the insane amount of shill what UFR got in the recent weeks was really couterproductive to the coin which has a pretty good idea. I think we shouldn't water down a coin because it was pushed too hard. Because outside of the shilling it has a pretty good idea and potential in it.
People getting punished for downloading pirate movies,games,music,...etc.
>How will you get away with paying for something thats stolen?
Thepiratebay say to you everywhere that you have to use a vpn cause you you will get caught and get punished if you don't pay anyway, but you can use tor or I2P for free and never get caught
>Why its whorth to download something if you pay for it?
Because still better to pay a few dolars in UFR to download it anonimusly in half an hour 'cause of the good seeders than pay 50-60$ for a PC game for example.

>It's decentralized so can't be shout down...

The benefits are infinite...
The disadvantages are: a discord group gave it the attention it deserves.

>> No.7040453
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20 Shill points added to your account sir.

>> No.7040500

go fuck yourself. don't give shill points to this pajeet

>> No.7040620

UFR is a cool project, looking forward to the alpha release.

>> No.7040660
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Who cares about shillpoints? I got kicked two days ago, I'm just balls deep in a solid project, thats all...

>> No.7040683

t. pajeet

>> No.7040742
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Actually looking forward to them releasing their alpha tools in Q1 this year. Will shut a lot of FUDers up about how this is a pnd only coin.
Anons please do yourself a favor and research this coin. UFR is more than just "lel that discord shill". It's going to revolutionize torrenting as we know it.

>> No.7040792
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>the absolute state of biz

>> No.7040889
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>> No.7040899
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All these FUDers are blinded by the shilling done here recently, when UFR really decides to move its gonna be great fun to watch them fomo

>> No.7040907

I'm in UFR from the ICO and am excited to see where this coin goes. I'm looking forward to alpha, and seeing if people start using their network.

>> No.7040916

UFR is just a pajeet coin, if you're not holding XLM you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.7041009
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>> No.7041010

TOR was literally outed as an FBI honey pot directly responsible for the silk road raid

>> No.7041564
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The FUD actually spiked my interest in this project it's like pajeets are trying to drive the price down to buy it cheaply before mooning.

>> No.7041655

>implying pajeets can't into VPN
PIDF please go.

>> No.7041700

I was on tor and i've seen a lot of things that should and can be taken down if the FBI can deal with TOR. I'm not saying that it is imposibble to track back TOR, it just doesn't worth the time and the resources unless you are involved in terrorism or child-pronography.

>> No.7041772

And they can not and will not deal with thousands of uploaders,downloaders,seeders.

>> No.7041773
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>hurr durr Pajeet
Literally every singe crypto that you see on /biz/ is a result of shilling. The fact that UFR is heavily shilled on here doesn't make it any less promising. It's a great project that hasn't mooned yet, which is pretty fucking rare these days.

>> No.7041843

>Paying for torrenting over BitTorrent
That is never happening, there is next to know use putting pirating on a blockchain, its a shitcoin that got released in a bullish market.
>Discord P&D group
Stay the fuck away

>> No.7041895

no* Im too tired.

>> No.7041960

My bags are super heavy. I need this shitcoin to 3x.

>> No.7042040

Pump group with 40k members will be having a pump on Binance at 7pm EST. You don't want to miss it!
www.discord gg/4gQsHam

>> No.7042062

Still in the trap huh? Took me a while to realize the dump too, please consider the possibility of price and market manipulation the cap is low after all.

>> No.7042085

There is use, generating income for the uploaders and maintaining a healthy supply of seeders. Most torrents are dead af because there's no one to seed them, this tries to solve that problem. Either way we will know when it gets released

>> No.7043002
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>thinks shilling was bad idea
>continues to shill
when will you pajeets learn

>> No.7043100
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This. DBC was being shilled on here constantly and I got 7X gains from that.

Also it absolutely does have a real use case, incentivizing people to seed dead/niche files. I have high hopes for UFR

>> No.7043206
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I like how you gave an example of another obvious pump and dump pajeet shitcoin that crashed and still tanking after the dump

>> No.7043302

And yet both are still viable Coins.

>> No.7043347

What is stopping me from seeding everything and getting free money then.

>> No.7043349

Even though notorious for pajeet shilling, I love the idea of peer to peer file transfer using the blockchain to store every file man would ever need. It won't moon too highly, but this is the beauty of the decentralised space. May chuck 100 dollars into it.

>> No.7043637
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Pajeet!We just give you an oppurtunity,
>yo don't want to get in?
Thats ok.No problem with that. Simply just fuck off! And dont confuse people who understand whats going on with UFR with your delusions. Stop crying about a shillgroup, it just gave the attention to a promishing coin what it deserves. It was a little too much but it will not make a promishing coin bad by any means :)

>> No.7044018

sounds interesting, as an old fag that wanted to invest in napster this sound like it has potential.

shill me on this op
haven't used p2p sites in a decade
harddrive just crashed need lots of new media, luddite fag that does not want to jail or pay fees for downloading shit.

read white paper but brainlet

how normie friendly will this be?

any clue how much it would cost to say download a movie? video game?

any kind of virus protection from files by being on blockchain?

>> No.7044180

that's a prison sentence son

>> No.7044506

You can get prison sentence right now if you live in a country where its penalized...

>> No.7044631

making money on pirating is serious trouble. this coin will pay people to host files, and for the payment part of the equation people are going to get stomped hard, then this will drop to zero and shit will get ugly for the devs. i have my popcorn

>> No.7045355


Does being on the block chain help with any of this? does it conceal the transactions making p2p transfers anonymous or does it do the exact opposite and make a honey pot ledger for the authorities to see in exact detail pirating and potential illegal shekel making?

If any of you tech anons know this I would greatly appreciate you chimming in, this sounds like in theory could be a really cool application of the block chain, but serious how big can this get before the authorities shut it down?

>> No.7045473

The way I feel about Upfiring is the way I felt when I fired up my first ftp server with a decent S/L ratio. FUCKING AMAZING!!!!

>> No.7045694
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UFR is in a perfect spot. low marketcap. plans on releasing on new exchanges (HUGE moon potential once it does), and more importantly, niche space in crypto. UFR isnt going to be fought by other coins or manipulated against them. just gonna have pure organic growth

>> No.7046111

pajeet or not, OP speaks the truth. Just DYOR, look at the marketcap, compare it to the roadmap, and you will see that UFR still hasn’t even blown up. Soon this will be higher than ever before.

>> No.7046255
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Agreed. Nice job UFR shills,

Here is a non sarcastic "Thanks, just bought 100k"

>> No.7046431



FUCK YOU UFR FAGGOTS. ...fucking discord pajett niggas.

Your shittoken went down to fucking nothing. volume is down, interest is down!



>> No.7046501

thanks just sold 100k

>> No.7046616
File: 50 KB, 396x594, DavidSchwimmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The devs have explicitly stated that the platform will not be amenable to piracy. DYOR

>> No.7046992
File: 284 KB, 640x800, UFR_rider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFR isnt going anywhere its the first of its kind it will be around for a while and only go up

>> No.7047063

>Does being on the block chain help with any of this?
I'm going to ignore all of the criminal aspects of this, but the summary is: No. "Paid seeders" is an idiotic concept for p2p nodes since bittorrent isn't an anonymous protocol and slapping a blockchain ontop of it will not change that. At best, you can run it through a proxy like onioncat or i2p, but this will tank your throughput, which negates any benefits from "paid seeders".

This is very obviously a scam, since this concept can be achieved through any other crypto (Monero would be my choice tho), assuming anyone wants to pay to pirate in the first place, which, protip: they don't.

If you wanted to run a bootlegging p2p network, storj or sia would be my choice as their nodes aren't knowledgeable of the encrypted contents, so they can't knowingly participate in any criminal activity (aside from embargo violations I guess?), and they're not liable for the content they host. But, again, nobody's going to pay for this in the first place when private trackers and usenet exist.

>> No.7047246
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from what i've read of the update the concept is pretty normiefriendly.

basically people buy ufr. then they go on their favourite torrent site. and there will be ufr-integrated torrents.

thing with piratebay is they are always messing with it. ufr isn't bound to any single site. plus they're smart enough to not create their own platform. so they dont really have a casus belli against upfiring. since it's the community that will be sharing the pirated files on community websites.

i think normies will eventually adapt. initial resistance but they'll be seeing lots of sweet sweet downloads at max speeds behind upfiring. so they'll put in the effort to join.

imagine if big porn uploaders start posting behind upfiring to earn $$ for what they do. horny normies are going to whatever to get that smut. lol, and they would want to download it as quickly as they can too.

>> No.7048065

Obviously they have to say that. If they state that privacy is important then that means piracy will be a potential use.

>> No.7048239

realistically, tron is promising to do what this coin does. decentralized market for entertainment.

>> No.7048679

Yes, but TRX has a $4.2 billion market cap, and UFR has like a $10.5 million mcap. One of these has considerably more growth potential than the other.

>> No.7048747

fuck off with your discord's shitty p&d coin

>> No.7048822
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Oh look, it's another Plebbitor who has graced us with their cancerous presence, but hasn't bothered to even lurk long enough to learn what the terms he repeats mindlessly like a Hillary-voting liberal watching reruns of The Daily Jew.

Do you understand what a P&D even is you annoying little faggot? I understand you just got here and want to try to "fit in" with board culture by repeating phrases that you heard the big kids say, but at least try to learn what the fuck you're speaking of.

Show me on the charts where there was a sudden buy in from unusual amounts of money to manipulate prices. Then show me where there was a huge and sudden sell off. Maybe you could tell us what the sell target was? Then explain to me why there are still faggots here trying to advertise their shitcoin at all? So why the fuck would a P&D group still be shilling for a crypto like UFR that has bottomed the fuck out already?
P&D groups fucking abandon the ship once they've cashed out. It's no longer interesting to them. And who would still have any bags to sell? This shit hit almost $2 before it sank like all of my portfolio that wasn't VEN. So why would a pump group still be wasting their goddamn time?

I'm getting goddamn fucking tired of you spastic assburgers and your endless, clueless, ignorant, constant thread-shitting FUD in every goddamn motherfucking thread every goddamn fucking hour of every goddamn fucking day about how literally every fucking crypto including goddamn BTC and ETH is a "scam" or "has a virus in the wallet" without even the slightest bit of intellectual effort to back it up.

Now go back to /soc/ and rate some dicks.

>> No.7048904

UFR would have some advantages over private trackers though. Mainly the fact how easy it is to get in UFR compared to private trackers and also UFR allows leechers if they want to pay for it. Also UFR rewards content creators more than any other platform, which might lure some know uploaders to use it.

>> No.7049018

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.7049119
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Rewarding seeders would encourage people to actually host instead of just downloading then deleting the torrent. Not only that, but the original seeder receives 50% of all UFR seeded for his file, which encourages people to upload hard to find things. For the downloader, he is able to download stuff at a very fast download speed for a few cents, which may be cheaper and better than netflix.

I think it is a question of supply and demand. If there are a lot of seeders that means you can basically download stuff at 1Gbps for cents. There is an enormous potential in that. Not only for illegal stuff. It may be cheaper for a company to offer the download of its product into the UFR network then in traditional forms of hosting.
Thats why I am almost all-in in that. UFR is really a little gem in my eyes. In the worst case the price is going to remain as it is. In the best case, we will have a good 10x + moon.
Anyway I think it's a great time to buy IMO. Specially considering the recent news.

>> No.7049215

Fuck off shills, we know anybody talking about UFR or posting UFR pics is from your faggot discord.

>> No.7049333
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I bought into UFR before all this Discord shit even came about. I watched in horror as they spread all over the board scaring everyone off of it. Looking forward to the alpha release too as maybe that'll put some faith back into it, but by that point it'll be too late to buy in.
There has been a lotta FUD bc the dumbasses went way, way too hard shilling it but at its core it's a really good coin with a good product behind it. Anyone who actually reads the whitepaper and does any research can see that. I put $1k more in when it hit 80 cents in fact.
$5 by the end march is the word on the street rn. New exchanges, the alpha of the software coming out, etc.

P&Ds dont go on for several months. If there was a P&D, the shill group would've moved on after it hit $2.50. But yet they're still hanging around pushing it because it IS a good product. Read the whitepaper and DYOR, don't get spooked out of a good coin just because these guys' idea of subtlety is smashing /biz/ over the head with a UFR-shaped club and expecting people to buy in.

>> No.7049623

it's already 80% down from the ATH

face it you're fucked

>> No.7050156

UFR has been overshilled here but it's a project I'm holding onto. Other storage and file transfer projects have already mooned (PRL, SC), but UFR is still in its early stages. Can't wait to use it to share some concert bootlegs, there are some trading groups I am in that are nuts about decentralization.

>> No.7050537
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>Be downloading 50 gb game
>shit seeder leecher ratio
>takes 50 hours to download
>only way to bypass this is get into a private tracker which most people cannot be assed to do
UFR solves the public tracker issue of bad ratios of seeders and leechers while providing monetary incentive to the p2p structure, literally the future

>> No.7050797
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>> No.7051112
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Not a pump and dump. Show me from the chart where the PnD is that you speak of.

Moving on, can we just look at how much change UFR will bring to seeding and torrenting? Like fuck the shill group. I just wanna be able to download porn in 3 minutes or less.

>> No.7051286
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>UFR is a PnD by this shill Discord
>we're all selling separately whenever we want to

Getting UFR tokens from seeding is going to be a great way to make a torrent box pay for itself. Y'all need to stop being virgin baby chickens.