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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7037347 No.7037347 [Reply] [Original]

>Not casting a prosperity crystal grid on your wallets to energetically pump your long term holds and encourage wise financial decisions

Why do you want to stay poor /biz/?

>> No.7037414

>drink virgin blood before every buy

>> No.7037449

>most of this board could do that by flossing before purchases

>> No.7037474

ayy lmao

>> No.7037509
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>> No.7037851
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>> No.7037933
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>> No.7038199
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>> No.7038264


holy shit lol

>> No.7038317
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>> No.7038323
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>> No.7038542

how has it worked for u so far & what crystals? moss agate good or meme tier>?

>> No.7038769

Works a charm. This grid has citrine for the focus, jade for the way stones, and pyrite for the desire stones. As well as the selenite and tiger's eye to link the whole thing to both heaven and earth.

Moss agate is good but I prefer green aventurine.

>> No.7038834

>Perform occult ritual on ledger
>flip bit making funds inaccessible forever
Yfw crystals hawked by charlatan where magnets

>> No.7039002
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>Not drinking piss blood and cum before every trade.

Why am I a Stinky Linky you might ask?

>> No.7039132

Fucking kek'd

>> No.7039173
File: 3.36 MB, 4032x3024, 20180128_165404[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-am i doinitrite? or am i retarded?

>> No.7039224
File: 3.20 MB, 4032x3024, 20180128_165426[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also my bud got this from idk where the fuck, does it look like real jade? i know theres alot of different grades and what not but how would u r8 this?

>> No.7039377
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>not having a shrine to Plutus the god of wealth and making offerings of incense, olive oil, and silver coins

lmao literally fucking plebs, I bet you fell for the jewish christianity scam

>> No.7039380

What are you retards going on about. Are you actually discussing moon stones.

Unironically kill yourselves. You are a detriment to society.

>> No.7039446

unironically this is worse than the sharpie in the pooper desperation.

>> No.7039461

It'll do, it'll do.

>> No.7039894

looks fine to me. Remember, intention is everything. What are the stones on the outside?

Probably real. Most fake jade is a solid color

>> No.7039955

supposedly moss agate, but they're from india so idk how to feel about it

>> No.7040057
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>> No.7040126

yep, that's moss agate.

>> No.7040212
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>Not attracting the earthly wealth's natural energy by bathing in snake blood and offering sweet potatoes and dende oil for Òsùmàrè.

I mean, some people are just born to be poor I guess.

>> No.7040280
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You know what, fuck it. I'm going to floss before every purchase for good luck.

>> No.7040332
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>tfw better dental hygiene nets you a girl down the line