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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 1200x420, 1200px-OmiseGO_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7036949 No.7036949 [Reply] [Original]

Troops, report in. We are set for liftoff in t-minus 24 hours.

>> No.7036968

lol, u serious nigger?

>> No.7037003

I hope this keylogged piece of shit crashes

>> No.7037055

OMG $150 eoy

>> No.7037076

1000 OMG ready to go

>> No.7037087
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>> No.7037103

Not yet, OP. I'll tell you this, though. There is one anon that keeps spreading a certain rumor involving ZRX, BAT, NEO, and DASH. Fancies himself informed but is leaving off two. One of which is Omise. Give it two weeks.

>> No.7037175

will i make it with 4k omg?

>> No.7037178

is this a new meme?

>> No.7037221

What's happening in 24 hours?
I love OMG but no need to make baseless claims

>> No.7037223

only got 600. I'm already kicking my self for not going balls deep at $6. Or imagine going balls deep at 0.50 - think thats the comfiest outcome in life

>> No.7037387

There are literally at least 10 other coins you would be better of investing in when OMG was $6 {still the case btw}, why are you beating yourself up for not buying OMG?

>> No.7037431

went balls deep at $2.92. i just wish i had more shaft. 850 OMG reporting in.

>> No.7037435


>> No.7037456

Because I'm worried about the potential disruption and longevity of OMG being vastly superior to most competitors

>> No.7037497

give us more you tease

>> No.7037607

Aside from our different prospects regarding this coin, it still doesn't make sense that you rather made a little money with this coin than making more with one of the recent moons.

>> No.7037681

the idea is that we will make a lot more money with this token if we're patient, vs. chasing pumps and trying to time the market

>> No.7037708


>> No.7037778
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sounds legit

>> No.7037791

meh i hope so, bought in 2 days ago and was expcting to dump like every other coin i choose to invest in.
remember when /biz/ was atleast somewhat entertaining with the fud?, the east india company was a mistake.

>> No.7037852


>> No.7038138
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you're fine. 99% of biz doesn't realize the implications of OMG being the sole Plasma use-case. like... OMG IS Plasma. and when it releases, this board will be full of Omise Gojaks saying "you should have listened"

>> No.7038205

Where is that guy with 4000 OMG, and did he ever get his answer?

>> No.7038208

i guess aion instead of aelf. too bad

>> No.7038218

1200 here. Don't let me down sticker man.

>> No.7038255

fuck, that tweet is so juicy, I love it. Point taken anon, I cant wait for that moment.

>> No.7038368

Do you know what is even worse, getting in under $1 but instead of going balls deep just dipping your tip with less than 10% of your stack...

>> No.7038434

i hear you

>> No.7038487

It really looks like is about to moon.

>> No.7038495

So much this. I'm still accumulating green wojaks.

>> No.7038513


>> No.7038536
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>tfw only 3999 OMG
>tfw never going to make it
>tfw virgin for life

>> No.7038738


$700 EOY


>> No.7038785

ETH value was at an all time low yesterday. It was seriously the best time to buy in; I foresee great things coming up. We already got that tweet from a VC guy and the implications of >>7038138 are tremendous, they're basically saying OMG is absolutely at the forefront of Plasma research and development. I suspect the town hall that is coming up is going to have some piece of news that will have people excited too.

>> No.7038810

Poorfag here with 10 strong. Pray for me senpai

>> No.7039020

and there will still be bitching threads when it settles between $50 - $100. OMG will continue to reward patience. Jun cut down on the skateboard tweets after Plasma was announced. the next pump will make the first look like an ant hill. ETH-like growth in the year ahead.

>> No.7039034

Only got 15.
Feels bad.

>> No.7039059


1160 here. Cant wait to retire in 3 years.

>> No.7039140


keep accumulating

>> No.7039213

Same. Too bad i didnt get in earluer. Oh well

>> No.7039222
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>> No.7039289

People don't realize how massive the balls are on OMG. Pretty soon they're gonna start swinging around

>> No.7039303
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>> No.7039304


And that comment came from the devs themselves, holy fucking hell

>> No.7039329

I respect the big dreams. I'm just hoping to stake and have it supplement my wagecuckery.

>> No.7039361



>> No.7039400

God please fucking stop shilling this coin on here you guys.

Why the fuck would you shill this coin instead of accumulating.

I pray to god that I'm fast enough to take AION profits on 31st and make it on time to OMG before the town hall.

>> No.7039442


nigga i got 1400, it's time we fuckin' moon.. hop the fuck on

>> No.7039458

Convince me to pump 100 OMG

>> No.7039495

I hope 1160 is enough to stake

>> No.7039542

>what are staking pools

>> No.7039556


Seriously OMG has Town Hall on 31st but AION is attending summit on 31st plus has testnet literally the next day. Plus PBC said the buy up price for AION is 10$, while it's around 5$ atm, practically a steal, and it's graph is super fucking sexy.

Skateboard jesus please wait until late 31st tyvm

>> No.7039560


will have 30k USD to invest in 20 days time

wait for me boys
wait for me

>> No.7039568



>> No.7039693



all have something on the 31st. Im gonna have to be real fast boyos.

>> No.7039732

12 here

will it be enought to buy a house in 5 years?

>> No.7039782

Anyone else remember the guy whos son sold all his OMG for a couple of cents back in August?
He made a few threads crying and shit

>> No.7039809

i have 5 eth should i buy more omg now or wait for a another dip
pls respond
it will bring my total omg count to around 1100

>> No.7039815


What. The. Fuck.

>> No.7039836


sold 20 ETH for OMG anon.. join me

>> No.7039900

im scared ive been holding my original since $5 and i know how this thing can be. i know the moon bomb will explode at some point

>> No.7039959


i was too anon, but what does your gut say?

take another look at this post and really let the implications sink in >>7039222

>> No.7039988

Yes, and I fucking love it. It also acts as an instant newfag / IQ test for those who respond and triggers newfags so easily.

>> No.7040156

kek. Still remember the 3rd worlder from july that had 20k (or maybe just 2k?) of these and lost a massive chunk of them chasing the Adx pump.

>> No.7040183

Holy fuck there are some big dicks in /biz/. 1k+ OMG. I've been paying premium prices for OMG throughout this month and have accumualted about 200. Hope I've got enough to make it.

>> No.7040210

Should I dump my xlm for more?

>> No.7040236
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whales are surfacing

all men chain your hands and secure your wallets

>> No.7040475

There's a reason Vitalik himself stands behind it.

>> No.7040540


>> No.7040566

>XLM - $11B marketcap
>OMG - $1B marketcap

Even if you believe XLM is a decent project, you're far more likely to make a lot more money on OMG.

>> No.7040588
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I only have 260 guys,... will I make it?

>> No.7040717

>Vitalik, Poon, and Floersch in one window
This is basically a gathering of the illuminati as far as ETH is concerned. These men are going balls deep into PLASMA

>> No.7040751

true, I'm a little leery on ditching it as a hedge but I do like omg/eth better

>> No.7040799


And Greco next to Buterin

>> No.7041119

Can someone explain me what Plasma is?

Feeling lazy

>> No.7041169

heated ions

>> No.7041389

500 stack, pls tell me i will make it :/

>> No.7041397
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read this:


simply put, it's a decentralized network capable of connection literally any payment gateway that wants to use it. it's the future of crypto.

>> No.7041412

Solves Ethereums scaling problems.

This article breaks it down fairly simply; https://medium.com/chain-cloud-company-blog/plasma-in-10-minutes-c856da94e339

>> No.7041448

connecting*. we're talking fiat to crypto to Starbucks to airlines to McDonalds.

also, it's fast. faster than anything in practice. a million transactions per second fast.

>> No.7041515


>buh muh muh chink vaporware

>> No.7041658

iam all in on this one

>> No.7041680

Hey I like this project a lot, sold at 20 something back a while ago, would it be advisable to throw 1 (my only 1) eth on this or should I just hold my etherium, I currently am holding XMR LTC BTC ETH, worth around 5k usd want to get to 10k eoy.

>> No.7041707

>going all-in on anything

At least pick up some ETH as a safeguard.

>> No.7041722


>> No.7041825

using ETH, XLM, ADA as my safety net.

>> No.7041918

isn't this what REQ does?

>> No.7042160

While I'm not in XLM, and never intend to be, I have a feeling they'll dominate US markets, while OMG wlll dominate Asia.

>> No.7042221

REQ is exactly the same as every other crypto expcept they want to create some app that allows you to request and make payments. it does absolutely nothing that any other crypto couldnt do. OMG has a giant real banking infrastructure, plans for actual hardware point of sale stations, seemingly legitamate partnerships with real companies.

>> No.7042245

So what's OMG got going for it that XLM doesn't?

>> No.7042292

OMG pairs up with ETH, already proven and widely used for contracts. Also it has a smaller mkt cap (ten times smaller), much more room to grow with it's pontential

>> No.7042336
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why is thomas so fucking weird
why is vitalik so cute
what is vitalik always looking at on his phone

>> No.7042340

quick reminder that it was 1 ETH = 5000 OMG during ICO. (about half a year ago)
quick reminder that it tankend 40% below ICO
so you could actually get
7000 OMG for 1 ETH.

that one ETH also only costed between $200 and $300

>> No.7042396
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>what is vitalik always looking at on his phone
reading biz

>> No.7042462
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fuck you

>> No.7042475

i wish i got in on the ICO but it was private & capped (a good thing in a sea of shitcoins). $2.92 was my first order, 820 OMG. i was pretty happy by the time Plasma was announced.

>> No.7042488

trips of truth
only hold 340 but considering selling my NEO for more OMG

>> No.7042505

End of year? May as well find a different coin.

>> No.7042554

>what is vitalik always looking at on his phone

Autism. Inability to maintain eye contact, so he has to pretend to do something else.

>> No.7042568 [DELETED] 

Pump group with 40k members will be having a pump on Binance in at 7pm EST. You don't want to miss it!
discord gg/4gQsHam

>> No.7042603
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>tfw only 422 OMG
Had 210 when I started, and accumulated more from XLM profits. Did I do good, lads?

>> No.7042714

No it didnt
It never went below ico
Ico was 1ETH=1000 OMG

>> No.7042721

make it 500

>> No.7042911

whats a pump? I am too normie for this

>> No.7043061

Stay away from these pajeets, accumulate OMG and hold for a couple of years.

>> No.7043081

It means pajeets are out to scam you.

>> No.7043116

too kewt

>> No.7043509


>> No.7043548


Pick one of these coins and hold.

> 0x

>> No.7043933

sold my XCP and bought this plasma gem
thanks OP

>> No.7044078

bittrex charts are not loading

>> No.7044153

he didn't mention it directly but it was fairly easy to piece together

>> No.7044155

same, but you can buy anyway

but it just feels shitty, bittrex is the worst exchange ever

>> No.7044200

You don't know may exchanges, don't you?

>> No.7044253

I know that even tradeogre is better

>> No.7044271

i tried clearing browser cache.

>> No.7044529


You can put your btc into ltc and send it to binance so that you can put it into btc or eth and buy your OMG bags, didn't do it because laziness, but we must flee from shittrex soon

>> No.7044612
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>> No.7044800
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>> No.7045009

hmm gimme a good entry point to buy in

>> No.7045116

August 2017 and right now

>> No.7045219

Just bought 1 OMG, am i gonna make it bros

>> No.7045256

Obv if wtc mooned omg will moon double. Retards.

>> No.7045298

You will if you it for at least 10 years

>> No.7045343

Literally the most overvalued shit coin on the market. Worse than Verge.

>> No.7045391

(You 2)

>> No.7045646


>> No.7046121

buy sometime soon
it is not gonna matter soon

>> No.7046401

Give it to me straight lads...

Is there any point getting on the band wagon now?

Only got 100 OMG

I realise the potential of this project and im kicking myself for not getting in earlier...

However at this point there are a lot of other heavily undervalued projects out there to consider with good potential..

What say you?

>> No.7046432

what happens in 24 hours tho

>> No.7046507

It's in longer than 24 hours, but they're having a livestream on the 31st where there might be new information revealed. That's also the day after korea reopens registration on crypto exchanges, omg might not be idle for too much longer if the market wants to start climbing again.

>> No.7046520

There are always moon missions to be had.

This coin is super comfy for someone who can chuck at least 10k$ into it now. Not sure about poorer people, but I guess you can sell it for profit when it gets pumped.

Just check one of the more recent PBC reports and pick a coin that is still under it's buy price.

>> No.7046544

i don't know man. once something gets announced it'll leave the station pretty quickly.

the "town hall meeting" is tomorrow which means they'll be answering questions and possibly revealing new information, like partnerships or tech progress reports, or even releasing the wallet SDK itself. they've been makin the rounds and speaking all week.

>> No.7046548

Hard to believe 6 btc will make some consider you a whale.

>> No.7046615

Why right now? How do I know whales aren't going to continue to rape this price?

>> No.7046670

>This coin is super comfy for someone who can chuck at least 10k$ into it now.
You'll get there one day if you stay in the game. I was in your shoes last summer now I have more money than I have ever had In my life.

>> No.7046672

We basically gamble that this coin finally does something considering it did nothing but go 8 - 20$ for months now.

>> No.7046950

because once they have a product out (Wallet SDK -- Q1 2018) it will get the ball rolling on the attention this project deserves. i'm willing to bet they will tactically drip-feed us the official announcements re: Nation State banking adoption as well as multinational corps lined up as partners, which they've already confirmed in past statements.

it's like water trickling through a dam. better to get in the boat and have your paddles ready

>> No.7047294

6000 OMG here. Retiring soon.

>> No.7047334

Reminder that the OMG Reddit account (probably Greco) said just a few days ago that the team was "slightly worried" OMG was going to become "the single point of execution world exchange."

Vitalik's right hand man said that.


>> No.7047430


"We don't just believe it might become the world exchange, we're slightly worried that it will; see section 2.1 of the OMG whitepaper:

'We believe that the natural network effects of liquidity centralization can be mitigated by decentralized stake-chains with deterministic/known consensus rules.

'For Ethereum in particular (and other full-featured smart-contract scripting blockchains), all participants set up channels into an ETH smart contract operating as a single pool of funds. The chain state of the OMG chain reflects the current balance of participants. This allows for any participant to supply liquidity onto this network which can be allocated in accordance to the OMG-chain consensus rules (limits may be in place early on to prevent this blockchain from sucking up all the spare liquidity from the cryptocurrency space if this construction is successful before robust testing/validation over time). These funds can thereby be used for any liquidity activity on the OMG chain.' "

>> No.7047468

buying at 16$ lol no thx, would rather wait for other projects to get in early.

>> No.7047486

Kill yourself

>> No.7047496

people literally said this about ETH & ANS/NEO. but hey live your life

>> No.7047848

Fuck it, just bought in. Debating selling a bit of my NEO, but not quite ready for that commitment.

>> No.7048729

Why 24hrs?

>> No.7048791

Any product? partnershps? development? milestones? roadmaps?

I'm listening..

>> No.7048940

this guy lmao

>> No.7048973

I'm in. I give it 12 hours.

>> No.7049063

yeah, all of the above

>> No.7049299

i have $11k worth of XLM that i was hoping to increase in feb to put into OMG, is it a GO for all in OMG now? or wait til mid Feb/end Feb?

>> No.7049653
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How about none of the above? OMG'ers at it again. Vaporware..

>> No.7050420

brainlet here. Is this a good thing or bad thing? I dont quite understand.

>> No.7050604

>tfw only 12 OMG

>> No.7050790

the following on this coin is insane. OMG is fucking great but jesus christ calm the fuck down.

>> No.7051695

Imagine if Vitalik came out and said that he was slightly worried that Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan were going to utilize Ethereum for smartcontracts.

Would you interpret that as good or bad?

What they're really saying is that the utilization of OMG could become so wide that the dev team would have to work harder to keep up with demand.

>> No.7051778

And to answer your question, that means very, very good for you. But the dev team will have to work their asses off.

>> No.7051779

100 OMG will I make it?

>> No.7052039

170 OMG.
Will i make it /Biz/?

>> No.7052748

31 OMG will I make it?

>> No.7053003

50 here, is it enough?

>> No.7053102

OMG was my first moon (bought at 2$) because it was heavily shilled in here.. and I just bought 1200 of them because mooning with you guys was much fun.


>> No.7054210
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I see, thanks for the answer anon. I figured that's what it meant, but yes the "being worried" part threw me off a bit.