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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 480x288, 40dollars122311[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70330 No.70330 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do with 40 dollars to make profit?

>> No.70392

Invest it.

>> No.70421

penny stocks?

>> No.70431

21, 22 next month

>> No.70428

How old are you?

>> No.70441

I'd buy myself some dress clothes at savers/goodwill, print out a resume, and apply for a job.

>> No.70456

Buy something and sell it for more than I paid

>> No.70480

Drop it in a forex account and get to invest 8k with only that 40 down.

>> No.70492

Im already working on that. Got clothes, no bills, so this is extra money for my benefit. If I wasnt getting kicked out in a few months, Id probably buy a videogame or something stupid, but as I stand, every dollar will be important to me.
Now thats an idea.

>> No.70493

buy weed seeds

>> No.70517

Im searching craigslist right this moment. Know of any go-to items to look for?

>> No.70550

>buy a videogame or something stupid
Torrent that shit. Entertainment's the last thing you need to be spending on right now... if you can't get it free, don't bother with it.

>> No.70616

Exactly, Im not even thinking about it, I hardly feel like playing videogames these days anyways. Im coming out of 3 years as a NEET and trying to start an independent life. This threads to see what can be done with a little money to maybe start something.

>> No.70629

*Start something while I seek employment, that is.

>> No.70634

Investment. Buy a gram of gold. Wait for it to hit $45.

Any sort of stock, such as Pandora, which is raising.

Do not expect to make anything lucrative out of $40.

>> No.70636

sell it people love paper

>> No.70646

Less than a week and /biz/ has it's own prime shitpost that we'll be inundated with.

Also, sage.

>> No.70674

is this not business and finance? if youre really going to bitch about it, why not come up with something like /fit/ has, a sticky with answers to common questions that will be asked as they pertain to this board?

>> No.71042
File: 982 KB, 320x287, poohchaos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use the $40 to buy a mining contract for a low difficulty scriptcoin on ebay
>wait a few weeks/months
>sell coin/see returns

>> No.71060

I'd buy beer, taco bell and some MFC tokens.

>> No.72491

best investment advice so far

>> No.72505

>giving your money to whores

>> No.73176

offer to pay 40 dollars to some hooker to give them a nose job
take them in the alley and take their purse
run away really fast

>> No.73217

buy as many magic the gathering BNG boosters as i can.

Brimaz, King of Oreskos is going for 20-30 bucks on ebay.

>> No.73223
File: 352 KB, 1000x1000, 1390870262051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seller fees

>> No.73230

>buy a chinkpad T60 off ebay with the $40
>learn to program
>make shit
>Sell it
You see where I'm going with this.

>> No.73253


Go garage sale hunting and put good finds on eBay.

>> No.73267

I think it's interesting. It's in the spirit of the american dream and he's motivated by the desire not be homeless.

Quit pissing on other people's ideas

>> No.73273

is there an info-graph or article on this

I feel like somewhere, someone has narrowed this down to a science

>> No.73286

go to walmart
build a small hydroponic system
advertise it as a "super stealth professional grow system" and sell it for 3 times what you paid.

>> No.73302

theres a dude on youtube,gilldaddy, he seems to be doing pretty good. certainly has me wanting to do it but i dont know what sells, he seems to just buy random shit but theres gotta be something behind it. claims he made close 20k this year already.

>> No.73320

>What would you do with 40 dollars to make profit?
Buy 40 dollars worth of normal vegetables in a store.
Sell them on craigslist as locally grown organic vegetables.
Re-invest and repeat.

>> No.73339

holy shit this may be genius.

you could probably claim to be a CSA and get monthly subscription fees.

>> No.73337
File: 40 KB, 355x417, edgar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me stock tips faggots

Let the inside-info debauchery begin already. ffs

>> No.73350

you're better off keeping a low profile to be honest.
The last thing you need is someone actually testing your produce for chemical residue.

>> No.73355

damn, thats a hella funny idea. i wonder which vegetables would be hard to differ from organic ones.

>> No.73356

Stock tip #1: Buy when a stock is low
Stock tip #2: Sell when a stock is high

Congrats, you know the secret now.

>> No.73366

Buy Dogecoin, I bought 1.2 mill Dogecoin way back at the start with $40.

>> No.73367

fuck off kike

>> No.73379

>i wonder which vegetables would be hard to differ from organic ones.
Ironically organic locally grown vegetables are often the shittiest looking veggies you will ever see. They also rot almost instantly.
I've had organic peppers barely even last a day in the fridge, and they were full of shitty seeds and one was moldy on the fucking inside. Most of the time I can keep peppers in my fridge for weeks without them even losing any of their snap, and I've had some last a month and they were still good enough to use in a pasta sauce.

So... I guess buy the shittiest most fucked up looking veggies?

>> No.73377
File: 3 KB, 86x125, 1392783426766s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy PND

>> No.73399

>make memes
>buy memes

>> No.73400

electronics off teh 'list, refurb and resell.

old PC, old amplifiers... that sort of thing. maybe even a broken phone and put new glass in it.

can i have the 40 now?

>> No.73436

The difference is I have solved the
??? stands for riding a train rocket into space

>> No.73479

Buying securities is a waste as a round trip will cost you about half that in commissions.
Use is to buy a books.

>> No.73485

Go to goodwill and flip the cheap merch

>> No.73491

Buy books to sell them?

If you're buying books to learn to make money you're doing it wrong.

Local Library + TOR Library + Private Book Trackers (Torrents) + Google = Ca$h

>> No.73529

Warren Buffet?????

>> No.73528

Like books that one could buy to educate themselves in finance. i.e. Ben Graham

>> No.73554

Like I said, don't be a dipshit and pay for something you can get for free.

>> No.73601
File: 15 KB, 429x410, wizardry2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You put it all on red or black. If you lose, you go make another $40. If you win, you have $80. Let it ride. If you lose, rinse and repeat. If you win, you have $160. Take that $160 and open up an etrade account. Put that money into a pink sheet that will be pumped one day. Plenty to chose from bases on histories. Wait for it to be pumped, or reverse merged with a marijuana company. Sell for $5000. Take that $5000 and buy Fannie Mae common stock (FNMA), and when conservatorship ends, it can go back to book value. $50000-$80000

Take that ~$65000 and if precious metals are still down, have fun.

Or just short the bitcoin market.

$1 mill.

Good luck.
Have fun.

All just my opinion.

>> No.73642

Go to a casino and pray for a video blackjack machine with $1 bets.
Play martingale until you've reached $20 profit.
Each free lunch at the buffet.

>> No.73659

Picking one random pink sheet and hoping it will get pumped by some big-league newsletter for a 10 bagga... don't hold your breath.
Maybe I can make it easier on you.
EFLN 12m assets vs 700k market cap.
Just acquired a 6m hotel raising book value to .012. Currently sitting at less than 1/15th of book value due to CE attained from prior management.
They're working on CE removal.
They don't like to PR unless they have something big to say.

You know where to check them out.

>> No.73715
File: 7 KB, 515x430, 1328507734662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to read the toxic debt filings.

But still.. a 700K cap is pretty good considering shells go for 200K-500K. I'll check it out.

>> No.73725

use it for gas to get to my job

>> No.73791

0 debt dude.

Well, the hotel was supposedly bought with preferred and commons. Which is what the recent increase in the A/S was for. They like to talk more on facebook than in PRs. We'll see at Q1 end.

If you decide to watch how it trades (or doesn't, they don't get a lot of volume) you'll be fooled by the SS. It trades ridiculously thin looking at the L2.

>> No.73824
File: 141 KB, 339x425, 1327044180431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll probably bid sit a bit, and flip the spread if I can. Maybe pick up some free shares. You've got me intrigued. Looking it over....

>> No.73843

to the moon!

>> No.73898
File: 29 KB, 276x276, 1327131437756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy gold after the bubble burst

>> No.73909

Yeah bid was 4mill@.0005 today. Someone sold 400k, and it went right up on the ask at .0007. There's a decent chunk at .0008, after that idk.
Some investors are apparently getting a little cranky, so you might just get some of your bid filled. Who knows.

>> No.73929

I was about to say that you might be fined by the USDA (if inside the US) if you did this because growing food for sale requires a licence.

...but you didn't grow it...

either way the USDA is going to put you in prison.

>> No.73932

Organic food is just a scam

>> No.73944

Find an old non-copyright book

Format it into E-book form

Sell on amazon for 50cents per download

>Zero start-up cost
>centuries of books to work with

>> No.73951

i actually grow my own produce

can i sell some on craigslist legally without a license?

>> No.74009

Well buy bitcoin I guess, then go from there

>> No.74010

No you're not.

>> No.74081

>buy a half gram of mdma and some gelatin caps
>split into 6 and charge 10 a piece at clubs
>rinse and repeat

only way you can actually make any money off $40

>> No.74398


Go to your local donuts shop, and buy $40 worth of donuts sell each for a dollar under the guise of fundraising at your school.

of go to costco/sams club/bj's buy packs of candy (snickers, skittles, resees) and sell them for $1 each

>> No.74424

buy beads and string and pander on etsy and ebay grannies

>> No.74606

Buy bulk items from warehouse stores and sell them individually at a positive significant contribution margin

>> No.74669

Wait, you bought 1.2m coins with just 40 bucks or their worth 1.2m when you only invested 40

>> No.74685

Also what do you grow?

>> No.74694

I was thinking of doing this with imitation electronics from china, and selling them on ebay

>> No.75029

scalp figs

>> No.75055

>they're all on the market already
>most of them are available for free

Doesn't seem like a great strategy.

>> No.77392

lol, he got 1.2mil coins, im sure.

>> No.77451

Easy. Buy an eighth of weed, split it into 3 grams and 1 nickel sack, sell the 3 grams to kids for $20 each, keep the nick for yourself. That's a 50% profit on your investment with only 85% of your product being sold.

>> No.77468

buy an ounce of silver and some 90% silver dimes

>> No.77489

Buy a potato.

plant it

grow more potatoes


Become potato man

>> No.77517

The real question is what you would do for a Klondike bar.

>> No.77532

Drugs duh
>gram of mdma for $40
>sell 10 .1g does for $10 each
>boom $100
>bank $20, buy 2 more grams of mdma
Its literally this simple

>> No.77550

You left out the part where you cut it up to 1.5g

>> No.77556

buy cheep beer and sell it on the beach on a hot day: cold and straight out of the can!

>> No.77881

My grandfather buys tons of stuff from dead peoples residences and other places.
He turns 200$ into 1000$ most weeks.

Selling dead peoples stuff is pretty profitable.

>> No.78034

this but fuck degeneration so no

>> No.78211


How does he do it? Goes to their place of residence? Online?

And how does he sell it? List it on ebay and such?

>> No.78335

throw them away and think about services you can do, because now you are limited to 40dollars

>> No.78354

>s from warehouse stores and sell them individually at a positive significant contribution margin
they will ban you on ebay, i have tried it