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File: 130 KB, 625x367, ScamCoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7029874 No.7029874 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /biz/, I got a special oppurtunity for you.

I present to you ScamCoin, the exact same thing as PonziCoin. Except, I'm not going to randomly abandon the website. I'll wait for the SEC to rape me in the ass.

Biz has been good to me, so I'm giving you the chance to get in at the very ground level. This is an easy 2-10x opportunity at the very least.

Here's the contract etherscan if you need to verify its legitimacy:


And the website:


For those of you who don't know what PonziCoin/ScamCoin is. It's a blockchain based ponzischeme that doubles it's buy value every time 100 tokens are sold. And you have the opportunity to sell it back through the contract for 1/4 of the price.

Everything's explained in more detail in the website.

Enjoy /biz/

>> No.7029895



^ etherscan link

>> No.7029942

Stop your shit now and just buy BZC

>> No.7030002

. . . .

>> No.7030005

1000 premined tokens, lol. Anyone buying this is retarded

Also the word you are looking for is successor, not predecessor. Retard.

>> No.7030041


>> No.7030051

This is a lazy ass rehash of the first two.

Just wait for the inevitable 3.0 tonight or tomorrow

>> No.7030075

Just bought .05 ETH unironically

>> No.7030079
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Anyone investing into this will 100% get burned.

Check the smart contract /anon

>> No.7030081

Where did you see this?>>7030005

>> No.7030083

Preminated tokens? Fuck you dude

>> No.7030095

Sorry I'm tired as fuck.


You do realize the more tokens I hold, the longer this can go on for? Because I'd have to hold them for longer to get the maximum amount of $

>> No.7030124

FAQ and on the code. But like I said - the more premined tokens I have, the longer I have to wait for the eth contract to increase, before I can crash the entire thing.

For you brainlets - it means that you can make greater profits.

>> No.7030135

kys u worm

>> No.7030143

Starting from line 95:
// It's not a good scam unless it's pre-mined
balances[founder] = 1000000;
totalSupply += 1000000;

That said, the last OP didn't run with the money and neither did the original pajeet, so I'm just gonna take my chances.

>> No.7030153

>literally a copy paste
Fuck off. If you want to make a scam coin, at least put some effort into it.

>> No.7030190
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If you're after something new and open source, NOT an ERC20 token, impossible to exit scam, and LITERALLY JUST started picking up, go to


>> No.7030191


I added 2 new faqs, and a cool section on the team. What else do you want from me?

>> No.7030261

This. Not saying much but 3.0 has been in the works since 2.0 for a while now. Release is later today, no premine, new algorithm to make it less likely to die--some fucks seem like they're trying to push their shit first.

Keep your eye out.

>> No.7030303


The thing is that you can make money regardless, this is at the complete early stages. Why not double your money before 3.0 and then double it again?

Very confusing logic IMO

>> No.7030337

Literally this.
Why aren't you in PonziBase? It's everything you ask for.

Yeah, and PonziCoin is doomed to fail every time because it's a pajeet exit scam coin.
PonziBase will live forever.

>> No.7030339
File: 18 KB, 201x251, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When exactly does this release?

Ponzicoin 1.0 and 2.0 were super lucrative, cannot wait for the next/improved one.

DEFINITELY keeping an eye out for 3.0 this evening.

>> No.7030355

Enjoy holding bags on this low-effort pajeet copy-paste

>> No.7030384


Literally none of the last 2 coins were exit scammed.

First guy just got cold feet and disabled buying, last time people panic sold.

NEVER has a dev exit scammed in ponzicoin, as it simply is not possible (If you can actually read and understand smart contracts)

>> No.7030464

The creators of both PonziCoin and PonziCoin 2 both had a bunch of pre-mined coins, so they could easily have cashed out and depleted the contract.

However neither of them did.

>> No.7030470

Ponzibase is a black hole dude lol. People will be holding bags in ponzis they create that'll be saturated in a day.

Later today. Being forced to reveal the project sooner than expected due to these guys coming out of nowhere, but we know what we're doing.

Hint: Dividends + typical ponzi + auto-adjusting price to sustain itself the more or less eth is in the contract.

People heeding this warning to watch out for 3.0 and be on /biz/ between 3-6 hours from now are going to make a shitload.

>> No.7030483



It's likely that the people FUDing this are jelly fags involved in PonziBase, which seems awful.

By premining more tokens, I've made it safer for early investors (and also more potential profits for me, if it gets big enough)

>> No.7030494

Actually they all gave themselves pre-mined coins. If I rememer the contract correctly it was 200 given straight to the dev to dump with.

PonziBase is verifiably un-dumpable.

>> No.7030495

This is true. PonziCoin 2.0 died because some idiot started cashing out and everyone panic sold

>> No.7030510

where is ponzibase?

>> No.7030528
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Alright, will look out for Ponzi 3.0. Thanks for sharing /anon/

>> No.7030534


>> No.7030570

Tonight. Sorry, but I can't give the exact timing, but if you keep an eye out on /biz/ tonight you will be able to get in it madly soon.
This one's smart contract is much better too. Will likely keep going for days this time, so you will be in for a world of profits. Again, just keep an eye out, and hope reddit buys in this time (they probably will).

>> No.7030604


>> No.7030641
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, cute_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take my fucking money

>> No.7030659

Please tell me it scales slower and there's a max/min eth deposit?

>> No.7030694

Some anons never learn. They buy into pajeet dumpcoins over and over, and get thousands of dollars stolen as if on purpose. Ponzibase is the Etheremon of Ponzi schemes.

>> No.7030707

he is bullshitting, just ignore

>> No.7030740

See >>7030470
That's already more than we should be saying. But since a bunch of pajeets are trying to launch their shitty copy and paste ahead of the real thing, we didn't have much choice. You will know when it's the true 3.0, simply because it has a lot more effort put into it.

>> No.7030748

Just shill this shit randomly and it will moon to .64, and then we take out our scamshit.

>> No.7030758

The smart contract Ponzicoin 3.0 will probably use is already available and it was recommended to the creator but i don't have the link

>> No.7030775

Dunno, I won out the last two times. Sadly this one seems to be dead in the water.

>> No.7030805

Only 0.05 ETH away from crossing over into level 2. Get in here NOW

>> No.7030806

Don't buy this shit. It's a waste of time. Lots of people got burned the first time.
Reminding you poorfags out there.
Only the first few buys get anything.

>> No.7030835
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>> No.7030843

Literally no one wants OP's ponzi bags lmao

proud of you biz

>> No.7030848

>literally a copypasta of the same coin that keeps getting dumped on.
>lots of effort
What we need is to get away from this pajeet project altogether. a new paradigm. oh wait, we have ponzibase now

>> No.7030854

Actually the first one was incredibly successful but the guy chickened out. Most people made mad gains

>> No.7030882

it's because it took people 3 times to finally learn that they're just giving pajeets free money.

>> No.7030889


Second one failed hard. What do you think will happen with the 3rd one?

>> No.7030890

The creator got a recommendation, but made it from scratch. Again, I can't give any specifics, but it is really damn good and original.

>> No.7030938

>What we need is to get away from this pajeet project altogether. a new paradigm. oh wait, we have ponzibase now

> 2018
> Still shilling for ponzibase even though the returns are a fucking joke

Enjoy your 0.01 ETH returns poorfag.

>> No.7030940

>literal copypasta

It's a different algorithm entirely. It would be released now if the intent WAS just to be a low-effort exit scam, because we realize the issue the last two had.

But good luck getting people to buy into auto ponzi's.

>> No.7030948

The rules for this one are completely different. And yes, it took effort to plan and prepare it. This won't be your usual pajeet copy and paste, you will see.

>> No.7030952

>most people made mad gains
>ponzi scheme
impossible, mathematically, you know this right?
an equal amount to capital had to be lost in the world for those very few at the top to make gains. and losers are more unhappy than winners are happy.
so ultimately, ponzicoin just creates net unhappiness and is cancer according to utilitarianism theory.

>> No.7030961

I was under the impression most of us got in early enough the first two times and just milked reddit and a bunch of randoms.

>> No.7031051


u faggots wait for the true version 3

>> No.7031076

maybe if you post this to reddit they will fuel my gain

>> No.7031090

I literally gave you faggots a chance to get in at the very start of the contract. And people are actually calling me a scammer?

It's literally a copy paste of PonziCoin, which is good since it had literal GodTier UI and it attracted normies. Everyone who got in at the start of ponzicoin made a ton of gains, this is no different. I've also been transparent with everything.

For those of you that bought in, I'll see you on the moon. For those of you spreading FUD - Enjoy missing out AGAIN.

>> No.7031099

Indeed, we need reddit fuel

>> No.7031164

Jesus christ people. Yes, Ponzi 3.0 might end up being better, but this is a golden opportunity. The price is currently 0.02. The original PonziCoin got up to 2.56. If you want easy money get in now. Then take your winnings and put them into Ponzi 3.0 when it's released.

>> No.7031180

Ponzibase is the real next gen ponzi to fuck people over.

Also I sense some desperate frustration that people aren't buying something you literally called Scamcoin.

Go find your designated shitting street and try again tomorrow pajeet.

>> No.7031205

Have you tried shilling it somewhere else yet?

>> No.7031214

Cry harder OP, no one wants to give you a quick buck for ripping off the 1 and 2.0 sites just to exit once it even approaches 1ETH.

Can guarantee that the 1 ETH sitting in the contract is your own.

>> No.7031216

The original ponzi exit scammed.
The second one basically exit scammed - dev dumped premined coins.
What makes you think this will be any different? pajeets gonna pajeet

>> No.7031233

In on this

There's a post up on reddit, go upvote it

>> No.7031238

A coin called Scamcoin that has 1000 premined tokens is never going to even get to .16

Enjoy your bags. There's such a thing as tasteful fun like 1.0 and 2.0 tried to be.

You're literally buying something called Scamcoin, have fun trying to shill that.

>> No.7031255
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>> No.7031270

ponzibase is next-gen alright. It's basically gonna invalidate all these shitcoin exit scams. it's an unending ecosystem that will verifiably live forever.

>> No.7031293

No, I think there's already a post on reddit though.

Im not much of a shill tho

>> No.7031320
File: 15 KB, 251x242, 123124124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these dumbasses that are getting in on this that don't realize SEC and FBI will come after the first level people as well.

>> No.7031342

Nigger-tier effort. The first two spectacularly failed and your one change was to increase the pre-mine. Enjoy your bags.

>> No.7031415

That is not how it works, fuck off retard. It makes no difference for "how long it goes on for" if you crash the scheme by pulling out 1000 fucking tokens. So what if you wait with the exit scam until its 1.28 and not 0.64, the number means absolutely nothing if the contract is empty after you sucked every last drop out of it like a backpage escort.

Do you want me to post an excel sheet with further detailing on how fucked this scheme is? I got them on hand from last time still, all I have to do is change one number.

>> No.7031430

literally this

>> No.7031432

Well, yes. PonziCoin 2.0 had one guy lose 20 ETH and another 8 but that's just part of the ponzi charm

>> No.7031434


Ponzibase has a fixed growth amount, instead of a percentage growth rate. How do you idiots not understand how shitty that is? The returns are garbage.

>> No.7031472

>fixed growth amount = not a ponzi
>etheremon literally had the same thing
most successful ponzi ever

>> No.7031497


Because you yourself have longer to exit with the money. The time until the crash (if I decide to pull it out ASAP) is longer, I don't get how that's so hard to understand.

Shit tier FUD

>> No.7031506

reee I want normie money

>> No.7031544

literally admits his premined coins dumping on all of you are at the whim of his decision.

>> No.7031598

But YOU yourself judge when the contract empties to 0 mongoloid.

The other 2 failed cause people needed a demonstration of why this scam will fuck you over. idiots won't buy in thrice

>> No.7031680


You guys are spending a lot of time in here if you aren't investing.

If a non-premined ponzicoin comes out, I'll be sure to buy in. Until then we have this, if you don't trust me that's fine, but you're the ones missing out on money. Not me.

>> No.7031702

Actually, I have LESS time to exit with the money because I can not rely on you to not exit scam at any moment.

Of course you don't know how this really works because you are a retarded pajeet scammer, but the original contract was impossible to drain to 0 before it hit 0.64. With your 1k premined tokens, you can drain the entire contracts balance at any price point.


>> No.7031717
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>> No.7031756

We literally have that already.
it's even gameified so you can create your own ponzis.

>> No.7031836


Ah, I see what you mean. You're right, but in that case I'm literally hamstringing my profits - that's far more retarded.

It makes far more sense for me to pull out money slowly than to crash the cash cow.

I'll do you cucks a favour, if 3.0 doesn't release with 0 premined coins any time soon. Then i'll release another copy and paste where I own 0 coins.

>> No.7031878

>Then i'll release another copy and paste where I own 0 coins.
pls sir plsss

>> No.7031891


The UI on that shit looks awful. 0 Chance to attract normies

>> No.7031945

there were no normies in any ponzicoin versions. Normies don't know what MetaMask is.

It was all you and the top tier people taking money from other /biz/nessmen and redditors.

>> No.7032092

LOL your scamcoin is stalling and you are already talking about starting another.

>> No.7032107

You mean to tell me that normies don't use the most easy to use eth wallet there is?

You mean like there isn't a button on the buy page that directs you to the metamask plugin id you don't have it installed?

>> No.7032167


>talking about starting another

you can literally view the contract, it's picking up speed.

and I said I CAN create one, not WILL. Pls anon, stop talking shit.

>> No.7032169

Yes. over 99.9% of Normies do not care to use the Eth blockchain. They invest in Eth on an exchange, but do not know or care to try and pay for anything with it.

>> No.7032333


I don't know about that anon.

Also I'm a little sad to see that no one liked my little McAfee plug in. I paid £5 for that shit faggots.

>> No.7032398

2.5 scammies, feeling comfy

>> No.7032399

Alright, you seem a little dense. Let me explain:

You see a ponzi coin scheme at 0.02 eth buy price. With the original ponzi coin this would be a good point of entry, as the contract CAN NOT be drained until it reaches a price of 0.64 eth. At this point it's very likely to double a few times, easy profits right?

Well guess what, the creator of this retarded ponzi coin set the premined tokens to 1000 so he can fuck you in the ass and run with your money at literally any point. I'm not going to pray to god that some scummy pajeet will not steal my money right now but instead wait until there is more money for him to steal.

Seriously fuck off. Take your profits and delete this shitty thread before you get embarrassed further.

>> No.7032433

Normies are a meme.

AT MOST they use exchanges but that's literally it. >>7032169 This anon is correct, Normies still think Apple products can't get virus' what makes you think they know how to use one of the newest tech markets there is.

>> No.7032488


1. I created this.

2. I already acknowledged that you are correct, but like I explained. it DOES NOT make sense for me to pull out my coins so early. YES I can pull out early, but I will lose a SIGNIFICANT amount of potential profit, therefore it doesn't make sense for me to do so.

>> No.7032505

do you have any proof? post it

>> No.7032624

doesn't matter, at some point in the near future you will absolutely crash the ETH value in the contract, fucking substantially more people over than the original ponzi games.

>> No.7032673

99 coins to next doubling. Time to start withdrawing. It's not gonna make it again. Some of you can break even, and its would be smart.

>> No.7032744


Yes, those who buy in late will get fucked over. The question is - how late?

The only reason I made this is because the first creator pussied out due to the possibility of breaking the law. The second creator exitted early. I made this cuz I'm neither of those faggots.

So, you have my word that I'm not gonna crash this for a while, atleast until it's worth substantially more. For whatever that's worth.

>> No.7032765


HODL. We just need more exposure for this.

>> No.7032877

Are you fudding this because you don't have the balls to buy, but you also don't want to miss out?

Truly a sad virgin NEET.

I have 0.5 eth to burn, and theres no better opportunity to make more money right now. If this all goes to shit, then oh well OP is a cocksucker anr I lose a small amount of eth. If it rises I get a significant return. For me it's a no brainer

>> No.7032969

No, I'm FUDing it because I bought into the first two and they were awesome, but this one with 1000 premine coins is bullshit. Its 100 tokens to double, so for the first 10 doublings the dev can wipe out the entire contract at any time. No way I trust any anon that much.

>> No.7033082


I didn't really think that through honestly. I raised the token holdings to 1000, because I thought people would have more faith that I would cash out later.

Lesson learned.

>> No.7033129

there's another one called ponzibase out. bought in at 0.01 eth. still early, at 0.05 now. seems to be losing momentum, but it wasn't a bad idea

>> No.7033200

Gotta get some whales to dump in this too

>> No.7033204


How does the cash out work? Does it automatically cash you out after someone pays into the next round, like CryptoCelebrities? Or is it a reduced cashout until a certain level, like PonziCoin?

>> No.7033270

This guy gets it.
It's like Etheremon. You have a balance. You deposit, earn money with ponzi schemes, then cashout everything whenever you want.

>> No.7033293

spread the word

>> No.7033356

Consider the following: just burn 99% of your tokens.

>> No.7033359


Theres a thread on reddit already, so you can post/upvote that.

>> No.7033379

Where's the guy who put 25 ETH into the first PonziCoin? We need him again.

>> No.7033417


I'd be willing to burn my tokens so that I'm holding 100. The only issue is that the FAQ and code says I created 1000 for myself, so I don't know how many people are actually going to go and check that I've actually burned them

>> No.7033420


link pls

>> No.7033452

even a hundred is too much, you really just don't get why people are annoyed.

>> No.7033603


Yeah I guess I don't, I didn't get burned on the first 2 ponzicoins either cuz I got in early and didn't get greedy. So it's hard for me to understand it from the points of views of people who lost everything.

It's on r/cryptocurrency . I don't want to post the link because then I'm sure they shut down the thread for brigading, but it should be easy to find it.

>> No.7033608


It would still be a good gesture. You currently have enough tokens to liquidate the pot at any time.

>> No.7033666

new ponzibase thread

>> No.7033766

I didn't get burned for the same reason i won't get burned from you.

Change it to 0 if you even want to attempt to make it explode

>> No.7033781

Watch out OP, you might trigger the white knights attacking the German faggot

>> No.7033820


You realise if I burn all of my tokens, I'm going to have to buy my tokens at the 0.04 eth price.

AND the majority of people aren't even smart enough to check that I've burned my tokens.

I've legitimately never heard a more retarded idea.

>> No.7033870

You should really just cash the whole thing out now. It's obvious its not going anywhere from here. I know you wanted to net more than just 3 ETH, but it looks like that's all you get today.

>> No.7033943

You're stupid
This. It's stalling for a reason and that's because people aren't dumb enough to FOMO into your lazy effort, you're clearly a greedy individual just from your writing and people can pick up on it.

Walk away with the 3 eth and consider yourself lucky you got anything at all, you're interaction with people here is the reason financial institutions don't hire emotional neckbeards as their customer support

>> No.7033952


I'm legitimately not cashing out for a while. If it stagnates, so be it.

Things like these work on trust, the reason why so many people are doubting me is because of how retarded the first 2 creators were - they pussied out early.

>> No.7034005


I'm sorry you feel that way.

>> No.7034018

The whole idea of burning tokens is to decrease your own potential profit a little to gain some trust in return, duh.

>> No.7034068

I promise you, cash out now before 3.0 that's all I'll say.

Good luck and goodbye

>> No.7034071


I wouldn't mind burning enough to go to 200 or even 100, he's suggesting i burn them all.

>> No.7034167

50 would be reasonable in my opinion.

That leaves you in the same situation as if you had bought half of the ground floor which is still a massive advantage over everyone else as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.7034217

OP is refusing to cash out his investment, yet you're trying to encourage him?

The only reason you didn't invest is because you're scared that OP will run. But you're actively encouraging just that?

I see a lot of retards on /biz/ but you're special.

>> No.7034250

First creator pussied out, but he didnt sell his premine. He turned off the buy button and everyone panic sold.
Now the second one, everyone just lost confidence that it would double again, and started withdrawing. Once I saw that the founder could wipe out the remaining contract with his premine, I sold.
I have to admit, the current investors seem to have iron hands.

>> No.7034350

By now the other two contracts were in full FOMO.

I'm sorry that you bought into OP's bullshit and now you're desperately trying to defend it so you can cash out or break even, also I'm the retard for not LITERALLY buying into a Ponzi scheme? I'm sorry if i've been here long enough to remember when buying into Ponzi's was considering something to deride not boast proudly.

I see a lot of retards on /biz/ but you're special.

>> No.7034518
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is sad cause bags belong to 5 people mainly (or at least 5 wallets)

>> No.7034534


chil out mark brownstone

>> No.7034608


He literally renamed the site to "scamcoin", who the fuck would buy at that point, after seeing what happened to the other two?

This is the most low-effort shit ever, I'm not surprised it still has under 5 eth in the contract after a few hours.

Sage goes in all fields.

>> No.7034632

I bet more than one of those is OPs. Once 2.0 stalled like this people got scared and were out. He tried to hype his own coin to get it going and its still not going hahahaha

>> No.7034687

We need a ponzi machine, same rules resets
every week

>> No.7034728

(((((((((((hint wait for 3.0 coming soon)))))))))))))

>> No.7034752

So was this ponzi 2.5 then?

>> No.7034767

Literally PonziBase.

>> No.7034783

This was a pajeet that was most likely part of the dev team for 3.0 coming out later today that wanted to try and jump the gun.

>> No.7034791

Everyone needs to cash out NOW. A whale just withdrew 0.7 ETH. The current balance is only 2.56 ETH

>> No.7034819

>0.7 eth
god what a fucking clown fiesta this shit is

>> No.7034827


>> No.7034837
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kek ok OP I'm gonna shoot you .1 ETH since you made me laugh with this

>> No.7034852

No this was plagiarised trash only designed to make the OP money. Don't listen to his lies this is /biz/

I recognise the irony of me telling you this but are you gonna trust the anon pumping his own contract on a website called scamcoin or the anon telling you to just chill a few hours for the 3.0

>> No.7034863

He can take all the money after 10 doublings too, at any point.

>> No.7034867

I see, thanks anon. Been afk all day but I was in 1.0 & 2.0.

If ponzi 3.0 is coming out tonight, do us right and give us a time so we can stay hyping

>> No.7034882
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ScamCoin was disappointing as fuck. Hopefully Ponzo 3.0 will live up to the hype.

>> No.7034886

The original pajeet didnt even withdraw the ETH he put in to get it started.

>> No.7034901
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Time to cash out people

>> No.7034920
File: 203 KB, 1500x850, Winklevoss Twins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whale here, just invested 0.5 ETH

>> No.7034923

yes, because i too want to scam others of their money

>> No.7034944

It's a relative term, do you not understand context?

Are you socially inept in real life as well?

>> No.7034955

If you don't trust this pajeet coin, trust a totally safe open source smart contract that is literally a ponzi scheme ENGINE.
Never ends, and anyone can create more

>> No.7034992

premined coins are BS lol. i trusted the original pajeet because it was clear he was just having a laugh and not going to exitscam with his 200 coins

you guys are insane if you go into this

>> No.7034994

But you're buying into his premade scam that he can Liquidate at any time.

You can even do the math/check the contract itself it's literally emptying as well speak

>> No.7035047


>19 posts

You almost have as many posts as I do and I've been answering questsion/addressing FUD.

I'm not cashing this out until a week from now. If it hits 0 then I lose nothing. But you /biz/tards have my word.

>> No.7035051
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>Implying there is 0.5 ETH total on market to invest
>nice larp

>> No.7035168

Also the original reddit thread got taken down just after it hit the first page.

Which is why it stagnated, a new thread is up.

>> No.7035300

People like you are literally why we can't have nice things.

GJ spreading FUD for literally 0 reason

>> No.7035383

1000 coins premined
nice scam bro

>> No.7035446

Redpill me on 3.0. I was a part of the first ponzicoin and doubled my ETH. I saw the second one but didnt touch it.

So what's the deal with 3.0? Where is it being hyped/shilled?

>> No.7035560

>0 Reason

People like you are why scams exist in the first place.

GJ carrying OP's bags

>> No.7035632

Release is coming very soon. The team working on it saw the issues with 1.0 and 2.0, and we want it to be one that can essentially keep getting shilled over and over again through buy and sell waves.

Be excited, and keep refreshing /biz/ within the next 2 hours. There is no pre-mine. There are dividends. Actual effort is going into this, and I truly believe this is going to be fucking awesome.

Hol up.

>> No.7035676

Oh fuck yes I cant wait.

>> No.7035806
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Fuck yes. FUCK YES.

>> No.7035827

I am going to make 3.0 with no premine. I'm actually going to put in 15 eth myself because I am not a poor faggot like op. I'll be ready in a few days.

>> No.7035874

Can I work on it with you? I just posted the last message but I see you're already doing it.

>> No.7035943

Too late faggot.

>> No.7035988

Make this shit legit. Put a countdown on a Web page and I'll start shilling. The time has come to realize /biz/'s potential

>> No.7036043


Countdown is like 2 hours from now

>> No.7036044
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>> No.7036070

Pre-heat the oven?

>> No.7036078

This isn't the next CoD franchise they can't exactly announce they're officially going to set up a scam.

some of you guys are all right, Browse biz about 3 hours from now

>> No.7036115

If you're not completely done in a maximum of 6 hours I am going live. You have until 930pm EST

>> No.7036218

No, but someone knows exactly what is up here. All I'm saying is, if you throw a count down timer and release it, it's going to explode.

>> No.7036366

literally go on Ponzibase - The dev just made it really cheap to create whatever kind of ponzi you want.

>> No.7036404


>> No.7036458

Nobody is going to buy random ponzi's from a horde of anons just trying to take the money and run. Fucking stupid idea.

You end up with a million different ponzis that don't grow to any level, and when it stalls you have people panic sell WoW GrEAt ScHEmE ED!

>> No.7036526

isn't that what you're all doing with these ponzi coins? At least ponzibase is safe and can't exit scam or dump premined coins. It's a platform for all your needs

>> No.7036567

This. the dev clearly recognised that the problem is that the scam needs to restart to remain solvent for longer wan't competent enough to figure out how to fix it. So now you'll have a hundred scam contracts with .0001 eth in each.

>> No.7036621
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the dev clearly stated that he knew about this problem and that's why there's a fee. Website is basically the whitepaper.

>> No.7036669

That's what most anons are doing but they're too obviously greedy for it to get anywhere. You need a ponzi that'll have no premine, and sustain itself through a bunch of people panic selling.


>> No.7036691

>i want free money in my shitty website

nice explanation

>> No.7036744

Which is literally PonziBase. No premine, no ability for the dev to dump or exit. It's a platform that ensures safety for ponzi schemes.

>> No.7036760


Just came back. Nice to see you're still shilling your trash project.

Atleast copy a UI that doesn't look like your site was created in the 90s

>> No.7036817

How does it prevent the issue of 1000 people creating a ponzi where none of them get anywhere.

>> No.7036885

Stay salty that people are leaving your pajeet dumpcoin.

And nice guess - i'm not the dev. i did however buy the first flagship coin ever sold and made over 3x ROI so of course I'm shilling. I'm waiting for someone to give me a new ponzi to get in on the ground floor.

>> No.7036915


>>i want free money in my shitty website

>nice explanation

As if someone would take the time, effort, and massive legal risk of running a literal Ponzi scheme without the desire to make profit. Ponzibase is fucking garbage but people expecting to get shit for free are fucking delusional. His explanation is perfectly reasonable. If it cost nothing to start a new Ponzi, the site would be flooded with low cost contracts that would dilute the entire platform.

>> No.7036921

See >>7036621
pic related.

>> No.7036956


Read the FAQ dumbass. It costs 0.015 ETH to create a new contract. It's not free.

>> No.7037004


The price is still going up, although nowhere near as quickly as ponzicoin 1 and 2. But that's to be expected.

What about your failed project?

>> No.7037063

>All of the features, without the weak hands.

How does your contract protect against everyone just dumping may I ask?

>> No.7037106

see >>7036885

How long before you up and dump your premined shit on everyone like you did in 2.0?

>> No.7037107

why cant i sell this shit i tried different gas prices it just is stuck at pending

>> No.7037146
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>> No.7037152


It doesn't. it's literally the same as ponzicoin 1 and 2, except I premined more coins.

Kinda regretting that decision seeing as it's just made people doubt me more.

>> No.7037199


> Kinda regretting that decision seeing as it's just made people doubt me more.


>> No.7037229

The reason people doubt you is the fact that you have 1,000 tokens and can literally liquidate the contract completely before anybody takes a cent.

>> No.7037232

I didn't make 2.0, I actually put effort into copying the site correctly and adding a few more things.
Also If I was gonna dump, I would have done it already, all the FUD has slowed down gains massively.

Yes, I've also mentioned it in the FAQ. I've made no effort to conceal it.


IDK if you're just FUD'ing or what, but you literally haven't created a transaction. We'd be able to see it if it was pending

>> No.7037263

I want to- make money not lose money so will this coin make me money? I'm poor and looking for risky shit high reward

>> No.7037278

Oh man a scammer playing the victim

"Abloooo why do people doubt me I mistakingly set aside 1000 coins for myself I never intended to profit or dump on everyone this isn't fair why don't people believe me ;__;"

>> No.7037306


Fuck me, it's absolutely tiring dealing with you retards.

>> No.7037310

not trying to fud i hit sell on the website to test sell some and hit submit on transaction and it does nothing haha

>> No.7037331

A thread is going up on 3.0 very soon to get people hyped up.

You started browsing at the right time.

>> No.7037345
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Apparently legit Ponzi 3.0 will be released in a few hours. I am F5ing right now to catch it right as it starts.

>> No.7037373

Whats ponzi 3.0?

>> No.7037380

Shouldn't have called your shit scamcoin then.

>> No.7037459


Yeah if it's legit then I am also getting in on that

Post your address, I haven't changed the code and people have already sold some of their coins. So it shouldn't be an issue

>> No.7037543

Good news. A thread with the ETA and explanation of 3.0 will be released soon to make sure you guys know the exact moment it becomes available and are ready. The real thing will likely go live in around 1 hours, yeah.

>> No.7037605

finally someone listens to me, thank you guys for your efforts. im looking at you, guy who did all the work and listened

>> No.7037654

gods have heard you and are delivering thanks for your prayer anon

>> No.7037721
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clicked submit does nothing

>> No.7037786
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youre welcome.

>> No.7037910


I'm not sure. I sold 0.001 to check, it works for me.


>> No.7038072


If you're actually serious, then link that shit here.

>> No.7038378

im retarded had to cancel other tx

>> No.7038762



>> No.7038830

Looks like its over boys. Should have taken my advice, you had all the time in the world to cash out...