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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7028296 No.7028296 [Reply] [Original]


you guys are over saturating the market with shit.

If there are only a few hundred coins you will get more moon missions. Crytpo market is going to move sideways because everyone is too spread out


>> No.7028408


> collectivism of any kind in biz

It's the wild west right now, everyone is out for themselves with no regulation

>> No.7028468

crypto will be gaining less and less because it will be spread out, meaning the market will dry up, meaning it will no longer be the wild west because everyone is retarded faggots.

>> No.7028585

this. like what am i supposed to buy right now?

>> No.7028701

read white papers, buy into technology that is going to solve problems and change the future. Don't chase coins if you don't know what to fuckin buy.

>> No.7028725

everyone is trying to pump their shit bags, it's getting out of control, when there was only like 5 coins getting pumped here that is when all the gains where happening, now everyone is just pumping out shit and you can get may 10% gains in a day, there used to be 100% gainers every fucking day, 500% in a week, not anymore because everyone is spread out and not focusing

It's getting retarded and if it keeps going it'll all come to an end because of all these shit coins being pumped out.

>> No.7028773


The most technologically revolutionary alt coin was Peercoin, it was the first proof of stake coin and look where it is today, no one gives a shit. Hodling on fundamentals is a meme.

>> No.7028866

i don't think you understand what i am saying. There is $600,000,000 in crypto market spread out to 1500 different cryptos. If there where only 600 different cryptos with the same $600,000,000 you will have alot better action in the market.

Who the fuck cares about fundamentals right now? they're all just for trading to most people

>> No.7028897

It's not that easy anymore, but still possible to make insane gains in this market. I called XRP , EMC2 and SYS. 2 out of 3 went on 1000%+. Just know which coins to take and avoid all ICO's. Chances of them being retarded and overhyped is pretty much 100%.

>> No.7028911


What are you 12? Welcome to reality retard. Everyone shits and people die everyday. We aren't going to prop up the market for each other, in fact for someone to make it, someone else has to buy his bags. There are winners and losers, do whatever you can to win

>> No.7029027

id like to keep the gravy train rolling. Making a bunch of new shit is only slowing down the crypto market, when the crypto market slows down normies are gunna "huurr durr told you it's a scam" and never buy in.

We need the normies to be attracted to making massive gains, if there aren't any massive gains in the market anymore they aren't going to come, we need them to come to bring in more money.

tl;dr not attracting normies is a bad thing.

>> No.7029160

You get it. The shitcoins are essentially hyperinflation to the market and will dilute the prices of the good projects. That in turn will decrease normie / investor interest on the market. That in turn will cause the market to sink since big returns is the only thing crypto has.

>> No.7029199

'tragedy' of the commons
more like tragedy of dumbfucks with no vision, morals or skills, but meh

>> No.7029204

I never invest in shitcoin roulette.

>> No.7029276

Why should they stop?
>no meddlesome regulators
>no centralized objective
This is just crypto being better than fiat.

>> No.7029342

>Why should they stop?
because when cryptos start making only 2%-5% a day with the occasional 100% in a day you may aswell trade stocks.

The big reason alot of people are going to crypto is for the big gains, take those gains away and they'll go somewhere else, meaning less money flowing into crypto market.

>> No.7029401

It would actually be good if people stopped playing get rich quick with crypto and allowed it to become a stable currency.
Day traders are fucking cancer. You skim off the top of the economy without contributing sweet fuck all.

>> No.7029407

Nah people here have been pretty bro tier for the most part

Helping fellow /bizraelis/ at the expense of the rest of the world is preferable

You just have to get good at ignoring shills

>> No.7029444

>zero sum
The whole theoretical reason behind the explosion of growth is that these technologies are creating blvalurm it's only the wild west because nobody knows how the chips will fall

The only time it's zero sum is day trading and retards getting scummazzed

>> No.7029459

then how would you attract new money into the market if it isn't a get rich quick type of situation?

Thats why most people have been flocking to the crypto market, without new money flowing in crypto will die off.

>> No.7029498

Daytraders increase liquidity dumbass

Most of them lose anyway