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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7027583 No.7027583 [Reply] [Original]

enough is enough.
when will /biz/ finally show the flag for pajeet shitposters?

>> No.7027611

Bumping for flags


>> No.7027641

flags pls

>> No.7027742

They don't need flags as it's easy enough to spot them. They need to be banned due to the sheer amount of spam they bring here.

>> No.7027758

I'm pretty sure literal Indians are less than 1% of all 4chan visitors.
Almost everyone here is a pajeet for his coins.

>> No.7027765


>> No.7027767

they'll just use VPNs dude.

most of the link shills i baited into clicking sites i saw were using VPNs of some kind, few were indian still lel.

>> No.7027778

hi i'm from india. ama

>> No.7027803

Translate my sentence into Hindu now, you faggot.

>> No.7027821

>they'll just use VPNs dude
Mostly false, they shill here because is absolutely free, adding any amount of cost to their operations and they would fuck off somewhere else. Just one month of VPN would be like a 12 months of wage in shitland

>> No.7027822


Mods are clearly Pajeets.

>> No.7027998

मेरी सजा का हिंदू में अनुवाद करो, तुम बहुत हो

>> No.7028068

Don't know if you used Google Translate so instead answer to my post on /pol/ and link that post here.

>> No.7028091


lol so true, they are total cheap skates. tighter than a jew.

>> No.7028101
File: 94 KB, 494x700, highlighting_the_skirt_04-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk is cheap, provide facts, prove it!

>> No.7028262


>> No.7028297
File: 2.42 MB, 1280x720, pajeets.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7028928

how do we filter out all pajeets? Please, I can't take this cancer anymore. Indians are fucking scum of the earth.

>> No.7029338

Ah, the deluded Anglo scum always blaming a practically non existent group on 4chan. Face it. Your filth is 60% of /biz/, while everyone else is 0 to 5%. You are your enemy but it's easier to whine about people who aren't here. They won't talk back after all.

>> No.7029437

>neet.tv users by country
They track what country users that go through THEIR site are from you deluded fuck

>> No.7029825

gib flags

>> No.7029845

white stupid mobius win big try not bag stink link am not lie