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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7026095 No.7026095 [Reply] [Original]

Search vechain 4chan thread topics from November and December and you will see the turds predicting it reaching 15-25$ by the end of January
Look at it now

It gets small boosts with unimaginably large dips

It would be fine for a coin to have a drop if it went up 100% in a day
But ven only goes 20-40 on average and then drops 30-35 basically extreme shit movement

Before shills come in and tell me about it’s long term growth

Gtfo here
We are talking about short term growth just like most of its competitors have got.

>> No.7026132

Do you ever ask yourself why you’re bitching about this? Just go buy something else, Jesus christ

>> No.7026189

Literally everyone is talking about BZC right now faggot.

>> No.7026215

Beginning of the month: 2.25
End of the month: ~10
eat a dick

>> No.7026261
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>> No.7026280

>OP is too much of a brainlet to see that on balance, it goes up much more than it goes down or else it wouldn't have appreciated in value so much over the past months.

>> No.7026462

I cant believe i was suckered into this coin. Its become obvious its only gonna hit 30-50 this year. Im better off riding moonshots and low mcap coins. All these delusional idiots thinking its getting 100+ fomoed me into it

>> No.7026654

Agreed anon. This chinkcoin will just bleed to death while eth goes to 10k.

>inb4 muh thor