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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 41 KB, 194x199, Just+look+at+him+season+7+with+that+smug+look+_8850b533bdf2fc7a9bcdde40a4f5a7a7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7022583 No.7022583 [Reply] [Original]

I can't mine. But I can code.

Let's make a Crypto. Send me your idea.

>> No.7022615

Crypto for livestream donations?
Crypto for poor people?
Crypto for adult entertainment?
Crypto for buying games?
Crypto for...

>> No.7022627

Since FemToken already exists...
You're welcome

>> No.7022638

..your mom. Your "ideas" are bullshit and don't require any new coin.

>> No.7022643

store prisoners on the block chain

>> No.7022649

A universal crypto for everything.
It's called, UNI coin.

>> No.7022669
File: 50 KB, 564x564, unicorn-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A coin for the LGBT community.


>> No.7022676



Jews on the blockchain.

>> No.7022698

lol im bi gift me some and i'll shill the fuck out of it

>> No.7022800
File: 45 KB, 576x357, IMG_20180126_161014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's make money off them

>> No.7022861


since coin and crypto. get it?
you just merge the words.

>> No.7022925

Wine crypto, each wine bottle gets a number, as the wine get traded, you can track where it has been.
This would especially be useful for older wines - but less expensive, where there has been dispute about storage. If you don't store the wine properly, the quality of the wine can significantly decrease and it can become worthless.
I was thinking one could have a trading platform, where individual people could buy and sell wine, perhaps with a rating system, the sellers and buyers would have to give up their real name, so they can only have one account and any "harsh" comment could stick for life.

I had a similiar thought about a decentralized bull-semen site, where you could buy and sell bull semen - this is meant unironically. An individual farmer, could then easily order some bull semen from another farmer, and potentially increase the milk production of the next generations of cows.

>> No.7022978


Emission randomly changes from 1% to 100% a year and sometimes there's a coin burn

>> No.7022998

And you can't mine it. It randomly appears in any wallet

>> No.7023044

>decentralized bull-semen site, where you could buy and sell bull semen
Why is this a thing that is in dire need of decentralization?

>> No.7023068

Fork old school runescape and change gp to crypto

>> No.7023070
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I think you could indeed make an Africa coin, make it have a website with black panthers and shit. Pretend like you're a black scientist from Uganda or something. Done right easy money.

>> No.7023125
File: 3 KB, 90x90, 778fa28e-df3f-439d-ab69-fcd692ecac25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitchcoin - coin for THOTS. Rent prostitutes with Bitchcoin.

>> No.7023147

cut out the middle man, will make it more affordable, which would increase the financial incentive for smaller farms to increase the genetic quality of his cows.
I also think that the decentralized could be a good way to increase the amount of bull semen on the market - which further could reduce the cost (supply/demand).

>> No.7023182

Already on cryptopia


>> No.7023187

Exactly. And when you look at black people on twitter for instance, they're always trying to support black owned businesses. Just find some black people stock photos, create an ico and steal a whitepaper, no one will read it anyway. Then, exit scam. Easy 10-100k.

>> No.7023264

Empowering niggers through crypto is like investing in Ripple.

>> No.7023316

respect points

each token represents the amount of respect you get from people.
Use proof of stake on this

>> No.7023319

You mean putting your hands in shit but still a good way to make money at some point?

>> No.7023329

Yescoin, anything anyone asks about the coin. It does it. Masternodes? Yes. Cheap masternodes? Yes. Will it make me rich? Yes.

>> No.7023371

... none of that will happen, and I think you understand why.

>> No.7023410

thats the joke you stupid cunt

>> No.7023426

a token that let's you walk out of the store with 15 milky ways unnoticeable

>> No.7023437

theres actually something similar but legit in the works.

>> No.7023565
File: 8 KB, 273x185, 125890372156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a support engineer in Healthcare IT and was wondering if there could be a way to utilize crypto for healthcare incentives. Maybe as some kind of reward for insurance companies to give with regular checkups/self-pay overpayment of BOs across encounters.
Insurance companies would hold for profits lowering the cost of care and patients would use for copays even after switching health plans.

I'd call it HLTH
Good idea? Bad idea? Let me know.

If you steal it please send me shitcoins or include me somehow.


>> No.7023596

A coin that helps with welfare distribution. We call it the AID dollar or simply AID$.

>> No.7023605

So you mean like MedChain and MedBloc?

>> No.7023675

BrentCoin/Brentium/Brentos (BRENT)
A token that is tied to the price of oil

>> No.7023738

I just coded a binance trader bot yesterday, was pretty fun

>> No.7023750

Coin for the white man. Proof of DNA. No pajeets, chinks, or niggers.

>> No.7023781

Damn, honestly didn't know about these...

After reading medblock it looks like shit, I doubt would fly with all the phi laws in place unless you live in a 3rd world shithole.

MedChain sounds extremely vague but focusing on clinical side rather than financial from what I can tell. This might leave some room for a PM crypto solution.

>> No.7023786

Make Ponzicoin 3.0 for easy gains

>> No.7023971

A coin that always shorts Bitcoin.

I'm submitting all my good ass ideas to be voted on by the DCorp shareholders

>> No.7023985

now you can literally give fucks

>> No.7024024

Something we can mine with our cellphones >>7022615

>> No.7024093

Fuck Token already exists

>> No.7024136

nothing wrong with a rip-off coin

>> No.7024502

MedChain is shit, I wanted to write MediChain actually. I wanted to buy into it but then decided against. This is their website: https://medichain.online/

Project looks really interesting and I can see this being used in the future. However I do not see any potential in the coin / token being used. If you read the whitepaper, it's a lot of interesting things and use cases for the blockchain, however the token itself is only used in a rather small portion of the project.

I might buy some MedBloc for pump and dump, it's still low market cap and there were some nice pumps before

>> No.7024542

mine is more of a shitcoin
it's just for the lulz

>> No.7024619

How about a token that is:

-limited supply
-coin burn
-platform for dapps
-actually a premined shitcoin that you make a killing from

>> No.7024670

/biz/ really needs to shill it. I mean with the amount of fags here it will moon 20x at least.

>> No.7024744


>> No.7024766

Just have fucking master nodes and boom, you're guaranteed at least a million dollars. Partner with John McAfee

>> No.7024794

Put final estates on the blockchain

>> No.7024806

Yeah I'm sure it's great for pump and dump which is all good but the concept itself is ridiculous.

>Our technology has no single point of failure, as all the data is distributed between an unlimited number of machines, even across geographical boundaries - while actually increasing performance and being encrypted.

As """""""secure""""""" as it may be there is no way clinical/financial patient data will ever be distributed in this way with current/future regulation and the government already giving millions in tax breaks to hospitals and clinics for utilizing certified HIT companies to house phi onsite. We can't even send patient data from one logical domain to another, how would they possibly hope to send outside the country?

I'd still think shilling coins to insurance companies may have some practical use, but this idea just sounds dumb to me.

>> No.7024831

Or if it's not been done animal genomes for like high end horses and breeds of dogs and shit

>> No.7024833

XRB (no fees, instant TXs) and private (like XMR)
if this ever comes to life it will be no doubt in the top 3

>> No.7024888

Or a coin mined though surveys where you use the coin to buy datasheets from surveys. Probs been done though, everythings been done that's obvious

>> No.7025415

Enigma already exists

>> No.7025456

No need for it's own token, just use something that already exists, like ETH or Bounty0x. I think that was what GEMS was aiming for before everyone saw through the pajeet money grab

>> No.7025818


Works on the same principle as Po.et but for memes.

>> No.7026184

I have a really nice idea.
Basically, a centralized crypto. No mining involved. Basically, you buy coins for X amount of USD, then you actually make a promise to scam the masses...
I know it sounds retard, but here me out:

>Sell 1 coin for 1 dollar
>There is literally no benefit to buying the coin at this moment; it's basically a donation at this point, but you get a digital wallet.
>sell the currency as an alternative to the state, to hook the ancaps; a method of donating to research and science, to the nerds, helps people pay bills who are confirmed "contributors" to society, and to fund green projects like better solar cells and wind turbines.
>In time the coin is divorced from the USD, and the inflation is used to pay for those things (Green, science, social programs, etc)
>Promise people that they can withdraw their money (in USD) whenever they want, but accounted for inflation.
>When enough hipsters buy into the idea, it becomes its own stable market, and raises in value simply because of its value as an actual currency.
>The market would essentially be more stable than the bitcoin market, due to how it fundamentally works.
>And since it doesn't inflate at the rate of data mining, someone with a quantum computer can't just get millions of dollars by mining.

>> No.7026444

Make a cryptocats game except its rare pepe and wojaks.. instead of breeding you open a pack of "cards"... the pack of cards contains a random google image somehow derived from the transaction hash... you then have to paste a pre selected image of pepe or wojak into the google image it gives you... you can resize/tweak it as necessary to make it look right and then it gets saved on the blockchain... It'd be the real rare pepe shit not that crap pepecash

>> No.7026636

Smart contracts on the XRB block-lattice.

Fuck all the dumb shit, let's be billionaires bro.

>> No.7026707

I thought XRB wanted to do one thing and one thing well. It's all types of fucked as is it is.

>> No.7026828

Nope, it's running smooth as butter now.


It's happening.

>> No.7027103

>still able to be ddos'd for chump change

>> No.7027145

The Fabia coin, or, the "goddess" coin (GOD). Should support a platform for free and unrestricted movement of data.

>> No.7027392

You’d have to call it a BLACK paper and say this crypto is NOT for the white devils.

Throw up some Farrakhan and X quotes, nothing by King.

>> No.7027873
File: 274 KB, 843x843, 26653375_10213129518944907_1726212634_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto that smart contracts people's wages their employer so they can't be skimmed or jewed by employees trying to cut wages/corners or cancelling work/salary contracts.

>> No.7027931


>> No.7028524


For buying and selling guns and poison or something deadly like that