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7020633 No.7020633 [Reply] [Original]

I observed crypto from last November to now and am ready to jump in into it with 1k$, since the correction seems to be over.

In November I didn't have money, but wanted to throw money into HST and LUX, since they seemed good product with great transparent teams and I've followed them and some other projects.

Obviously I've missed a lot of gains since then, but now that I have money to invest into, I want to throw money into something as undervalued again. Are there any comfy low market cap coins with low supply and transparent/good team/product like these two were.

I know UFR is shilled here day and night, but it seems to be able to go the same route. AIX also looks good.

If anyone has something to shill given my criteria, go ahead, I'll look into it.

>> No.7020671

Literally everyone is talking about BZC right now faggot.

>> No.7020694

Dude, you fucking missed the biggest bullrun by not investing in November. You could've been in anything and had x20 or more right now. Should've sold your grandma or something. There are no big moons right now.

>> No.7020750


I'm not too concerned. Crypto has a long way to go, even though there is a lot of FUD, but that's only on /biz/ since 95% are retarded on here.

There will be much bigger bull runs in future, no matter what your average /biz/tard believes.

>> No.7020863

Dude, sorry for the news but it's over. See, the market was waiting for you, literally you, to buy in so the massive sell-off could begin. And here you are. Congratulations. That makes you special.

>> No.7021025
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>Crypto has a long way to go
Yeah, like 11 months left til it all collapses.

>> No.7021091


Nah, this is actually only /biz/ mentality that is brainwashed by /biz/ FUDers. Crypto Market has only just began, even though all the normies jumped in also.

Please don't let the thread derail, I didn't make it to discuss crypto market and its potential for growth.

>> No.7021478

3/8 b8

>> No.7021500

>no arguments

>> No.7021581

Crypto has already peaked, only thing keeping it alive is tether. Just go into google trends and type in bitcoin, it looks awfully similar to the way the BTC price chart looks now.

Only thing that can save crypto is a BTC bull run to 50k, and I don't see that happening.

>> No.7021604

Do you honestly think crypto has no future use?
Compare it to the tech boom, crypto isnt even used anywhere yet. It can only go up

>> No.7021661


Look guys, you have your belief, I have mine belief about future of crypto. I didn't create this thread to discuss that, I made it to find some good young projects that's all. I can afford to lose this money, so even if you are right and crypto goes down, so be it. But please don't act like a 12 year old kid when someone has different opinion about something. This was not created for discussion of potential crypto market cap.

>> No.7021690

because there are no real use cases u fucking retarded monkey.

after nearly 10 years all the coins are still useless. this wont change.

>> No.7021766
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Okay here's a tip. Watch RKC for a couple of days and wait for it to drop to around 2-4000 sats (it will). Buy asap then sell on the inevitable huge bounce. You will double your money. Thank me later.

>> No.7021787

>I observed crypto from last November
KEK literally missed the biggest bull market in the history of mankind. Might as well kys.

>> No.7021912


I should kill myself for not investing into something I knew very little about at the time and learned about in my free time?

How old are you edgelord?


Seems interesting and also bottomed out currently, might actually be a good buy. Announcements also coming. I'll keep an eye on it, but there is no info on team/whitepaper so I'm not really betting on it currently.

>> No.7021930 [DELETED] 
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>thinking anyone cares why you posted
this is now an asian gril thread

>> No.7021979


Yeah, not all people waste their free time on internet being a tough edgelord to people that seek help/guidance.

But good for you, if it makes you happy I guess. Eventually you will grow out of this phase where you are an internet edgelord, right?

>> No.7022039

>how old are you
>the spacing
rebbit is that way, faggot

>> No.7022049

similar situation to you OP, I would look into UFR, DNA, ELLA as far as low mcap with big potential. That is if things pick back up. (I personally think they will)

>> No.7022105

UFR is the last thing you should put your money into.

>> No.7022159

nah, don't like reddit.

UFR looks solid, but the only thing putting me away from it is the oriented pajeet shilling that goes on around it. There's a group on discord that is shilling it 24/7. Really fucking hate that.

DNA is meh, had it's bump already. ELLA seems interesting however.

>> No.7022255

>still red*it spacing
Sure you don't. Try harder next time you make another shitty thread.

>> No.7022277
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I think pic related suits you quite well.

>> No.7022435
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>> No.7022568

>imagine unironically being this red*it
Fuck off cancer.

>> No.7022661

buy capp you subhuman piece of reddit tier shit

>> No.7022755

You stupid niggers need to see the bigger picture instead of looking at green and red numbers. Research the white papers, GET involved, make a fucking cool project using the coin. If you make something cool with the technology, you won't moon on just the coin, you'll moon on every possible level.