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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7019491 No.7019491 [Reply] [Original]

I let my gf put money in
I started with $350 of my own money and let her put in $350 our joint money plus another $400 from profits from shitcoins I thought it would be fun and more efficient with 2 minds researching and finding gems
Then shit hit the fan when the market crashed, bought APPC at $4
I saw the market crashing and wanted to sell into BnB before we lost too much, was only down $50 at the point of me wanting to sell
She said no we hold, I said hodle is a fucking meme, it's alright if you buy in low or in a well established coin, this is just some pajeet tier coin that's going to get fucking executed.
We lost $600
I spend all my time researching coins
She watches altcoin biz in the mornings
I get so fucking angry everyday for the past week thinking about it
Got to the point that I told her she was out, she doesn't researching anything and doesn't know what a stop loss is or market crash shitcoin evac procedures
Past hour has been a fucking nightmare,she demanded the $350 of our money back and doesn't understand the concept of it being gone, it doesn't fucking exist anymore, her buyout would be like $70 now
Then she wanted all of it, after tell her to go fuck herself multiple times we broke up
She eventually gave up and told me to just keep it
4 years of my life down the drain with $600

Don't fucking invest with people Biz
I should have just never left 4chan, trying to be a normie sucks, I was much happier as a Neet shitposting on 4chan all day

>> No.7019538

wtf $600
go work at mcdonalds a week and you have the money again LOL

>> No.7019542

Honestly sounds like she was just looking for an easy out to get with a chad she met.

>> No.7019543
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Nice blogpost.
Time to hang out with Sayori!

>> No.7019563

Are you from a third world country?

>> No.7019571

Hey Raquesh, this is why you don't involve women in investing

>> No.7019611

sad pajeet with his ex-pajeeta gf.


>> No.7019631

Don't let emotion get involved in your investment.

>invest with gf

>> No.7019667

I've wasted more getting fucking plastered on a night out, you will recover.

>> No.7019729

>working high stress jobs
dude trading is literally the worst job for a woman. the fact that you could lose all your money at anytime is too stressful for most people. wtf were you thinking?

>> No.7019738

investing and trading cryptos is like fight club, you dont ever talk about it

>> No.7019797

you werent investing with her. You got too hype and fucking shilled her into starting without warning her. It's your fault. My gf and I are both invested in crypto and she knows 100% the money could literally be gone as soon as we woke up, thats why you DONT INVEST WHAT YOU CAN LOSE. also they need to understand the risks.

>> No.7019816
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why involve a woman with finances?
for the love of god why involve her in high risk gambling crypto?
It wasn;t meant to be. Live and learn.

>> No.7019844
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1 day

>> No.7020015

I'm a 27 yr old autist that can't hold down a job longer then a 2 weeks
No I'm an ausfag, cost of living here is fucking ridiculous
Why weren't you guys talking about crypto a few years ago, every second post was knee pads Kek

I don't know what I feel more down about
Losing a 4 year relationship
Or not having money for crypto anymore, I was pushing shit up hill trying to make it with 1k, $400 I might as well go play pokies

Good luck /biz/bros
Hopefully you all make it before this whole thing shits the bed

>> No.7020086

600 dollars? You never had a chance.

>> No.7020132

this has got to be the stupidest thing i've read on /biz/.

>> No.7020217
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>Trusting your significant other your your finances

>> No.7020270
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>I'm a 27 year old autist that can't hold down a job longer than two weeks

Have you considered that might be the root of the problem, and why a $600 loss was so devastating? Fuck man, I'm 25 and work a low tier job but even I can handle a 5-600 loss.

Seriously if you can't hold down a job at 27 that should give you serious pause for thought and prompt some kind of inner meditation.

>> No.7020298

You fuckin homo I'm from Australia too and if you can't afford rent in a nice suburb and a nice car you're the problem

>> No.7020316

>I'm a 27 year old autist that can't hold down a job longer than two weeks
Why are you in crypto again? Hoping to get rich with spare change? Better invent a time machine then buddy.

>> No.7020322

Stop being a cuck. $600 is pennies. Tell her you’re sorry, not a big deal in the long run bro.

>> No.7020329

stop being a logical adult

>> No.7020336
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>breaking up over $600 dollars
What is wrong with you fucks? If i had a girlfriend i cared for, i wouldnt break up even over a 200 k

>> No.7020362

Here’s some advice: you’re trading too much.

With 600 it’s probably smartest to buy one good coin and hodl. Or try and buy some ETH and go all in on an ico.

I have lots of friends who start with a few grand and then try and become a millionaire instantly and end up making lots of trades in to lots of different shitcoins and then get bored or lose money and sell low. Who knows. Next week APPC could be $20 and you’ll look like idiots. But making more than 1 trade a month with $600 is suicidal.

>> No.7020384

I get $500 a fortnight, after rent I'm lucky to be able to afford nice noodles

>> No.7020444

NEVER have joint accounts on anything that has the potential to fuck you over anon, WTF

I bought some btc for my gf, set her up with a wallet and left it there for her. She asked numerous times to get her into alts and not being a brainlet, I REFUSED to do it and explained the risk of losing all her bitcorns.

Me personally, I'm comfy with 2/3 of my folio in LINK.

>> No.7020515

you should have just lied to her and given her some garbage scam tokens on etherdelta

>> No.7020724

Try harder loser. Every job I've ever gotten they've never asked for references, I used to work in retail and the boyfriend of this girl I worked with told me to just make up a resume and dress sharp in the interview. Now I have a 120k job in the city in Sydney and I'm younger than you. There are literally no consequences but sometimes the work is hard, just apply for sales or management jobs and watch YouTube tutorials

>> No.7020802

I'm 27 and have never had a job before and just last week I started a casual job at a warehouse. $20 (AUD) an hour. Try that maybe.

>> No.7020853

HODL isn't a meme, it just doesn't happen over a 4 week time period you impatient millenial scum.

Check on it in 6 months and see who is more right - you who wants to sell at a loss like some bitch, or your alpha girlfriend who understands that buying high and selling low is a strategy for retards.

>> No.7020959

>emotionally attached to money
>lets gf make financial decisions
>thinks hodling is a meme to justify selling low
>only risks $700

I honestly can't tell if this is bait or OP is retarded.

>> No.7021012

Where ya live m8
I get 32 with a fork license

>> No.7021029

This anon is right, sry breh

>> No.7021087


did you fugg often?

>> No.7021112


In this situation, what would you do?

IMO its a pride thing, not a money thing. She's acting irrational. Giving into her irrationality both validates her and (possibly) perpetuates the problem

>> No.7021170

Dont go all in like wtf

>> No.7021295
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say who fucking cares, its just $600, lets work together to raise more money next time because we love eachother?

>> No.7021318

Probably a retard

>> No.7021387

You have broke up over $600 dollars... that's half of a monthly salary ffs