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File: 37 KB, 750x500, tether.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7016870 No.7016870 [Reply] [Original]

Who else clenching their butthole waiting for the crash?
>went 100% ETH
>put it on Bitstamp
>watching twitter and charts like a hawk
>ready to sell it all for USD as soon as doomsday begins

>> No.7016909

I'm watching closely

As soon as it starts dropping on FIAT exchanges and rising on USDT ones, I'm immediately getting the fuck out.

Right now it's pumping like crazy on USDT exchanges and only rising slightly on FIAT ones.

>> No.7016970

I have a x20 short on tether so feeling comfy.

>> No.7016987
File: 1.13 MB, 1080x1350, Sv3wKBH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>went 100% ETH
Would you mind putting that in tard speak mate? Not sure I follow.

>> No.7017000


>> No.7017003

>10% up in a day
>rising slightly

try again, fag

>> No.7017012

>he holds tether
top cuck

>> No.7017023

OP probably means that he converted all his shitcoins into ETH and sent them to Bitstamp, ready to convert into fiat.

>> No.7017035

All my portfolio. I exchanged every alt I had for Ethereum. Then I transferred all that Ethereum to Bitstamp, where I can exchange it for actual US dollars if shit goes down.

>> No.7017078


Thanks mate, but being the mong that I am I responded to the wrong post. Meant to quote >>7016909

>> No.7017106

Never held Tether. Your reading comprehension might not be as good as you think it is.

>> No.7017230

Are you also on a fiat exchange, ready to pull the trigger?

>> No.7017401

bump faggots, this is important

>> No.7017429

it's a larp retard

>> No.7017463
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>> No.7017480

What's a larp. What are you even talking about.

>> No.7017485

Leave and never come back

>> No.7017489

perfect body
brb moving to malaysia

>> No.7017492
File: 44 KB, 358x262, ttring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will witness the greatest pink wojaking in history

>> No.7017538

I'm not asking "what a larp is" you idiot. I'm asking what he thinks is a larp.

>> No.7017615

how's doomsday coming along you dumb fuck

>> No.7017800

Keep being smug.

>> No.7017839
File: 415 KB, 220x217, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>though he was fudding he actually believes doomsday is coming

>> No.7018597

If it's gonna happen, they gonna exit when everyone in NA is sleeping. This is only the Europe FUD. wait till burgers wake up

>> No.7018724

I am waiting since July. Bitfinexed told ne it would implode multiple times from now and that's the reason why i made zero gains in crypto since July. I am still sitting in FIAT and waiting for it. I will wait forever and ever. Soon? Right?

>> No.7018806

>I am waiting since July. Bitfinexed told ne it would implode multiple times from now and that's the reason why i made zero gains in crypto since July. I am still sitting in FIAT and waiting for it. I will wait forever and ever. Soon? Right?
you cant never predict exact timing a bubble collapses
take bitconnect for example

>> No.7018867

You could easily time bitconnect. Ponzi schemes always implode in the first big correction. Dezember and early Jan were ATH highs for everything and you are not able to sustain gains in such a correction.

Tether is nothing like a ponzi scheme. But i am still waiting, because bitfinexed told me so. Wasn't he sued by bitfinex and the won? Pretty sure he is objective :)

>> No.7019081

>Tether is nothing like a ponzi scheme
nah the idea is essentially the same
tether owners can't cash out unless new people keep bringing real cash to cash exchanges
we just keep dodging this bullet again and again because not enough people want to cash out

>> No.7019273

You just imply and think that they can cash out. This is a bit conspiracy, nothing else. Backed with literally nothing.

Bitconnect was an obvious ponzi scheme with a referral pyramide system.

>Basicly the same
This is the absolute state of tether FUD

>> No.7019355

do you faggots really not use bitUSD?

>> No.7019382

You guys need to chill the fuck out. Coincheck was hacked for $500m USD, bigger than Mt.Gox, and 1/4 the current marketcap of USDT and nothing happened to the market.

Huge exchanges like Binance use USDT you think they won't have $2b if somehow USDT crashes?

>> No.7019389

>implying tether scheme is not obious
>doesn't know difference between essentially and basically
absolute state of biz

>> No.7019418

400 coordinated fud posts about tether... pajeeted again bois

>> No.7019498
File: 167 KB, 600x574, 1516528084178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


... nobody knows whats up with the faggots @ Bitfinex they might've been hacked 100times over, or partners gotten the fuck out ... >


>> No.7019517

$500m of nem was stolen from coin check
who gives a fuck about nem?
if they stole all the doge it would have bigger impact

>Huge exchanges like Binance use USDT you think they won't have $2b if somehow USDT crashes?
$2b of what? exchanges like binance doesn't have fiat gateways so why would they even give a fuck about having anything

>> No.7019534


totally not related to the info if you stick your head a few inches out of your asshole

>> No.7019547

>BTC is rising
>like clockwork, tether fud threads proliferate

>> No.7019645

>btc is up $500 after weeks of falling
>BTC is rising hurr durr

>> No.7019649

This tether LARP is fucking old now. Fuck off faggot

>> No.7019654


>> No.7019672

LOL you think Binance just holds everything in crypto? You think everyone is more retarded than you already are or something?

>> No.7019812

yeah they hold their profits in cash
but you are retarded if you think they will use them if anything goes south

>> No.7019937

>92 cents

>> No.7020374

>Implying Bitfinex wouldn't prolong their profits by keeping tether afloat

>> No.7020586
File: 437 KB, 5186x2029, 1515013366579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but will be on Kraken.

>> No.7021037

I have your XLM keys - why did you sell?

>> No.7021068

Spoiler: not really.
You're a good dude

>> No.7021088


It amazes me that you are copypastaing my post from yesterday. Good job anon, keep up the good work

>> No.7021891

The market won't crash on its own even with the self fulfilling prophecy so the only risk is finex/tether being retarded. Stress silently please

>> No.7022087
File: 36 KB, 960x640, 960x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sold into a stablecoin last night before bed

i think a lot of people are going to sell, at least until the situation resolves itself.

i dunno, why wait until you know whats going on, by the time the news arrives it will drop like a rock.
>buy the rumour sell the news
in this case its
>sell the rumour or get raped when the news drops

but hey, whatever.

even if this whole thether thing blows over i'm still expecting a dip i can buy into. but i was expecting that dip last night and it went from 10.5k to 10.9k so what do i know

just wait for the morning american panic sell today when they read the rumours

likely we wont get the news till monday i guess. tether and bittfinex offices closed for the weekend. but come monday they cant pretend not to be open anymore and they're gonna have some splaining to do